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OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

BoobTwinkler posted:

Faerilyn posted:

Not sure why this was tagged "non-science babies" when they talk about her being adopted right at the beginning. Or implied it at least. Garun does some great stuff. Love them since the Childhood Yuri story

I'm sorta confused by your comment. The kid is adopted, so it's tagged Non-science babies. That sounds right to me...?

I think Faerilyn is just confusing the meaning of "Non-science babies" with "Babies Made Through Unscientific Means", as in a same-sex couple had a biological baby somehow because magic let them have one or something along those lines.

Ahh thank you! So that feels like reading the tag as Non-biological babies, which I guess does make sense if I think about it. It's still confusing for me to get my head around but the tag names sure aren't the clearest in the world either!

last edited at Mar 25, 2021 2:04PM

joined Nov 8, 2017

This was cute

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

Note that "Garun" is Thai. The characters wear Thai school uniforms.

And the names are very Thai too.

But for some reason, they post their work in Japanese.

last edited at Mar 26, 2021 7:51AM

joined Jan 6, 2015

Anyone else desperately want at least a miniseries with these characters? There's so much cute potential! I want to see them go on a heartwarming cringey double date!

joined Feb 15, 2019

Why is this a oneshot, I demand more!!!

joined Jul 17, 2020

Faerilyn posted:

Not sure why this was tagged "non-science babies" when they talk about her being adopted right at the beginning. Or implied it at least. Garun does some great stuff. Love them since the Childhood Yuri story

I'm sorta confused by your comment. The kid is adopted, so it's tagged Non-science babies. That sounds right to me...?

How are they non-science babies? lmao. Maybe that tag needs to be changed, because adopting is perfectly normal, and "non-science babies" implies that there is something unnatural about the way they were brought into the world. The science is there: adoption

joined Dec 20, 2018

Faerilyn posted:

Not sure why this was tagged "non-science babies" when they talk about her being adopted right at the beginning. Or implied it at least. Garun does some great stuff. Love them since the Childhood Yuri story

I'm sorta confused by your comment. The kid is adopted, so it's tagged Non-science babies. That sounds right to me...?

How are they non-science babies? lmao. Maybe that tag needs to be changed, because adopting is perfectly normal, and "non-science babies" implies that there is something unnatural about the way they were brought into the world. The science is there: adoption

Quite the opposite - science babies implies unnatural ways (and is also used for magical equivalents), while non-science babies is for normal kids, including those adopted.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Quite the opposite - science babies implies unnatural ways (and is also used for magical equivalents), while non-science babies is for normal kids, including those adopted.

Which isn't exactly intuitive. Dunno 'bout you but to me non-science babies at first blush sounds like it specifically covers the, well, non-scientific forms of unnatural reproduction (in practice usually meaning "magic") with somewhat cheeky if awkward wording.

Why natural children should even need such an oddly phrased tag is quite beyond me.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Why natural children should even need such an oddly phrased tag is quite beyond me.

To differentiate them from science babies, I guess. It actually never felt not intuitive for me, but I guess it depends on how you look at it. I've just always seen it as simply the somewhat tongue-in-cheek opposite of science babies, making the meaning rather obvious to me. (Although it also may have helped that I'd already seen a discussion on the use of science babies for magic in another chapter.)

last edited at Apr 6, 2021 8:51PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

I've just always seen it as simply the somewhat tongue-in-cheek opposite of science babies, making the meaning rather obvious to me.

To me the opposite of science babies isn't natural babies (who IMO should just be tagged as plain children or suchlike if indicating their presence in the story is now deemed necessary) but supernatural babies of whatever specific flavour. Tagging for the presence of perfectly regular offspring seems as redundant to me (in the overwhelming majority of scenarios I can think of) as tagging for regular human characters would be.

joined Dec 20, 2018

I've just always seen it as simply the somewhat tongue-in-cheek opposite of science babies, making the meaning rather obvious to me.

To me the opposite of science babies isn't natural babies (who IMO should just be tagged as plain children or suchlike if indicating their presence in the story is now deemed necessary) but supernatural babies of whatever specific flavour. Tagging for the presence of perfectly regular offspring seems as redundant to me (in the overwhelming majority of scenarios I can think of) as tagging for regular human characters would be.

Simply children or babies would also encompass science babies, though, so this would still be necessary for clarity. As for tagging for "perfectly regular offspring", it may seem redundant in most places, but it's actually a pretty big deal on a site that mostly focuses on yuri - not really a genre known for the characters having children.

joined Jul 17, 2020

Faerilyn posted:

Not sure why this was tagged "non-science babies" when they talk about her being adopted right at the beginning. Or implied it at least. Garun does some great stuff. Love them since the Childhood Yuri story

I'm sorta confused by your comment. The kid is adopted, so it's tagged Non-science babies. That sounds right to me...?

How are they non-science babies? lmao. Maybe that tag needs to be changed, because adopting is perfectly normal, and "non-science babies" implies that there is something unnatural about the way they were brought into the world. The science is there: adoption

Quite the opposite - science babies implies unnatural ways (and is also used for magical equivalents), while non-science babies is for normal kids, including those adopted.

That's... really unintuitive. science babies for magic babies, with no science behind it? That's the silliest thing I've ever seen. non-science babies for regular children? that's even sillier. These tags need revision. Easy solution: adoption/adopted, step-child tags. Calling those "non-science babies" is the most ridiculous tagging thing I've seen in a long time.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Simply children or babies would also encompass science babies, though, so this would still be necessary for clarity.

