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joined Mar 8, 2014

O_O that sounds horrible, I hope you will be fine!!!! yeah, how can people be so selfish...? they sound teach their kids to behave... seriously... that's disgusting...

joined Jul 27, 2015


O_O that sounds horrible, I hope you will be fine!!!!

I'll be good, don't worry. Been through worse back then in my kickboxing days. XD My sister accidentally kicked me in the head once and knocked me out cold and I woke up like "Fuck, my head hurts. Also, I'm hungry. :T" I'm just grateful dad taught me restraint before he taught me how to fight. With my personality, that definitely was the right decision. XD

joined Sep 15, 2015

Everything's gonna be alright ^_^

Happy 1st Monthsary to all of us !!

joined Feb 8, 2016

Su, glad you got it off your chest :P Reeba sounds cute and sweet, but I'm not much of a cat person :| I've wanted a dog for awhile now and so has kanojo but we have different sensibilities about breeds lol... She likes big dogs. Like ones that probably weigh as much or more than she does. I'm more wanting a little to medium size one to keep me company during the day... that doesn't shed... I hate office environments like the ones I was in before, so things are better for me now, but it would be nice to have someone around.

last edited at May 4, 2016 11:10AM

joined Mar 17, 2016

Oh my gosh that sounds like a crazy day, I would have pushed that little girl too to be honest lol. I'm hoping you both are fine now! :D

Good morning everyone!! It's crazy that it's already been a month XD

joined Jul 27, 2015

Yeah, forgot that. Happy 1 Month, folks! quickly bakes cake and gives everyone a piece


Honestly, I don't think it really depends on what the owners want, but what kind of dog is suitable for them. XD Big dogs are usually the best protectors and the ones with the most patience. If you have a house and a family, one big dog is enough to make sure nobody you don't want in there gets in and your kids will always have a play buddy as well. But that's just it. Big dog breeds usually need a large territory and some sort of task they're responsible for, otherwise they'll get bored, lazy, fat and sick. Also, rule of thumb: the bigger the dog, the longer the walks they need (unless you have a large garden). Small dogs can easily be held in apartments, but the personality of most small breeds tends to be really unique and needs a lot of getting used to. Generally, all dogs usually need lots of loving attention if you don't want them to develop some nasty character traits like jealousy or typical lone wolf behaviors (not listening to your command, refusing to respond to their name etc.) It's not my decision, but I generally don't recommend getting a dog to people, who are usually very busy with their jobs.

If you really just want to have someone around so you don't get lonely, a cat really would be the better idea, I think. XD Cats are amazing in their own way. First and foremost, cats are a whole lot smarter than dogs and have a different social behavior. While frequently telling a dog to leave you alone when you're busy will usually result in the dog either getting depressed or growing more and more distant from you, a cat will keep its social distance right from the start. Tell a cat to get lost and it'll do so. It'll join you on the couch for cuddles a few hours later without holding anything against you. Their heart isn't as delicate as a dog's, so they can usually easily live with busy people without feeling neglected or unloved. A whole lot of all this of course depends on the individual personality of the animal and of how the owner raises their pet, that's why I used the words "usually" and "generally" so often. Exceptions prove the rule they say. XD

o.o;... Man. Turned out longer than I had expected.

Anyway. So I read the raws of today's chapter. I first thought Team Blonde is going to love this one, but when I look at Sungji's and Sumin's last expressions of this chapter, I suddenly doubt if those rings really do mean what I first thought they would. I mean, I know someone, who exchanged rings with the first person they ever truly loved when they broke up as a way of promising they'll still be there for one another, so that's why, I guess. XD... Can't wait for the translation. o.o

last edited at May 4, 2016 11:53AM

joined May 11, 2012

Hey girls, how everyone doing? Sorry not showing up before, not feeling well lately, I might reply some other thing said later, for now, I came to question Su about this situation, cause this might not be over yet...

