Forum › 1 x ½ discussion

joined Jan 13, 2020

I understand, just thought I'd mention the option since I won't be able to get around to it for a while. I'll certainly let you know if it looks like it's viable.

edit: Also, just in case it wasn't clear, I'm not saying it was really 'casual sex': my interpretation (which is basically core to both stories) has that they had a prior, serious relationship before Akira came to realize that Ayako was unconsciously playing out her preconceptions of what 'having a family' meant with Akira (as she would have with Atsushi), rather than there being any genuine desire there. Between Asuka existing at all from her brief time with Atsushi, Ayako likely internalizing the idea that sexual desire towards a partner is part of a normal domestic life, and Akira being Akira, I can't imagine that relationship as being completely sexless.

last edited at Oct 12, 2021 5:00PM

joined Sep 9, 2017

Don’t think Ayako ever perceived Akira as any kind of romantic partner (obligatory or not) – rather just as a family (non-romantic kind of it, not the other kind she ended up being with Asuka) and a friend.

Otherwise it doesn't add up to a lot of things. Their last conversation (16.2) for example. If they’d already used to have intimate relationship before, Akira would be asking something akin to “and did you felt the same way with me?” instead of her “what if it’s with me?” following by the demonstration of exactly what’d she meant by said line.

last edited at Oct 13, 2021 4:08PM

joined Jan 13, 2020

Don’t think Ayako ever perceived Akira as any kind of romantic partner (obligatory or not) – rather just as a family (non-romantic kind of it, not the other kind she ended up being with Asuka) and a friend.

Otherwise it doesn't add up to a lot of things. Their last conversation (16.2) for example. If they’d already used to have intimate relationship before, Akira would be asking something akin to “and did you felt the same way with me?” instead of her “what if it’s with me?” following by the demonstration of exactly what’d she meant by said line.

That makes sense, although if it were 10 or so years later I think it's reasonable that Ayako might need a reminder. I've always just based it on how casual Ayako and Akira are about the topic: the 'I don't mind if it's me' line, the way she behaves when Akira shows up at the pharmacy, the attempted sleeping kiss (I can buy this being a random impulse from a pent-up-adolescent-passion Asuka, but not from an at-that-point-32?-year-old Akira), Akira's guilt about her not deserving Ayako's love, and Ayako's general begrudging-but-accepting attitude to Akira's teasing. To me (and my girlfriend who read the manga a few months ago), their behavior together absolutely screams that they had a history that they tried to keep Asuka from noticing (of course Asuka of all people would interpret this as Ayako being "attacked"), with Akira eventually falling back into being the supportive Morii family ATM we know and love.

I admit part of the appeal for me is it also recontextualizes the "what happened wasn't your fault" line into something more interesting and relevant IMO. I suspect Taiyaki was really trying to go for something a little too expository about Akira somehow being responsible for Atsushi's death, but it seems like a pretty weird place to bring that up. In light of Akira finding out about the two of them, unexpectedly leaving, and expressing some frustration toward Asuka, an 'it's not you, it's me' speech starts making a lot more sense.

Ultimately, I know this is a fairly ancient debate and it can be read a variety of ways (and I enjoy all of them, including the completely platonic one!) - it's just, from a writer's perspective, Akira being Asuka's thematic mirror is really too tempting a character arc to ignore. I'm looking forward to her showing up in the remake a lot.

ohh thank you for the reply, instant sub XD. yeah i prefer the original too, i think i will skip the remake but read the easygoing oyako instead.

hehehe i read your work, i love it. akira is my most favorite character in here, just how cool she is.. kinda want to see it in manga form. thank you.

Forgot to reply, thank you for reading & I'm happy you liked it. I write assuming I'm probably the only person in the world that the story is going to work for (especially when the subject matter is cross-generational incestuous love triangles) and so when people let me know they enjoyed something I worked on it really makes my day.

last edited at Oct 14, 2021 1:37AM

joined Sep 9, 2017

It’s rather fascinating for me how two people can look at the same thing and see it completely different.

Regarding “I don’t mind if it’s with me” line. Since I was involved in translation I think my opinion about it definitely should count. And I’m 90% sure that Ayako was referring to be fine with Akira looking at her “in that way” not having sex with her. That way the dialog making perfect sense:

Ayako: if you ever look at Asuka in that way […] I don’t mind if it’s me though.
Akira: you are okay with that?!
Ay: I’m already used to it.
Ak: How cold!