Then you use the more specific tags as appropriate. Like, duh.

As for tagging for "perfectly regular offspring", it may seem redundant in most places, but it's actually a pretty big deal on a site that mostly focuses on yuri - not really a genre known for the characters having children.

Most appearances of child characters that don't fall under science babies (which in practice mostly applies to doujinshis and fanart anyway) went completely untagged since forever, irrespective of how important they might be in the story. Pretty sure nobody cared so the sudden addition of this counterintuitively and awkwardly worded tag is least said perplexing.

last edited at Apr 7, 2021 10:18AM

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Faerilyn posted:

That's... really unintuitive. science babies for magic babies, with no science behind it? That's the silliest thing I've ever seen.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". How exactly babies are created isn't really relevant (and exact means are often hand-waved/omitted exactly for that reason). What matters is that they're their biological children.

non-science babies for regular children? that's even sillier. These tags need revision. Easy solution: adoption/adopted, step-child tags. Calling those "non-science babies" is the most ridiculous tagging thing I've seen in a long time.

It's really simple. Yuri about couple raising children that came from realistic means (adoption/only 1 of them is biological mother) is very rare and so since early on stories where children are actually biologically related to both of parents were majority, it made sense the first tag that would be created was Science babies. Now that we got stories where child didn't come from technology or w/e that isn't available to us yet, it only make sense that opposite tag would be created based on tag that was before, hence Non-science babies to inform reader that it's not another of those stories where author just decided to give yuri couple kids, because it'd be nice. Tag could be named differently? Sure, but I really don't think it's that complicated to grasp...

random posted:

Most appearances of child characters that don't fall under science babies (which in practice mostly applies to doujinshis and fanart anyway) went completely untagged since forever, irrespective of how important they might be in the story.

Or maybe it's that those doujinshi/images focused on couple having children and being family? So tagging it for people who look for that kind of content felt necessary and since kids were clearly biologically related to both parents, it felt appropriate to mention it, since otherwise readers wouldn't really expect seeing biological children of their favorite yuri couple.

Pretty sure nobody cared so the sudden addition of this counterintuitively and awkwardly worded tag is least said perplexing.

Pretty sure people care about stories about lesbian couples that raise kid together. Just there isn't many that mainly focus on that + those stories are very rare to begin with. Also just because something isn't tagged, it doesn't mean nobody care about it. It could simply be missed or nobody at the time think about creating tag and it just got forgotten. Also as I said, it's only really counterintuitively if you either didn't know or ignored that Science-babies tag was made and popularized first.

last edited at Apr 7, 2021 11:53AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

That's... really unintuitive. science babies for magic babies, with no science behind it? That's the silliest thing I've ever seen. non-science babies for regular children? that's even sillier. These tags need revision. Easy solution: adoption/adopted, step-child tags. Calling those "non-science babies" is the most ridiculous tagging thing I've seen in a long time.

I don't even see why we keep arguing over this when this all is already explained in the tag description. Although, thinking about it a bit more, it may be easier to understand if it had a slightly different wording as not science babies.

In any case, I think this discussion has come far enough away from reasons the chapter was tagged as such to discussion about the meaning of the tag itself that it would be better to stop derailing this thread any more and, if there's still something someone wants to say about the tag itself, any further discussion should be taken to the tag's own thread.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Short form: the present formulation of the tag is needlessly bizarre and awkward.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Sometimes, the discussions had on dynasty scans dot com...

Science babies was created as a result of iPS cells and their popularization in certain fandoms (like Saki or K-On!). You'll notice a search for "iPS" actually brings up the tag, because it's been an alias since forever ago. Science babies was intended to cover instances where two women were able to have a baby through advanced technology. It's not until a few years after the tag's creation that Magic babies start to become much of a thing, and was inducted into the tag. On this site, anyway.

There's also some weird lack of distinction going on - if I said "a goat created by science", would one picture a goat created in a lab, or a goat that was born from two parents of the opposite sex? These are both "science" at work, technically, but only one is ever colloquially described as having been created by science. The other is sex, and was therefore created "naturally." From drugs to construction, I can't honestly think of many exceptions to this phraseology, either.

Anyway, the names might change at some point. I don't really know. If you have something else to add please bring it to the Help thread.

random posted:

Tagging for the presence of perfectly regular offspring seems as redundant to me (in the overwhelming majority of scenarios I can think of) as tagging for regular human characters would be.

Dynasty may be chronically slow to change and often completely un-receptive to feedback, but the justification for ~95% of tags created post-2018 is "a bunch of people wanted it." Yuri stories with kids are exceedingly rare, but are highly-sought. That's basically all there is to it.

last edited at Apr 7, 2021 10:59PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

There's also some weird lack of distinction going on - if I said "a goat created by science", would one picture a goat created in a lab, or a goat that was born from two parents of the opposite sex? These are both "science" at work, technically, but only one is ever colloquially described as having been created by science. The other is sex, and was therefore created "naturally." From drugs to construction, I can't honestly think of many exceptions to this phraseology, either.

...I'm sorry but what?

joined Apr 4, 2021

This kid has a gf already while me I HAVE NONE

joined Nov 27, 2017

My friggin' heart. Why does Garun write the sweetest shit.

joined Apr 22, 2017

Gyaaaaa. This is so freaking sweet.
Last I read "babies" tag got lots of drama, but the two most recent stories just fluffy!

joined Jan 18, 2016

died of wholesome

joined Feb 16, 2020

my heart is literally crying, so precious QAQ

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