I think you replied my post some pages ago, I'll probably reply it later when I read all the post I missed, sorry for the wait. (>_<)

Are you a regular at that park? Was the bite not serious? Cause really, I think maybe you should see a lawyer about it, not because of what happeed now, but because that mother is probably a regular at that park too, and even if she's not, you might easily meet her again somewhere else and she might do something against you since she did threatened you and Jacky, especially if you are with Jacky, it's true that in a lot of places the dogs end up fucked up by the law, but really, the mother and daughter are clearly in the wrong for all reasons we can think, is Jacky docile? Because if the bite was really just a small wound and nothing serious, I don't think there's any risk against her because it's obvious she did that in self-defense, the main problem is what could happen if you two meet again, or even if you don't meet her, if that shitty little girl sees Jacky, cause you know how child is, she might outight attack Jacky for no reason if she notices she's in the park again.

Really, if it was just the little girl attacking Jacky there was nothing to do, but a grow woman attacked you without even knowing what really happened, even if most places would blame the dog, I don't think there's way for anyone to not see you and Jacky as the victims, so I think you better do something now to be ready in case that woman sees you again, cause you can't just stop going to that park because of a pathetic incompetent mother, and you can't go with someone there either as if you need protection for fearing that you might be attacked by some random retarded, I don't think it would be hard to find her again and people to witness in your favor as someone probably noticed that the girl grabbed her out of nowhere, the dog defended itself, not only the girl attacked her, but her mother attacked you, the fact that you stayed sitting in the grass even makes it more easier to go against that bitch.

Anyway, I know your life is already hard enough because of your heart, but I think that's even more reason why maybe you should do something, since you can't now go in the park to have fun with Jacky and be worried that the woman will show up again, at least I think it's worth to see if you have the law on your side in this, does Lin already know about this? What did she said?

And glad to have you back, you sure was missed, how you feeling? No side effects from the new meds?

As for the rest, 1 month already? It sure felt longer, maybe because before we, well, you girls talked almost non-stop? Cause the thread calmed down a lot after those 100 pages non-stop, I don't think the thread is dying, at least I hope so, cause I'll miss you all. (T^T)

Also, I think someone asked about other people sexuality some pages ago, I guess I'm straight? And that made me remember, I'm the only guy here? I'm not sure if there's any other here, and just you girls know, you can think of me as one of the girls, I actually kind of prefer it that way...

joined Feb 8, 2016

I think you replied my post some pages ago, I'll probably reply it later when I read all the post I missed, sorry for the wait. (>_<)

No problem. Please quote as much as you can so that I remember what we were talking about lol. I'll be back in a bit.

Also, I think someone asked about other people sexuality some pages ago, I guess I'm straight? And that made me remember, I'm the only guy here? I'm not sure if there's any other here, and just you girls know, you can think of me as one of the girls, I actually kind of prefer it that way...

I think you're the only guy, and I pretty much already think of you as one of the girls :P

last edited at May 4, 2016 12:11PM

joined Jul 27, 2015


Berlin is a big city with a lot of people and a lot of parks, so I'll just go to another one starting now. XD The entire situation just sucks as hell, especially since me and Jacky were the ones, who have taken the most damage. But I'm not gonna blow that thing out of proportion. My dog bit a kid, the kid beat my dog, then I defended my dog and the mom defended her kid. That's essentially what happened. I understand where she was coming from and sure, it doesn't make it better. On second thought though, now that I got the rage outta my system, if that chick was willing to punch someone who put their hands on their kid and then threaten them to better not ever run into them again, I guess she's at least got the heart in the right place. There's enough parents out there, who don't give a shit about their kids. Guess she ain't one of those. She just sucks at teaching her daughter how to properly act around animals. Anyhoo. sighs This is done for me. In the end, I'm fine and Jacky will be okay as well. Now I'll just adapt and move on. ^^

I actually kind of prefer it that way...