Now if they were talking about having sex then the dialog stop making any sense whatsoever:

Ayako: if you ever look at in Asuka that way […] I don’t mind it’s me though. (Why are you fine with it?! Asuka just confessed to you, you accepted her advances to some extend and it’s a very delicate period for you and her and you are going to just start being intimate with Akira knowing all that?!)
Akira: you are okay with that?! (why are you surprised?! you two used to have sex before.)
Ay: I’m already used to it. (why do you need to tell her that? she should know that already)
Ak: How cold! (why are you reacting that way? you already should know Ayako’s attitude regarding sex with you).
And so on and so forth.

joined Jan 13, 2020

Oh, no, I 100% agree that it's only referring to the 'looking' thing and Ayako is just expressing that she's resigned to that treatment (she'd certainly have to be to put up with Akira for that long). I'm just citing that exchange as part of the general vibe the two have about Akira's attraction to Ayako. Sorry if that wasn't clear!

(I do find it pretty funny it's even a tiny bit believable as referring to anything else, though, because if you ignore all the context you mentioned, that line does sound like such a characteristically coy invitation, like a very Ayako version of 'netflix and chill')

edit: Also, as suggested, I updated the story to use 'Mom' in all the big first-person blocks, as well as in internal thoughts where it flowed with the rest of the sentence (generally in places when Asuka is thinking more subjectively). I was careful to make sure it was prominent in Asuka's spoken dialogue, but using it so sparingly in internal thoughts was 100% a character-voice slip on my part, and especially jarring in the intro, so I appreciate you mentioning it even if you weren't a fan of the work.

last edited at Oct 15, 2021 11:03PM

joined Jun 25, 2017

@lilyflame, yeah I'm 99% sure that was a mistake in english version.

Thanks a bunch for confirming, it seemed like an oddly basic mistake to make for an official translation so I kept thinking I had to have missed something.

umm, so is the yuri hub the part 2 or a remake ?

It's the remake right now until it catches up to where part 2 would start - you can always check the YH page for the free chapters to see where it's at.

If anyone's interested, finally finished that Akira x Asuka oneshot (~8.3k words), an alternate ending for Room You Can't Escape. If it's not obvious from the premise, CW for all the things you'd generally expect from this manga dialed up to (a soft-ish?) R18 -- Taiyaki said it was OK so I went for it (and tried to make it both fun & meaningful). This is also a significantly more 1x1/2-y story in tone, and for both of those reasons it was a lot more difficult. I'm not super happy with it in a few places, but I'd spent so long on it that the drafts were starting to go in circles...

I probably won't keep posting my own work here since the thread is pretty slow now and it feels weird, but will almost certainly keep writing here and there as the new serialization progresses (I try to write fairly canon-compliant), so if you're interested in future works you can keep an eye on the 1x1/2 tag or my AO3 profile!

Thoughts on the remake so far: my worry was a tighter story might unintentionally get way too intense and make the extended cast feel disposable -- the fun, fluffy meandering is pretty charming and balances out the drama. So I like the light touch where the original worked fine (the dialogue's so similar in places that when I trip over some kanji, it's nice to remember the sentence from memory!)

The changes that were made seem pretty smart so far: I don't really miss stuff like Asuka running into a random old lady instead of someone relevant (and the someone is a fun cameo), and as things progress it looks like we're going to get more scene additions rather than just trimming the fat, and Rui seems more three-dimensional now. A while back I joked that maybe the most awaited plot point here was Ayako finally buying that new bed, and Taiyaki replied that she just never found a good place for it, so I'd laugh if we finally saw it this time around (...eventually!)

YH page? I would like to see where taiyaki is at right now with remake and I will pay and subscribe once part 2 starts.

joined Jan 13, 2020

YH page? I would like to see where taiyaki is at right now with remake and I will pay and subscribe once part 2 starts.

This page. Up to Chapter 3 is available to read for free and Chapter 4 should be available free pretty soon. The Japanese release for subscribers is currently at the first half of Chapter 5 (the English release is still at Ch4 since it sometimes lags a bit behind), and the update speed has been about a full chapter per month.

last edited at Dec 13, 2021 5:17PM

joined Jun 27, 2017

Re-read this over Christmas; holds up pretty well gotta say. Sorta got farther along than I remembered; simultaneously also wandered off from the main relationship more than I remembered.

