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joined Nov 7, 2022

Rose certainly has it rough balancing her work with her personal life. Lucky for her, she has the kind of issue that can be solved by jumping on a running high-speed train.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Dates are important, after all. :D

joined May 10, 2021

Man, Rose's dedication to make dates perfect is something else huh.

joined Jan 9, 2017

All these date settings are making me excited for the chapter when Benika gets to see Rose without a disguise (that's a wig and fake glasses)

joined Nov 12, 2020 that,this is why there is such as thing as too much freedom,and also why the Americans have to uphold their ammendments,especially the first and second,because the price of freedom is within your own two hands.

LOL are you kidding, the second amendment upholders are gleefully abetting our slide into fascism

If we're talking the purest symbolic aspect of facism,where every person is responsible for the safety of the nation...

...then you'd be correct,since picking up arms would be exactly that,the issue is that all political systems,if not kept in check,can lead to a dictator taking hold with all the corrupting power,with the first things they do is to silence the people and disarm them so that they'll never be overthrown by the common people.

The second amendment exists in order to back up the first,should the ability to freely criticise the ruling the power gets threatened,then one must use the power of their armaments protect themselves from said ruling power,even perhaps using the militias formed to take down rulers and re-establish a liberal government.

This is the price to be paid for keeping the freedom,the Founding Fathers did just finish fighting against the British Empire,and knew full well that trusting your government without any power in the people(hello,most Europeans)is just a bad idea. that,this is why there is such as thing as too much freedom,and also why the Americans have to uphold their ammendments,especially the first and second,because the price of freedom is within your own two hands.

What? I am always really suspicious of arguments criticizing the Freedom of Speech Amendment, though the school shoting one is fair game. One of the greatest things about the US from a european perspective is the sheer involatibility of the constitution. While sure, it does bring with itself a lot of shit like the second, I am also entirely certain their freedom of speech is the most resilient in the entire world.

Too much freedom would be allowing anyone and everyone to do anythng and everything themselves,like stuffing a bunch of war survivours into a section of land without any regulation,and if we extend that to an entire nation,you'd end up with corporate war lords with mercernary soldiers,meaning you better be ready for when the Amazon death squads pound down your door because you rated their delivery service poorly online.

School shooting,though,is not the fault of the second amendment,aside from one case in Serbia,it's a mental health issue,and as both Japan along with Australia have found out,strict gun control to the point where it's nigh impossible to defend yourself from a rogue government won't stop criminals form getting their hands on guns(it also means the people have a small shot at fighting against rogue governments),whilst the amount of school shootings is actually the smallest aspect of gun related deaths in the US(the largest one is suicide),with gun related crime being the smallest form of crime in the US.

Americans have got to keep these rights squarely in the grasp to make it great they just have to stop corporate lobbying that created things like the car centric Hellscapes,money pit suburbs,lack of guranteed housing,lower job security,education issues,massive flaws with the justice system,and a lack of proper free public healthcare.

And she's still just a young'un.

Benika is being tempered more then any amount of Sunday school ever could,Rose is going to have the strongest person possible behind her.

Also,me Japanese buddy told me about how all over the place Japan is when it comes to refugees,2018 and 2019 saw them bring in immigrant workers from around Asia to help with growth,2021 was when they started looking into reworking how they treat refugees,2022 has Japan bringing in some Ukrainians,and 2023 had the 18th foreign person to die in the detainment centre since 2007,leading to even more reworking of the laws.

This comic is basically showing the extreme end conclusion should the door be opened wider whilst doing even less for those seeking safety.

Honestly, if Japan accepted more than a measly 202 refugees a year (2022), ultra-nationalistic, 'I deny my past and still think the Koreans are an inferior race' Japan would end this excact way. They don't have to do less, they just have to stay the way they are. Horribly racist and backwards.

Considering that they reject most who ran from North Korea,the racism is not entirely removed,something that does need fixing.

Along with the absurd self-defence system,the lacking educational system,the high cost of living that contributes to the declining birth rate,the stupidiy involved when becoming part of the work force,and the censorshp bull crap that Sony causes.