Which brings me to the question: what would you like to be addressed as? He or She?

joined Feb 8, 2016

Honestly, I don't think it really depends on what the owners want, but what kind of dog is suitable for them. XD Big dogs are usually the best protectors and the ones with the most patience. If you have a house and a family, one big dog is enough to make sure nobody you don't want in there gets in and your kids will always have a play buddy as well. But that's just it. Big dog breeds usually need a large territory and some sort of task they're responsible for, otherwise they'll get bored, lazy, fat and sick. Also, rule of thumb: the bigger the dog, the longer the walks they need (unless you have a large garden). Small dogs can easily be held in apartments, but the personality of most small breeds tends to be really unique and needs a lot of getting used to. Generally, all dogs usually need lots of loving attention if you don't want them to develop some nasty character traits like jealousy or typical lone wolf behaviors (not listening to your command, refusing to respond to their name etc.) It's not my decision, but I generally don't recommend getting a dog to people, who are usually very busy with their jobs.

I'm not looking to get a dog for protection, but we do have enough space that a big-ish dog would be alright as long as we take it out. I love walks and would really like to bike or skate with the dog :) Other than weekends and works travel I'm usually at home working or lazing around so I feel better about having the time for a dog now. The amount I'm traveling now is really a first for me and I haven't been enjoying it, so I'm hoping not to have to do much of it in the future. That said, kanojo keeps long hours so I think I'd be doing most of the care other than evenings and weekends (another reason why I'd push for my preferences...). I don't want one of those tiny little things that you can dropkick, just not a really huge one. Like a goldendoodle :)

If you really just want to have someone around so you don't get lonely, a cat really would be the better idea, I think. XD Cats are amazing in their own way. First and foremost, cats are a whole lot smarter than dogs and have a different social behavior. While frequently telling a dog to leave you alone when you're busy will usually result in the dog either getting depressed or growing more and more distant from you, a cat will keep its social distance right from the start. Tell a cat to get lost and it'll do so. It'll join you on the couch for cuddles a few hours later without holding anything against you. Their heart isn't as delicate as a dog's, so they can usually easily live with busy people without feeling neglected or unloved. A whole lot of all this of course depends on the individual personality of the animal and of how the owner raises their pet, that's why I used the words "usually" and "generally" so often. Exceptions prove the rule they say. XD

No cats! I'm allergic to them. I ignore them if I have to be around them; they pester me anyway. No exceptions -_-

joined May 11, 2012

About what you said on dogs, what happens is that they don't respect your authority, they don't see you as the leader of the pack, that lone wolf thing was actually from research done wrong with wolfs in captivity, they would fight each other to have a hierarchy, and then each would stay more or less alone in their side of the cage, but in reality wolfs, and pretty much all dogs, are really social and act basically like a family, with the male and female alphas as the parents and the rest as their children, lone wolf is only those who got old enough to search for a partner to start their own pack, there is rare cases of wolfs who are alone for a reason or anoother, but that's rare because they don't function well alone since they're highly social, so for a dog to obey you need to make clear that you're the leader of the pack, there's various ways to train your dog so they'll obey and see you as the leader, but it can be hard without help if they're already acting is if they're the leader.

Also, a fun fact, apparently if you want a guard dog, females are the best for the job, because even if they see you as the leader they apparently will be a lot more defensive than male, supposedly because male is normally the one who goes for the attack to defend while the female stays more close to the pack to protect the younger ones, depending on how old the female dog are they will be so defensive because they kind of see you as their child even if they also see you as the leader of the pack, that is true in particular if they grow up with children, though wolfs and dog are a special case, they're some of the few animals who both parents are really protective of their young ones, most animals it's only the mother or father who protect them, though generally it's the mother who protects, a lot of times the father is another threat, bears and lions are a good example as sometimes they can kill and eat their own fo various reasons, being hungry or to make the female go in heat again are two reasons.

