Forum › Nettaigyo wa Yuki ni Kogareru discussion

joined Sep 6, 2011

This is so slow.

joined Sep 14, 2014

This is so slow.

couldn't agree more. it's got a natural feeling and all that but we can spend like 5 pages doing this whole chapter and maybe have more development the rest of the chapter, yeah?

joined Jul 19, 2015


joined Nov 3, 2018

Hey, better for the author to take her time than to rush things. It's not like she's dilly-dallying with filler, Koyuki having to leave in a year will certainly be the main 'conflict' going forward.

joined Feb 8, 2019

Mmmm idk, i honestly don't like where this is going... We've seen Koyuki too much and Konatsu is slowly getting replaced by the other girl. Besides i still don't know if this is Yuri. If it ends up being subtext it's going to be a waste but at the same time the "love" that we've seen in previous chapters isn't seen as much anymore.

joined May 20, 2013

A Tropical Fish is a Pain in the Butt

joined Dec 26, 2011

Koyuki, I love you, I do, but you have to understand that Konatsu might be dense but she definitely can’t read minds, ya know?

joined Apr 20, 2013

A part someone on mangadex noticed from before

joined Jun 5, 2016

Koyuki, you WALNUT, just tell your beloved dorKonatsu that you are lonesome and want to spend time with her! You call HER dense because she can't read minds, so here you are walking around denser than a block of Velveeta yourself, lol....

last edited at Mar 28, 2019 9:44PM

joined Mar 28, 2019

I love that Shiba Inu. He is the cutest thing I have ever seen! I want a plushie of every animal shown in this series.

Also, I am rather confused about the direction this manga is going in. It is a very good story and I will keep reading it no matter what, but is it made clear if it’s a friendship kinda story, or if it is yuri/girls’ love? I am blogging about good yuri works soon and I am not sure if I should include this.

joined Mar 28, 2019

I miss Konatsu. All these latest chapters were focused solely on Koyuki and there isn't even that much of a progress. Aren't they both MCs?

Yes they are. I think the mangaka is trying to keep this as realistic as possible and develop the two MCs as much as she can.

last edited at Mar 28, 2019 10:19PM

joined Mar 3, 2019

Koyuki, I love you, I do, but you have to understand that Konatsu might be dense but she definitely can’t read minds, ya know?

Hahaha! I guess Koyuki has become so lonely about leaving her hometown behind that she kinda expected Konatsu to catch her drift (Konatsu left Tokyo--kind of selfish of Koyuki, methinks). You're right. Koyuki should cut Konatsu some slack; the girl, too, has her own little drama.

I love the slow pacing of the story. I don't feel it's a drag at all and I find it interesting that this Funny Girl Kaede is a character created with much depth just like the rest of the main cast, she's easily become my favorite character so far.

joined Mar 28, 2019

Shiba and brutally honest girl to the rescue.

Aye, the best therapy dog

joined Jun 5, 2016

Shiba and brutally honest girl to the rescue.

Aye, the best therapy dog

Yes, I need my own Emotional Support Shibe

joined May 7, 2017

Koyuki-san, you worked the courage to open up about a bunch of stuff with Kaede-sama but you can't confess your friendship to Konatsu-chan? By being friends with Kaede-sama, I understand you wanna build your own friendly harem, but be aware that she's kinda the lady killer herself

joined Mar 28, 2019

Shiba and brutally honest girl to the rescue.

Aye, the best therapy dog

Yes, I need my own Emotional Support Shibe

Haha me too ☺️

joined Mar 8, 2019

I know it’s a good thing that Koyuki’s starting to get other friends since that means her relationship with Konatsu will be healthier and less codependent but I’m a sucker for reserved mains only opening up to their girlfriends.

last edited at Mar 29, 2019 1:45AM

joined Aug 22, 2016

This hurts me so good.

joined Jan 9, 2019

Kaede is love <3

joined Aug 10, 2015

wait a minute kaede.....koyuki.......and konatsu ..............kkk confirmed?

joined Mar 29, 2019

I've been reading this on mangadex the entire time, and I'm crushed to see it labeled as subtext...

joined Apr 16, 2018

And here I was thinking this chapter was about to tone down the gay. Sure fucking showed me, just drop the subtext already, geeze.

joined Jan 3, 2017

when did this manga become so angsty? last time I remembered was Honami being a useless lesbian (to be fair, she still is).

last edited at Mar 29, 2019 6:12AM

joined Nov 22, 2018

ahhh yes, the classic
Girl A:im going somewhere faraway, i wonder if she will be lonely?
Girl B:im really lonely but i must not show that to girl A so she wont be worried and leave any regrets behind
Girl B:proceeds to show how happy she is for Girl A
Girl A:Completely misunderstood Girl B's intention and assumes that no one cares about her leaving

why must you do this

joined Mar 28, 2019

ahhh yes, the classic
Girl A:im going somewhere faraway, i wonder if she will be lonely?
Girl B:im really lonely but i must not show that to girl A so she wont be worried and leave any regrets behind
Girl B:proceeds to show how happy she is for Girl A
Girl A:Completely misunderstood Girl B's intention and assumes that no one cares about her leaving

why must you do this

Ahh teenagers... so many misunderstandings lol

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