Forum › Carmilla

joined Feb 24, 2013

College Roommates Vampire Mystery + Yuri in a webseries

And I thought we'd never get to see an incarnation of such combination.
Hohoho, buckle up creampuffs, this is a must watch because this one's for us!

Tidbit info:
"Carmilla | Episode 1


Laura Hollis is three weeks into her first semester at Sillas University, and things have gotten off to a weird start. Goat sacrifices and a self-aware library catalog aren’t exactly what Laura was expecting for Freshman Orientation. Oh, and her roommate, Betty, mysteriously disappears after a party. A cryptic (and oddly moist) note leads Laura to believe that this isn’t just a case of one too many Jäegerbombs.

What happened to Betty and what’s behind the strange events at Sillas University? Sink your teeth into the “Camilla” web series, a modern adaptation of J. Sheridan Le Fanu's gothic novel of the same name ..."

Here's an overview in Tumblr which introduced me to the show:

Disclaimer: I ship Carmilla x Laura! xp

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

The Japanese lesbian magazine Carmilla, named after the original story, is referenced in a chapter of Prism. The more you know!

joined Feb 24, 2013

That's cool!

And hey this 1 minute fanvid of Carmilla might convince you to watch it.
I never intended to get hooked but now I'm ruined, I'm rambling here xDD

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

That's cool!

And hey this 1 minute fanvid of Carmilla might convince you to watch it.

It doesn't, really. If I saw that without your description I definitely wouldn't give the show a try, and even with it makes me a wee bit leery. But I'll probably give it a shot despite that.

joined Jan 30, 2013

I read the novella ages ago and was hesitant to watch the web series because a college setting seemed really far-fetched to me, but after watching a few episodes I think it's actually really good for a web series and pretty decent overall.
Also is Laura just tiny or Danny really huge?

joined Apr 9, 2014

Also is Laura just tiny or Danny really huge?

both? i think lol

joined Apr 9, 2014

if you watch carmilla you need to watch this. freklwahrjklas

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