As for cats, I think it depends on the dog for them to be better, but it's true that a lot of dogs are really eager to give you love and become depressed if you don't have time for them, cats are more self-sufficient, they do what they want, not what we want, we can leave them alone, as long as there's food and water they'll take care of themselves, I think the reason some people don't like cats is because they're more human-like? They're not like dogs that if they're docile you can easily win them over with some pats and food, cats can be a lot harder to win their affections, some people probably also don't like that cats can be really indifferent to us and what happens around them.

joined Jul 27, 2015

I don't want one of those tiny little things that you can dropkick, just not a really huge one. Like a goldendoodle :)

Goldies are way too mainstream. v.v Get a bulldog! They're the best! :D totally not trying to influence you lol
discreetly hides pendulum behind back o.o*

No cats! I'm allergic to them. I ignore them if I have to be around them; they pester me anyway. No exceptions -_- about a sphinx cat then? X'D (Not serious. Honestly, I think those things are creepy AF o.o;)

last edited at May 4, 2016 12:19PM

joined May 11, 2012


No problem. Please quote as much as you can so that I remember what we were talking about lol. I'll be back in a bit.

Don't worry, I will xp

I think you're the only guy, and I pretty much already think of you as one of the girls :P

At least I'm the only one more regular here, if there's others they post little too, I admit I don't post much, it's hard to post properly in phone so I wait until I'm on pc, by the time there's a lot of posts to read and I lost a bunch of talk... And nice of you to already think that o/

As for the dog, guess you should get a medium dog then, depending on the specie they have as much energy as the big ones, but will be easier to take care off, especially if you get them as puppies, it's all fun until they grow up and you can't deal with them anymore cause they're too big, you just need to find the right specie for you

No cats! I'm allergic to them. I ignore them if I have to be around them; they pester me anyway. No exceptions -_-

Ever tried meds for that? Also, if you don't like cat pestering you, you think you're going to be able to take care of a dog? They're always really eager to give you love and play with you, some people get tired of it.


Well, I know what you mean, but heart in right place is not enough, a lot of parents who don't raise their children properly supposedly have their right in the right place, that shouldn't be an excuse, but well, guess I have to agree with you that it is indeed better than some parents, I just don't think you should change your life because of her as if you did something wrong. : / about a sphinx cat then? X'D (Not serious. Honestly, I think those things are creepy AF o.o;)

I don't really find them creepy or ugly, or anything like that, but I admit it must be a little strange to pat them direct in the skin instead of fur.

I actually kind of prefer it that way...

Which brings me to the question: what would you like to be addressed as? He or She?

He is alright, though I am more to girl than guy in spirit, I look like a guy, not a pretty one by the way, and I was raised as such, so being called she don't feels right, though I don't really see myself much as a guy either, it's more because I'm used to be treated as a guy, as guess for me either way is fine though I would definitely prefer to have been born female, anyway, in a lot of places when they find you're a guy or girl, people completely change their attitude and the way they treat you, so it's in part because of that, I always felt more confortable around girls too, though I can't say the same for most girls, so I was never able to be "one of the girls" besides the internet. (T^T)

joined Jul 27, 2015

I just don't think you should change your life because of her as if you did something wrong. : /

I just go to another dog park to play with Jacky from now on. That's hardly a life-changing decision. XD Trust me, if I'd feel this whole thing was something worth defending my side for, there's no way I'd back down. I just don't think it's worth the energy. XD I might be an alpha top, but I don't fight senseless battles. Thank the gods I wasn't born a redhead though, lol.

last edited at May 4, 2016 12:54PM

joined May 11, 2012

If you say so, let's just hope she didn't had the same idea of changing the park, and you both end up meeting again, that would be awkward. xD

joined Feb 8, 2016

Thank the gods I wasn't born a redhead though, lol.

What's wrong with redheads? :((((((( I think they're the cutest but it took me almost 26 years of life to find one actually into me.

joined Jul 27, 2015


If you say so, let's just hope she didn't had the same idea of changing the park, and you both end up meeting again, that would be awkward. xD

Not just awkward, it'd be really dangerous on her part. X3 I usually take my knife with me when I walk into territory I'm not too familiar with. I mean, in Berlin you just never know. Tempelhof and Kreutzberg are the places I avoid like the plague (unless Lin asks me to go with her), but generally, there's assholes lingering in the corners everywhere and I like to be prepared. If I see her again in that other park I have in mind, I guarantee she wouldn't dare to put her hands on me again. ;)


What's wrong with redheads?

