Forum › Love Live! School Idol Festival

joined May 10, 2014

Yeah I have a few...posters...I'm totally not a huge nerd. Wait baby maybe? But that one is so catchy!

Btw I noticed that most ppl changed their main to the free UR I being a maverick?

joined May 17, 2014

Lol sometimes it takes few listens before I like a songs... I completely hate the Nico Event song right now but I feel it growing on me Either way I'm into it now... just not enough to take it off "skip on shuffle"

And I think it's probably the first or one of the only URs ppl have, tht was my reason anways. :p

Shimapanda Uploader
Girls in Boxes
joined Oct 18, 2014

I have 3 URs, but I switch my centre around a lot. Queen Kotori is just adorbs.

joined May 1, 2014

With the two events going on, I think Nico's dominating the world hearing too many "nico nico" repeating over and over again

When I grabbed my first UR before, the excitement of making it a centre was there. So I can relate. And yeah, that UR Snowqueen Kotori is cute Queen Elsa got a rival now. Lol

Fangirling ahead:
Is it just me or somehow everything's connected?
Maki got her present
Then Nico's SR from Umi's event is named Can I be Your Present?

joined May 10, 2014

I'll keep the Honoka for a little longer and switch to the Kotori when everybody else switches back lol. Question: when is Donna Toki mo Zutto unlocked? It's my favorite...

Fangirling ahead:
Is it just me or somehow everything's connected?
Maki got her present
Then Nico's SR from Umi's event is named Can I be Your Present?

It's all connected in our delusions!

last edited at Dec 22, 2014 12:46AM

joined May 1, 2014

Just unlocked Nico's SR side story...
Just who do you think is the most appropriate member she's saying this, and this to?! Then I'm having weird delusions when Nico said this! Lol.

Meanwhile, look who is so happy this Christmas?! XD

joined May 17, 2014

@Rye it'll be another 8 songs before it's unlocked.

@Akiko It's all connected! Now I'm craving a MakiNico Christmas bondage story. Ooshima plays SIF and has gone there, it could happen! Kotori wins, no competition.

last edited at Dec 23, 2014 12:33AM

joined May 10, 2014

^ Nice thanks...but it'll take a while sigh . nosebleed B-bondage + Christmas? echii!!!!!!!

I'm a little surprised no one has mentioned the album art, they look great but umm well I think my heart had a nosebleed when I saw the Mogyutto "love" de Sekkin Chuu! Nico is like MINE! but more importantly the look on Hanayo and Rin just wow you're telling me they aren't a couple? The other one I wanted to mention is the Love marginal I love Kotori on that one she reminds me of Yui from k-on so cute. Almost forgot Cutie panther with Maki totally not staring at Nico(and maybe Eri too) lol.

joined May 1, 2014

Here's a SIF Wiki if you need some specific stuffs in the game. :) Especially if you would like to follow which event will come next. Next event after Umi's would be a Score Match for Nico with Maki as her added SR bonus! :D

I think Ooshima Tomo already gave us a sweet MakiNico love with SIF on this ( ´▽`)

Augh... No bondage for me. I prefer my yuri sweet and vanilla. >_<

I think BiBi's album also got some chronological story behind it. Lol.
This BiBi when MakiNico isn't aware yet
Then what happened to BiBi when MakiNico started noticing each other
After that, BiBi got to the scenario where Eri now becomes a third wheel to MakiNico
And lastly, the most recent one that we got is MakiNico enjoying Christmas together, wait, I meant BiBi

joined Mar 9, 2014

Why do they all take the fake UR Kotori as a main ? She only have a slight pure increase T_T
Even those who had true UR changed T_T

last edited at Dec 23, 2014 10:22AM

joined May 1, 2014

Why do they all take the fake UR Kotori as a main ? She only have a slight pure increase T_T
Even those who had true UR changed T_T

Just following the wave my friend~ :3
Or either, blame Kotori's cuteness on that UR :P

joined Oct 16, 2013

Why do they all take the fake UR Kotori as a main ? She only have a slight pure increase T_T
Even those who had true UR changed T_T

I know. Why not wait until event is over and then go crazy with changing your mains man!