Remake as kinda expected does nothing for me; so far anyway. I'm still not even sure whether I like the smoother-but-more-generic visuals better and the little additions here or there are just kinda ... whatever.

joined Oct 15, 2014

ANNOUNCEMENT: Taiyaki just announced that, since Yuri Hub are now officially releasing the old 1 x 1/2 in English, they're looking to get the scanlated version removed.

特に旧版の1×1/2-My half of you-については現在いくつかのサイトにて全話が無料でアップロードされているのを確認しております。今まで正式な英語版が出ていなかったので黙認しておりましたが、公式での販売が始まりましたので改めて削除をお願いできればと思います。
In regards to 1x1/2 - My Half of You in particular, I've noticed that all the chapters have been uploaded for free on various websites. I've tolerated it until now since there was no official English version, but now that it's officially on sale, I once again ask that it be removed.

Yuru Oyako is probably okay to stay unless I hear otherwise since I made arrangements with Yuri Hub when that moved to official status, but yeah, as a Yuri Hub affiliated translator, I have to do my part and ask that 1x1/2 be taken down from here and Mangadex on Taiyaki's behalf. (Not much I can do about all the mirror sites).

last edited at Jan 6, 2022 8:18AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Y’know, sometimes a musician or band initially gets attention from a privately released demo album that they made in their basement or even a live tape from a festival, and that work grabs an audience because of their energy and their obvious if rather unpolished talent and just the sheer pleasure in making that the music communicates.

And then they sign a contract with a label and polish their technique, and they get in a real studio with a professional producer and they put out an album of the same songs, or maybe the same kind of songs, and now the music just kind of sits there, or maybe it would even be a decent enough album if you hadn’t heard the first one that just crackled with energy despite its technical flaws.

Personally, I wish this mangaka all the success in the world in their career. But I liked the “ragged but right” Taiyaki a lot better.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Can't blame them for wanting that sweet moolah.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Goggled Anon posted:

ANNOUNCEMENT: Taiyaki just announced that, since Yuri Hub are now officially releasing the old 1 x 1/2 in English, they're looking to get the scanlated version removed.

特に旧版の1×1/2-My half of you-については現在いくつかのサイトにて全話が無料でアップロードされているのを確認しております。今まで正式な英語版が出ていなかったので黙認しておりましたが、公式での販売が始まりましたので改めて削除をお願いできればと思います。
In regards to 1x1/2 - My Half of You in particular, I've noticed that all the chapters have been uploaded for free on various websites. I've tolerated it until now since there was no official English version, but now that it's officially on sale, I once again ask that it be removed.

Yuru Oyako is probably okay to stay unless I hear otherwise since I made arrangements with Yuri Hub when that moved to official status, but yeah, as a Yuri Hub affiliated translator, I have to do my part and ask that 1x1/2 be taken down from here and Mangadex on Taiyaki's behalf. (Not much I can do about all the mirror sites).

Removals require some manual labour and database changes. Expect to see these chapters gone in about 48 hours, thanks.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Can't blame them for wanting that sweet moolah.

And I hope they get it.

joined Jan 13, 2020

Can't blame them for wanting that sweet moolah.

If that were the goal, leveraging these kind of sites to promote the existing free, delayed chapters of the remake as already discussed would be a much more lucrative move. While it's her prerogative, of course, and I think "if it's available in English, just buy it" is completely reasonable in general, I can't even see this as a good purely business decision.

Also, the old version is literally only up to Vol 4 (and only up to Vol 2 is available on Booth, apparently?) - I certainly don't think anything past Vol 2 should be removed until it's clarified whether removing chapters not even currently on sale was the intent. I have no idea how I'd have written anything without the current English version as a quick reference.

edit: Apparently this may be (at least partially) mirroring the decision to pull the old version from Japanese Kindle a few months ago, so ongoing discussion of the remake wouldn't get spoiled by discussion of the doujin version. This also explains why English Vol 3 & 4 are not currently being sold. In light of this, removing the old version (however possible) makes a little more sense, and while I'm still not super happy about it, it is at least consistent.

last edited at Jan 7, 2022 4:18PM

joined Mar 27, 2019

Can't blame them for wanting that sweet moolah.