Nothing. ^^ They just have a reputation of being very fiesty and very stubborn. That's why I said, with my temper the world can consider itself lucky I'm not a redhead to top it off. XD Chances are I wouldn't only be an alpha top, but an alpha domme if I were a redhead. X'D

last edited at May 4, 2016 1:04PM

joined May 11, 2012

Always ready for a fight eh? xD

To make things even more awkward, you grab your knife because you think she's going to do something, and then she grabs her gun. xD

Either way, I think you should keep an eye more in any dumb child trying to play with Jacky as you can have problems with someone else depending on what happens.

But seriously, nowadays there's assholes everywhere, I live in Brazil, you can be robbed and killed at any day since here you can comit a crime and come out of the police station through the front door as if you did nothing, so it's pretty common for people to die or get hurt because of an asshole mugging them, really, or laws don't work as good as other countries, it's pretty much the land of crime, especially if you're underaged, as you can kill, torture, rape and so on, and hardly will have any consequences.

last edited at May 4, 2016 1:18PM

joined Jul 27, 2015

Always ready for a fight eh? xD

Only when I have to. XD Lin is usually the one to get me in trouble, but it tends to sort itself out really quickly when I actually do draw my knife. Most people already back down a step when I warn them that I'm armed and trained. In the 6 years I've had my knife now, there was only a single incident when I actually used it on someone, who apparently thought I wouldn't have the guts to actually hurt him. Welp. Proved him wrong. XD

Also, holy shit yo. Brazil sounds like a seriously fucked up place. But then again, it ain't news that drug cartels are really big there. Man...Wouldn't wanna live there. o.o

Completely random:

So I posted a pic of myself in another forum I'm a member of cause some people have been curios for a while now, so I was like whatever and just posted one. And suddenly this guy goes "Mind if I use that to jack off?" -.- So much about assholes lingering everywhere., dude, I don't mind if you rub one out to my face, but at least have the decency to not let me know cause I sure can live without the mental image. >.< I mean seriously, was that his idea of a compliment or something? Urgh...Guys. Some are awesome. And some are just seriously fucked up.

last edited at May 4, 2016 1:52PM

joined May 11, 2012

For some reason I'm not surprised that Lin is the one who gets you in trouble xD

As for the knife, there's even research on that, people are naturally scared of knifes, or any kind of blade actually, it's more effective than guns when you want to scare people or at least warn them that you know how to defent yourself, though it's good to have a gun too, knife protection goes only so far after all, and you actually hurt someone with it? What was the guy doing against you?

Yeah, Brazil is pretty fucked up, but not the worst when it comes to drug cartels, also depends a lot on the place you live obviously, but even so there's not much security anywhere, so if you're unlucky you can easily be mugged and killed any day, only reason it's not as bad as it seens is because it's more in some areas than in others, so you can be kind of safe with some precautions, but in the end don't really matter if you're unlucky to be mugged by one of the worse criminals, only reason things are so bad is because law don't really work much, but overral Brazil is still better than a lot of places, so it's probably not really that bad as it sounds.

Haha, that dude must be retarded or something, like, I know sometimes I'm creepy or make jokes of poor taste, but what he said is just plain stupid in any context, but yeah, some are pretty fucked up, guess nowadays common sense really is a super power, cause if he had some he wouldn't have said that, and well, at least most times it's obvious when the guy is fucked up, the people who look normal are the really dangerous ones.

Also, heeeh, guess you must be really close to the people of that other forum, since we didn't have the honor of seeing a pic of you and Lin. (T^T)

last edited at May 4, 2016 2:09PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

What's wrong with redheads?