But hey,the trains run on time,especially when you hop onto the roof!


A gem, to be sure

A gem I hope gets adapted one day.

joined Aug 21, 2017

Oh we got the Comedy tag. Thanks admins!

joined Jun 30, 2017

I am waiting for the moment when everyone will find out Benika is the most dangerous and famous serial killer of all the times.

joined Feb 1, 2021

...then you'd be correct,since picking up arms would be exactly that,the issue is that all political systems,if not kept in check,can lead to a dictator taking hold with all the corrupting power,with the first things they do is to silence the people and disarm them so that they'll never be overthrown by the common people.

The second amendment exists in order to back up the first,should the ability to freely criticise the ruling the power gets threatened,then one must use the power of their armaments protect themselves from said ruling power,even perhaps using the militias formed to take down rulers and re-establish a liberal government.

This is the price to be paid for keeping the freedom,the Founding Fathers did just finish fighting against the British Empire,and knew full well that trusting your government without any power in the people(hello,most Europeans)is just a bad idea.

Laws can act in ways contrary to their intent. I could get deeper into the weeds, but it isn't really relevant to the content of this manga (namely: TRAIN SURFING!)

joined Aug 15, 2021

Just decided to reread this back since it got translated so fast, and I'm glad I did. Pretty satisfying to read so far. Hope this will get a proper conclusion.

joined Aug 11, 2022

I am waiting for the moment when everyone will find out Benika is the most dangerous and famous serial killer of all the times.

...I didn't know 'Benika' was secretly the most dangerous and famous serial killer of all time!!!? Here I thought she was just an adorable lovable cinnamon bun inexperience in the darker side of the world/reality 0_0.

I didn't know there was someone more skill, talented and more dangerous than Rose [fake name] (The best assassin of the hitmen organization---> I think the hitmen group knows Rose is/was/former working for them and don't want to make any moves to risk pissing off their most talented hitman/hitwoman.)

Perhaps you secretly read the 'Prequel' about how Benika is actually a Reincarnated hitman/woman who died from both betrayal and fighting for her beliefs about protecting the innocents 50-70 years from the past, her Assassin nick-name whispered with both fear and awe along with the tales of her last-stand being so unbelievable.

How she try her hand at being assassin as a kid again due to old habits before eventually deciding to quit since she tasted peace and the joys of having a parent instead of being a war-torn raised orphan raised to kill and destroy. --> Cue the reveal that she discover her foreigner girlfriend is actually hitman/women trapped in conflict while the 2 sides' conflict threaten even her dad leading her to reveal she was actually the most talented/skilled assassin that existed when she jump into the conflict to crush both organizations (both church and hitmen) before even crushing the government itself with her legendary assassin skills to get her happy ending!!!




Okay I know I went a little too far with my little joke and weird reincarnation tale...but I was bored and had time lol XD

joined Jan 14, 2020

with gun related crime being the smallest form of crime in the US

Most murders in the US are done by gun (mostly handgun). Lots of muggings, too.

Sure, guns are a small form of all crime when you count stuff like shoplifting, thefts from empty cars, speeding[1], or copyright violation. But they're a major form of violent crime, and to the perception of danger by civilians and by the police. (US cop culture is terrible, but I'm willing to grant that the belief that any American they stop could be armed doesn't help with their trigger-happiness.)

[1] Basically all American drivers are habitual lawbreakers.

joined Jun 27, 2017

Mh. Protective daddy? Or Hibai's "girlfriend"?

... either way the strategy is still kinda weird. Hibai now plainly explained that it's about exposing Rose as killer (makes sense), but before that she's basically stacked all the cards into the "refugees are in an absolutely awful situation" direction, which will do the opposite ... she could have set up the whole "we need rescue!" bit anywhere, without making Benika so sympathetic to the refugee situation ^^;

joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, that plan didn't go so well. Remains to be seen which side is responsible for the truck, though. Could be either, could be an entirely third party, could be already an "accident" in progress. Can't really tell without seeing more.

joined Nov 21, 2018


joined Jul 21, 2015

Hibai underestimates the Benika Protection Squad once again

joined Sep 16, 2019

Huh, guess they were going with the “expose Rose as a hitman” plan after all. Shows what I know.