Shimapanda Uploader
Girls in Boxes
joined Oct 18, 2014

Sorry guys~ I have 3 URs but I tend to use SR centres to match with the event. Or just to use new cards. :D

joined Mar 9, 2014

Why not a SR but this Kotori have a leader skill as good as a Rare >.>

last edited at Dec 23, 2014 5:34PM

joined May 17, 2014

My URs are all just give aways so I lose bonus points (from the friend/ guest) if I use them as my centers. I only use them for the center in main team but the other centers are all SRs.
In the JP version I have 8 Smile SRs, and the UR Christmas Maki but after I get the Nico Event Card Maki'll be knocked off my Smile team.

joined May 17, 2014

@Akiko speaking of Bibi, this post!
There can never be enough SIF doujin, thts the best kind of Love Live! Doujin! Lol i wasnt thinking anything too crazy, just like Nico rapped up like a present for Maki, I wouldn't go further than tied hands in tht senerio. Like the latest Ooshima doujin, but less rapey.
Thanks for the wiki link, can't wait for the next event! This one is really slow. I don't think I'll go past the Event Card for this one, sorry Umi.

@Rye speaking of album art. Soldier Game and Music S.T.A.R.T.: Maki gets all the bitches. Her face in Wondezone! Nozomi's face in START:DASH! NozoEri in Bokura wa Ima ga Naka de! Tht ass in Wonderful Rush. And the lewdness in Mermaid Festa Vol. 1!

last edited at Dec 23, 2014 6:45PM

joined May 10, 2014

@ari-chan hahaha...we need help...seriously...

@AkikoXi : THATS THE WIKI! I lost the link a couple of weeks ago then forgot about it thanks! and nice delusion!

I changed my main again...not to Kotori...I'm a maverick! <-why won't it MOVE?!

joined May 1, 2014

Augh!!! You're giving me delusions again!!! >_<
And I haven't got any LL! vaccines yet. Now I'm getting worse.

I think the image itself is not animated. Lol.
This is what animation looks like:

Or this one:

In any case, it's already 12MN here and would like to wish you all a...

last edited at Dec 24, 2014 11:28AM

joined May 17, 2014

Awww thanks Akiko!!! still Christmas eve here but Merry Christmas!!! Lol I've seen tht 2nd gif a hundred times but this is the first time I noticed loli Maki in the background!

Lol its already too late for help/ vaccines for us. There's no saving us now.

last edited at Dec 24, 2014 11:59AM

joined May 10, 2014

It is animated check the img url...odd maybe sprites don't work on the forum.

Happy holidays everyone have a nice day filled with yuri and delusions.

joined May 1, 2014

Lol. Haven't noticed loli Maki until you said it. XD
Now that's one heck of a view for a kid to see... All those * boing boing * going... :3
Augh. I guess so. Then, we're already doomed for LL! Yuri virus.

I tried viewing it outside this forum, and still, it's not moving. >_<
Nonetheless, the GiFs I posted are all doing their jobs properly, so I don't think it's the forum interface's fault.
P.S. Only viewing it via tablet.

joined May 17, 2014

Lol wo how's everyone doing in the even? Everyone reaching their goals?

joined Jul 2, 2013

I'm almost at 25k. Usually, I would have stopped using gems by now, but it would seem this is not enough for the coming tier cutoffs.

Shimapanda Uploader
Girls in Boxes
joined Oct 18, 2014

I'm at 3500 points! And 3000 event points held for the EX song. I'm still gemming, though. Need to get 4500 at least.

joined May 10, 2014

I'm doing ok I think I'll stop when I get Umi there's plenty of time.
Shima you're destroying us in the song rank can I ask for your pure team?

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