Nothing. ^^ They just have a reputation of being very fiesty and very stubborn. That's why I said, with my temper the world can consider itself lucky I'm not a redhead to top it off. XD Chances are I wouldn't only be an alpha top, but an alpha domme if I were a redhead. X'D

Well that explains some of my life up to now xD :P

Also that's just the internet for you. Anything you open up to people is up for scrutiny and/or perversion. Doesn't matter how many times I've dealt with it, I hope to never get completely used to it.

last edited at May 4, 2016 2:22PM

joined Jul 27, 2015

For some reason I'm not surprised that Lin is the one who gets you in trouble xD

sighs As awesome as she overall is, but Lin has some sort of mental blockade going on that prevents her from physically defending herself. If you seriously challenge her on an intellectual basis, she's going to verbally bitch slap the shit outta you until you're lying on the ground and begging for mercy, but in an actual fight she's utterly useless. I'm not gonna forget the day when the hospital called me and told me to try to show up if I can cause they got my girlfriend in the pit and mine was one of the numbers in her phone to call in case of emergency. So I drove there and thank God it was nothing too serious (she had a black eye, bruised chin, cut lower lip and her wrist was bruised as well), but when she told me what had happened, I was seriously mad at her. She knew she was setting foot in a dangerous neighborhood, knew she couldn't fight, knew she had a girlfriend that actually could and she didn't tell me she had this blockade until it was literally too late on that day. Since that day, I made her promise me to never, ever pull a stunt like that again. And that's why she tends to take me with her whenever she needs to go somewhere dangerous (eg when she's looking for one of her kids). It's better that way.

knife protection goes only so far after all

True words. Don't bring a knife to a gun fight they say. But Germany has extremely strict gun laws, so hand-to-hand weapons are way bigger than guns here, so a knife is one of the most effective thing you can have.

and you actually hurt someone with it? What was the guy doing against you?

I was walking home alone from a birthday party that one night and all of a sudden, this guy who was either completely drunk or completely stoned comes up in front of me and tells me he wants to fuck me in an alley. I backed off and told him to piss off, he didn't listen and came closer. Then I did as my dad told me and clearly warned him that I'm armed and trained and that I want him to get the fuck outta my face. He still didn't listen. The moment he grabbed wrist, I pulled my knife and stabbed him through his palm. That's when he screamed and made a run for it. :T

Yeah, Brazil is pretty fucked up, but not the worst when it comes to drug cartels, also depends a lot on the place you live obviously, but even so there's not much security anywhere, so if you're unlucky you can easily be mugged and killed any day, only reason it's not as bad as it seens is because it's more in some areas than in others, so you can be kind of safe with some precautions, but in the end don't really matter if you're unlucky to be mugged by one of the worse criminals, only reason things are so bad is because law don't really work much, but overral Brazil is still better than a lot of places, so it's probably not really that bad as it sounds.

Any place where you can get mugged and killed any day if you're not careful sounds like bad news to me, even if there's probably worse places. :T I hope you're not living in one of such dangerous areas?

Also, heeeh, guess you must be really close to the people of that other forum, since we didn't have the honor of seeing a pic of you and Lin. (T^T)

I've been chatting with the bunch for about half a year, but I don't really mind posting a pic of me if people wanna know how I look. XD All you gotta do is ask, really. I'm neither shy nor self-conscious. I usually leave it at one pic just so people can get a general idea though. Everything else just seems...unnecessary, imo. :T One of the main reasons why you won't find me on sites like Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and etc. I'm more of a text person. XD Lin, however...whole different story there. She's been through stalking already, so she never puts up any pics of herself anywhere. She also doesn't give away her last name, unless she knows for absolute certain that the person she's talking to wants to contact her for something business-related. The thing is that when you google her full name, you'd immediately find her business website, which naturally gives away some sensitive info (eg. where you can find her office, business phone number etc), so she doesn't give away info, that could lead to people finding her business website in places where it'd be unreasonable to trust people. In other words: Chances are you won't ever get to see a pic of her. Ever. XD

