Forum › Child Resolution 2 discussion

joined Apr 15, 2011

Except for page 2, the vaginas are good enough anatomically, since female genitalia are kinda weirdly shaped and varied anyway.

ummmm...... genitalia in general is weirdly shaped regardless of gender.

thats true! but penises aren't really relevant for this doujin right now lol

lol. i know, just felt like putting that out in the universe

joined Jul 12, 2012

Can we start up a fund to send pictures of vaginas to manga artists, so they'll know what the damn things look like?

Are we really starting this...
And to be honest I rechecked their vaginas and they look fine, just that their cum is everywhere and makes the drawing look a bit sketchy. Also vaginas are like finger prints, you may think they look alike but they're very different and unique in their own way. I think the artist did a good job drawing vaginas.

last edited at Feb 29, 2016 9:04PM

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