Forum › Akane x Karen discussion

joined Jun 12, 2014

While a pervy security camera operator, a jealous girlfriend, and a girlfriend with a secret romance fetish would normally be enough to get me hooked, this one felt like it was all setup with the actual story cut off right at the end. Seriously, I had to double check that there were no more pages. At least it left me wanting more...

joined Sep 21, 2014

It's based on the anime lmao. If you havent watched at least the first few eps, ofc you wouldn't get it.

joined Jun 12, 2014

^Can't believe I missed that. I'll have to add it to the bucket list of anime to get around to watching.

joined Oct 3, 2015

is the anime any good? is it worth watching?

joined Sep 21, 2014

Well it's an interesting dynamic/setting
There's a King and he has like 9 kids, and the thing is that, the popularity of each kid is what decides the next ruler. It's like a constant reality show because there's cameras everywhere to show the public their everyday lives. Also, each kid has like, a power of some kind. It's interesting, fun.
I dropped it after 4 episodes tho, not because it wasn't good. I often just get distracted or busy with things and just never come back to some anime so... It happens a lot rip.
I'd recommend it, but like, don't watch it for whatever yuri you think there is in it. I don't know how far the ship goes, but we figure out that Karen probably has a crush on Akane.

joined May 10, 2014

There was another strong ship an idol arc - go figure. Yuri/subtext in ep 4 and a bit more later on(Akane x Karen), then at 7-8~(Hikari x Sachan) iirc.

joined Jul 13, 2015

Oh look, I find this pages on /a/ so I put on Imgur

joined Sep 21, 2014

Oh look, I find this pages on /a/ so I put on Imgur

... That's the doujin you're commenting on right now.
Unless you meant something idk but..?

joined Dec 15, 2017

Gotta admit that reaction is kinda funny...

Maybe I need to go to a doctor... Or maybe I just have some mental problems... Idk.

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