If I can give my two cents, I would say this movie has fantastic music, cinematography and fight scenes with a fairly average plot (not a nonsensical over the top action movie plot by any means, just kinda predictable) and decent characterisation for its leads. Charlize Theron in particular is wonderful as always.
As noted by telamon, Delphine dies, though so do half the other named characters. I know some people where upset by this- the whole "Bury your Gays" trope- but I personally approve of it in this case. Spy movies and war movies operate under different rules than other genres of films and are expected to kill characters off in large numbers. I personally would consider it more upsetting if films like didn't kill off important characters, cause it reduces the gravitas of the situation. And besides, most spy movies with heterosexual romances kill off the main character's love interest anyway, so its not like the film was going out of its way to kill the gay love interest, it was just following genre convention.
Also, Charlize Theron's character was named Lorraine, not Lauren. Just putting that out there.
last edited at Nov 10, 2017 5:40AM