joined May 11, 2012


sighs As awesome as she overall is, but Lin has some sort of mental blockade going on that prevents her from physically defending herself. If you seriously challenge her on an intellectual basis, she's going to verbally bitch slap the shit outta you until you're lying on the ground and begging for mercy, but in an actual fight she's utterly useless. I'm not gonna forget the day when the hospital called me and told me to try to show up if I can cause they got my girlfriend in the pit and mine was one of the numbers in her phone to call in case of emergency. So I drove there and thank God it was nothing too serious (she had a black eye, bruised chin, cut lower lip and her wrist was bruised as well), but when she told me what had happened, I was seriously mad at her. She knew she was setting foot in a dangerous neighborhood, knew she couldn't fight, knew she had a girlfriend that actually could and she didn't tell me she had this blockade until it was literally too late on that day. Since that day, I made her promise me to never, ever pull a stunt like that again. And that's why she tends to take me with her whenever she needs to go somewhere dangerous (eg when she's looking for one of her kids). It's better that way.

Wait, she got hurt in a dangerous neighborhood? What happened? She was mugged? Someone tried things on her? That is, if you don't mind saying it.

knife protection goes only so far after all

True words. Don't bring a knife to a gun fight they say. But Germany has extremely strict gun laws, so hand-to-hand weapons are way bigger than guns here, so a knife is one of the most effective thing you can have.

Well, in a lot of places guns are easy to get, legally or not, here on Brazil you can easily get one, even through the law it's not that hard, but it's always good to have a knife, I think the reason people fear blades is not just instinct, but simple logic, anyone can use a gun, without it most people are defenseless, and the shooter might have more problems than the agressor, but knifes? Logic says that if the person has a knife, especially a combat knife, they not only know how to use it, but know how to defend themselves without it.

I was walking home alone from a birthday party that one night and all of a sudden, this guy who was either completely drunk or completely stoned comes up in front of me and tells me he wants to fuck me in an alley. I backed off and told him to piss off, he didn't listen and came closer. Then I did as my dad told me and clearly warned him that I'm armed and trained and that I want him to get the fuck outta my face. He still didn't listen. The moment he grabbed wrist, I pulled my knife and stabbed him through his palm. That's when he screamed and made a run for it. :T

Wow, didn't walk at night again? Or never let Lin do it? Man, nowadays all women need to know self-defense, cause really, nowhere is safe at all. :/

Any place where you can get mugged and killed any day if you're not careful sounds like bad news to me, even if there's probably worse places. :T I hope you're not living in one of such dangerous areas?

True, and yeah, I live in a more safe area, though I don't go anywhere, I work near where I live, basically go to work or stay home, don't really have social life, and I don't get well with vehicles, not that I have any reason to go anywhere anyway, so I don't really have to worry.

I've been chatting with the bunch for about half a year, but I don't really mind posting a pic of me if people wanna know how I look. XD All you gotta do is ask, really. I'm neither shy nor self-conscious. I usually leave it at one pic just so people can get a general idea though. Everything else just seems...unnecessary, imo. :T One of the main reasons why you won't find me on sites like Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and etc. I'm more of a text person. XD Lin, however...whole different story there. She's been through stalking already, so she never puts up any pics of herself anywhere. She also doesn't give away her last name, unless she knows for absolute certain that the person she's talking to wants to contact her for something business-related. The thing is that when you google her full name, you'd immediately find her business website, which naturally gives away some sensitive info (eg. where you can find her office, business phone number etc), so she doesn't give away info, that could lead to people finding her business website in places where it'd be unreasonable to trust people. In other words: Chances are you won't ever get to see a pic of her. Ever. XD