If that were the goal, leveraging these kind of sites to promote the existing free, delayed chapters of the remake as already discussed would be a much more lucrative move. While it's her prerogative, of course, and I think "if it's available in English, just buy it" is completely reasonable in general, I can't even see this as a good purely business decision.

Also, the old version is literally only up to Vol 4 (and only up to Vol 2 is available on Booth, apparently?) - I certainly don't think anything past Vol 2 should be removed until it's clarified whether removing chapters not even currently on sale was the intent. I have no idea how I'd have written anything without the current English version as a quick reference.

I wouldn't mind supporting her but I really would love to buy the physical manga itself :/ I really hope it would get published

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Goggled Anon posted:

ANNOUNCEMENT: Taiyaki just announced that, since Yuri Hub are now officially releasing the old 1 x 1/2 in English, they're looking to get the scanlated version removed.

特に旧版の1×1/2-My half of you-については現在いくつかのサイトにて全話が無料でアップロードされているのを確認しております。今まで正式な英語版が出ていなかったので黙認しておりましたが、公式での販売が始まりましたので改めて削除をお願いできればと思います。
In regards to 1x1/2 - My Half of You in particular, I've noticed that all the chapters have been uploaded for free on various websites. I've tolerated it until now since there was no official English version, but now that it's officially on sale, I once again ask that it be removed.

Yuru Oyako is probably okay to stay unless I hear otherwise since I made arrangements with Yuri Hub when that moved to official status, but yeah, as a Yuri Hub affiliated translator, I have to do my part and ask that 1x1/2 be taken down from here and Mangadex on Taiyaki's behalf. (Not much I can do about all the mirror sites).

(Getting a bit delayed, but also wanted to ask before doing so)

I'd like to replace the first chapter with a slight explanation and links to where/how to support Taiyaki and the official versions, ala What Does The Fox Say. Does this seem acceptable to you?

last edited at Jan 10, 2022 10:29PM

joined Oct 15, 2014

Sure, go ahead.

joined Apr 21, 2018

Welp, at least i read the whole story

joined Jun 5, 2019

removing is nonsense, as well all of you may remove to hell.
really why dont delete everything ?
all or nothing

p.s. cannot be partially pregnant isnt ?

joined Jun 6, 2013

Since when do you need to get an author's permission to post a fanfic? If people had to do that, they wouldn't exist.

I'm glad we didn't delete the series listing completely so we can continue discussions. So much to read on page 127 @_@. I skimmed it.

So it's been 2 weeks since Taiyaki posted chapter 5 part 2. Why is Yuri hub taking so long to release it in English? If it takes a month for them to release it in English, I am canceling my subscription. I'll just wait until they've released the first volume in English and I can buy it that way.

joined Jan 13, 2020

Since when do you need to get an author's permission to post a fanfic? If people had to do that, they wouldn't exist.

You don't, obviously, but in a super tiny fandom where a language gap exists and with the content not being immediately apparent like fanart, I thought it'd be courteous to discuss it before publishing. There had also been one or two discussions about fanfiction in this thread before, so I figured it'd be best to clear that up (whoever mentioned that they wrote that R18 Ayako/Asuka thing, please feel free to post it!!!).

And I'm also concerned about the delay since the YH page is now technically two updates behind.

last edited at Feb 3, 2022 4:26PM

joined Mar 9, 2022

Heya I'm new here.

This manga has been really important to me for like a year now and I spent it reading and re-reading it without having anyone to talk about it, so reading all 128 pages of discussion spanning 5 years was a real treat sjbshsbshahs

It was also great to get a link to the english translation of the redraw, because I certainly wasn't finding it before. (I've been reading the spanish translation cause I speak portuguese, but english is a lot more comfortable).

What I can say so far is that I'm glad Taiyaki is doing this to strenghten the foundation of her story so to speak for a even better build up to part 2. This manga is so good it deserves a more polished version with everything more the author can give to it now that she is far more equipped than years ago. 1 x ½ might as well be her magnum opus and I feel like this has the potential to only elevate the material (artistic possibilities of including more details, a tighter and more creative panel work that was already pretty amazing before in its composition even if a bit too rough etc.) and even make it more accessible to readers who don't give a chance/merit to rough doujin art.

