Forum › My Best Friend Has Excitement Deficiency Syndrome discussion

joined Mar 16, 2018

She caught something else

joined Jul 1, 2020

Are we all missing the part where she says they let her choose partner of any gender for the kabedon? It isn't just Yuri that cured her but the combined effect of Yuri + her friend.

joined Jan 9, 2017

"Excitement Deficiency Syndrome"

That's just depression.


joined Dec 4, 2019

Who needs therapy when you got yuri?


joined Jun 5, 2018

"Excitement Deficiency Syndrome"

That's just depression.


it is tho

joined Mar 10, 2018


DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

"Excitement Deficiency Syndrome"

That's just depression.


it is tho

kind of? I think you can still get excited when you're depressed but I guess if you think about the syntax of it, it kind of works. If you think of excitement/arousal as motivation like psychology does then yeah, I think it could be excitement deficiency syndrome though there is more to it than that.

joined Aug 19, 2018

I don’t know what they’re doing at that hospital but it’s not medicine

You're right, it's a series that's waiting to happen. It will be called "Yuri's Anatomy", or "Yuri Hospital" or just "Yuri", where the MC's last name is Yuri and they're an assholish person who's almost always right

"Excitement Deficiency Syndrome"

That's just depression.

Lmao I was finna say this title sounds like what my friends probably thought of me, since they didn't know I have depression.

joined Jan 27, 2015

So yuri is a cure for autism :/

joined Oct 10, 2020

and they were classmates

joined Feb 22, 2019

Ok but did gay cure them or did gay horniness cure them lmao

joined Jun 10, 2019

This was so heartwarming!

joined Aug 4, 2018

Are we all missing the part where she says they let her choose partner of any gender for the kabedon? It isn't just Yuri that cured her but the combined effect of Yuri + her friend.

Next installment, no more excitement deficiency syndrome but now she faces the problem of how to confess to her best friend.

joined Jan 4, 2021

She caught something else

She caught the big gay

joined Jul 1, 2020

Are we all missing the part where she says they let her choose partner of any gender for the kabedon? It isn't just Yuri that cured her but the combined effect of Yuri + her friend.

Next installment, no more excitement deficiency syndrome but now she faces the problem of how to confess to her best friend.

We need more childhood/best friend Yuri!

Yuri Is Life Yuri is Love Yuri is Pure
joined Jul 27, 2018

Can I also get some yuri therapy..?

joined Feb 18, 2018

boy,, that escalated quickly

joined Oct 22, 2018

and they were classmates

Oh my god... They were classmates

joined Apr 17, 2015

Kawauchi, please… Please make a series. :’( The planet Yuri needs you.

joined Apr 6, 2020

"Excitement Deficiency Syndrome"

That's just depression.

Could also be bipolar disorder, but what do I know?

Nice scenario the artist came up with...
Here, wall slam followed by hug I cured your straightness.

joined Dec 18, 2016

hospitals should start a yuri therapy now since it cures everything

Sadly doesn't work on man

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

This is a huge W

joined Mar 30, 2021

bless yuri

last edited at Oct 28, 2021 11:37AM

joined Feb 9, 2021

Only me who thinks she looks like Kagua-sama from love is war on the last page there?

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