Heeeeeeh, over half a year? Now I'm jealous (>_<), though I am kind of shy and self-conscious, I'm also a text person, I have facebook, twitter, tumblr, deviantart, pixiv and account in countless other sites, but facebook is the only place with a picture of me, but I hide it, not even friends can see it, so only way to see is if I let it xp, I don't really mind showing it to some people with who I talk for some time, nothing to worry since I'm a guy, guess I'm not really ugly, but not handsome enough to have panties of girls dropping for me, and people don't really have reason to stalk me unless they're my enemy, if they like me it's because they don't know me enough, it's what I say~~, so even if someone stalked me they would stop after talking with me enough xD, as for Lin, I can imagine how she must be paranoic about her name or pictures, especially if she's particularly pretty, there's too many creepy guys with free time on the internet, you just can't be careful enough when it comes to this, especially when you're a more public person, normally because of your job, it's too easy to find information about people nowadays, easier to create a fake persona so as to not have some crazy guy at your door one day.

And yes, please post your pic if you don't mind, now you got me curious since you're too eager to post it xD, well lets see what the rest have to say, no idea if it's cool to ask for someone picture if the rest of the people here don't want to see your face too...

last edited at May 4, 2016 3:40PM

joined May 11, 2012

Now I'm curious, what kind of knife you use? Hunting? Combat? Brass knuckles? You have a picture of it or some link that shows the same knife?

Also, we're almost at 300 pages girls~~

last edited at May 4, 2016 3:37PM

joined Jul 27, 2015

Wait, she got hurt in a dangerous neighborhood? What happened? She was mugged? Someone tried things on her? That is, if you don't mind saying it.

Part of Lin's job is to seek out kids, who ran away from home and to at least make sure they're okay. Sometimes, those runaway kids end up living on the street if they have nowhere to go and more than often, they get dragged into some sort of fishy business by equally fishy people. But Lin has this habit of caring way too much sometimes, so even when she knows she could get in trouble with those aforementioned fishy people, she still wants to check on the kid she came for in the first place and see if she can talk them a little more out of wanting to live like a street dog. So yeah, sometimes, when those new peers of her kids don't like her presence, they get a bit rough. Back then was one of those cases. She was told to fuck off, she refused and thus she paid the price. :/

Logic says that if the person has a knife, especially a combat knife, they not only know how to use it, but know how to defend themselves without it.

Exactly. And knives also have another big advantage: they don't run out of ammo. ;)

Wow, didn't walk at night again? Or never let Lin do it? Man, nowadays all women need to know self-defense, cause really, nowhere is safe at all. :/

It's not that bad here. XD There are some neighborhoods where you can sleep on a park bench and wake up without having gotten mugged, raped or worse. However, there are also some neighborhoods you shouldn't even consider setting foot in unless you know what you're doing and can defend yourself against 2 or more people at once. Berlin is a bit extreme in that regard. It really is a black and white city. :/ But like I said, I like to be prepared, so when I'm walking around in places I don't know like the back of my hand, I'm usually armed. As for Lin, she doesn't walk at night anyway. XD She drives a lot. The world is a lot safer in a car. XD And like I said: when she knows she's about to do something dangerous, she asks either me or her brother for backup before.

so even if someone stalked me they would stop after talking with me enough xD

One of these examples where it's better to be a guy. When a woman gets stalked, it's usually not because the stalker wants to talk. >.<

as for Lin, I can imagine how she must be paranoic about her name or pictures, especially if she's particularly pretty

o.o... coughprettyisanunderstatementcough I wouldn't say she's paranoid about it, just reasonably careful. Like I said: she's been there. I don't think any sane person would like a repeat of what she went through, even if it was just for a few weeks. :T

And yes, please post your pic if you don't mind, now you got me curious since you're too eager to post it xD

I'm not eager to post it. XD I'm just repeating the point I made a while ago. When we talked about pics and etc. in this thread, I also offered to post a pic of me if anyone's interested in how I look, but nobody said they were interested, so I didn't post one. ^^ Anyway, I'm gonna post the same pic I posted in the other forum, mainly cause my phone is broken and I don't wanna go through the pain of taking another one with Lin's freaking migraine of a webcam. DX Hold on a sec.

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