The only thing it doesn't really have going for it is the same quality of translation as before (phrase construction of the previous translator flowed better and sounded more natural imo) and sometimes the dialogue sounds like a downgrade, a bit too manga-like (but again, could be all translation) instead of that realistic + dry feel to it.

Overall I'm really happy it's going strong and I wish my japanese was advanced enough to understand stuff from the newer chapters because some pretty major stuff about Ayako seems to be coming into focus...

last edited at Mar 11, 2022 5:44AM

joined Jan 13, 2020

This manga has been really important to me for like a year now and I spent it reading and re-reading it without having anyone to talk about it, so reading all 128 pages of discussion spanning 5 years was a real treat sjbshsbshahs

I got into it a little earlier when things were still active here but yeah I know the feeling lmao, I really miss the discussions here. Agree on the TL - at least in the new EN Ch1-3 (still need to get around to finishing JP Ch4+) the tone feels a little constructed/more uneven, even when a lot of dialogue remains the same? I'm used to and likely biased towards the old version, but I kinda feel like I need to be reading both concurrently instead of just chilling out with the English release.

Anyway, Vol1 thoughts now that it's technically done. I was going to wait until all the English chapters were unpaywalled too, but it seems even Ch4 has been on Pixiv Comics for free since Dec, so no idea when that will happen.

  • Unless I missed it, Asuka's clarification that she wants to "go all the way" seems to be gone, which is kind of a shame? I thought that admission was not only a welcome change from the standard manga confession but illustrative of how awkward the discussion might need to get to unambiguously communicate what's actually going on.
  • Ayako's reaction to the confession still lands perfectly, and I think this dynamic - that Ayako might not understand how Asuka feels, but would never want her to suffer in silence - is the key to making everything that comes after feel credible. It's only because Ayako is a good mother that her gut reaction is regret for how difficult things had gotten for Asuka, rather than to leap to defensiveness or judgment, and so the scene actually cements their existing relationship at the exact moment it might otherwise seem least believable.

    The oneshots that worked best in the anthology (like Torii Sumi, Inui Ayu, or Misaki Tenmu's) found their own ways to make their characters' relationship plausible (usually centering on abandonment), but I really only see these small, elegant insights about motherhood used to full effect by Taiyaki. No plot contrivances or character twists are really necessary, and the characterization feels pretty grounded as a result.

  • Ayako's power of attraction remaining essentially supernatural in the new version surprised me. This was probably the element I disliked the most in the original: it seemed like an atypically cautious justification for Asuka's feelings that felt increasingly superfluous as we saw more of Ayako's internal narrative. That this element remains intact probably bodes well for the Mom Radar gag, though, which I love (and even ties in with Asuka's arc in vol 9)

  • The young Ayako stuff is great, and seems to be hinting at more about how she dealt with being a target of attention throughout her life and how she changed in return. That's something only briefly touched on in the original, and would do a lot to justify Ayako's "preternaturally attractive" thing. I did always liked the idea of Ayako finally coming to terms with this part of her life only for it to appear again from an unexpected direction, even if I didn't enjoy the way it framed Asuka's feelings as artificial.

  • The pace accelerating enough that Akira shows up at the end of this volume makes sense, I think, and her TL feels slightly looser which I think fits her a bit better. Also, Taiyaki's note about how she completely forgot to put her in appropriate winter clothing the first time around was pretty funny. I hope we see more Akira, even if she does need to leave pretty quickly if the plot swerve with her remains intact. I remember Taiyaki RTing someone's warning about how Akira's not your typical "ex from the past", so I suspect things will play out similarly.

  • hopelessly praying something spicy like the original Vol 1 extra makes its way into the final volume release

last edited at Apr 8, 2022 9:46PM

Ghost Shogun
joined Dec 4, 2015

Since I'm logged in right now, I'll take this opportunity to ask:
Where can I buy the official release?
I'm sure the answer is somewhere in this comment section, but since I don't know how far back I would need to go (+laziness), I decided to just ask instead.
Also, the answer is probably "No", but asking anyways: Can I buy phisical copies of it?

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Since I'm logged in right now, I'll take this opportunity to ask:
Where can I buy the official release?
I'm sure the answer is somewhere in this comment section, but since I don't know how far back I would need to go (+laziness), I decided to just ask instead.
Also, the answer is probably "No", but asking anyways: Can I buy phisical copies of it?

They're being released on Yuri Hub's booth. No physical editions, I'm afraid.

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