Still, I question Hibai’s logic in having Rose expose herself by saving Benika from kidnappers. That just feels like a quick way to make Rose seem like a hero and make it easier for Benika to accept the darker side of her.

joined Nov 15, 2017

with gun related crime being the smallest form of crime in the US

Most murders in the US are done by gun (mostly handgun). Lots of muggings, too.

Sure, guns are a small form of all crime when you count stuff like shoplifting, thefts from empty cars, speeding[1], or copyright violation. But they're a major form of violent crime, and to the perception of danger by civilians and by the police. (US cop culture is terrible, but I'm willing to grant that the belief that any American they stop could be armed doesn't help with their trigger-happiness.)

[1] Basically all American drivers are habitual lawbreakers.

Any admins wanna step in on this whole thread? This shit is wildly off topic and getting out of hand.

joined Jan 9, 2017

Mh. Protective daddy? Or Hibai's "girlfriend"?

... either way the strategy is still kinda weird. Hibai now plainly explained that it's about exposing Rose as killer (makes sense), but before that she's basically stacked all the cards into the "refugees are in an absolutely awful situation" direction, which will do the opposite ... she could have set up the whole "we need rescue!" bit anywhere, without making Benika so sympathetic to the refugee situation ^^;

I don't get why so many of you think that this arc will naturally lead Benika directly to her inner Mother Teresa. Showing Benika how f'ed the refugees are makes it plausible for them to make desperate life choices and just how much emotional baggage they all carry, supplement that will a live example mixed with some demi Lord of the flies to really hammer it home. Ohh and in case anyone forgot being a killer is not something anyone is gonna let go just because they are in love. I've commented it before, if Benika doesn't care about that then she is either a psycho or she don't love Rose. Hibais plan is solid with the one exception that she can't predict how Rose would respond to that text.

joined Aug 21, 2017



joined May 10, 2021

Man this still feels pretty stupid, but I love it!
Thanks for the chapter!

joined Nov 12, 2020

with gun related crime being the smallest form of crime in the US

Most murders in the US are done by gun (mostly handgun). Lots of muggings, too.

Sure, guns are a small form of all crime when you count stuff like shoplifting, thefts from empty cars, speeding[1], or copyright violation. But they're a major form of violent crime, and to the perception of danger by civilians and by the police. (US cop culture is terrible, but I'm willing to grant that the belief that any American they stop could be armed doesn't help with their trigger-happiness.)

[1] Basically all American drivers are habitual lawbreakers.

Any admins wanna step in on this whole thread? This shit is wildly off topic and getting out of hand.

It's not getting out of hand,we're all just discussing what the comic itself has shown us.

That is,people in Japan having to defend themselves because the government that put them there didn't give them any help,and now the church is helping them to further arm themselves with the best that the Kyber Pass has to offer.

And guns for self protection along with stopping a corrupt government is exactly what the US has.

joined Nov 12, 2020

I am waiting for the moment when everyone will find out Benika is the most dangerous and famous serial killer of all the times.

It'd be hilarious if she turns out to be a big shot for the Russian Mob and is also a double agent working for Interpol.

I just wanna see what that armoured vehicle looks like from other angles so we can identify it.

last edited at Jul 22, 2023 10:08PM

joined Feb 20, 2023

Looking foreard to the spinoff "I Was a Thug for Hire but After Messing with a Lesbian Hitwoman's Girlfriend I Got Sent to Another World"

joined Jul 15, 2016

I am waiting for the moment when everyone will find out Benika is the most dangerous and famous serial killer of all the times.

You might like Lit a Light one-shot, then.

Looking foreard to the spinoff "I Was a Thug for Hire but After Messing with a Lesbian Hitwoman's Girlfriend I Got Sent to Another World"

Truck-kun has been down on its luck, apparently. :-(

last edited at Jul 24, 2023 11:42AM

joined Sep 16, 2014

This is how they are gonna switch sides.

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