Forum › Nettaigyo wa Yuki ni Kogareru discussion

joined Nov 3, 2018

Since it starts airing in July it'll be right around the time when Nettaigyo ends, so hopefully it can fill a bit of the void I'll undoubtedly be left with.

joined Jul 27, 2020

Chapter 32 is just too much for my heart too handle. I know I started reading Hanigare hoping for some yuri bait, but right now I seriously do not care whether they kiss or become friends in a salamandership. Koyuki has grown, and the lines she said to Konatsu when she understands the latter's feeling... really makes my heart full.

I think they both refer themselves as salamander while referring the other one as their frog, since Koyuki said "I wish I could become a salamander" to Konatsu (well it was the answer to Konatsu's words). It doesn't matter now, knowing they already conveyed their feeling to each other, in the subtlest way so no one wouldn't understand what kind of friend ship they have.

Two chapters left.

last edited at Jan 27, 2021 11:53AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Heartwarming. ^_^

joined Apr 20, 2013

"subtext" they said ... :)))))))) hahahah what a heartwarming confession, in such a special way too, in a language special for those two alone. Poor Konatsu couldn't hold her feelings anymore, they came out pouring like a river xD I must confess, all the impatient and annoying people who were complaining (For several months!) actually made me believe for brief moments that we couldn't get a ending like this (is not the end but feels like the climax) so seeing them in the same page with their feelings coming across like that finally, is beautiful, I'm so happy! best of luck to these girls! might they find happiness together from now on! T-T

Koyuki's mom is cute too u/////u had to be said!

joined Feb 19, 2016

Bruh I've never felt so relieved that there's still a "Suzuku" at the end of the page as much as this latest chapter. Please for the love of god let this heartfelt series get a proper ending. (even though I know in my heart it wont go full yuri)

joined Nov 3, 2018

I generally try to write my thoughts and impressions in a collected manner, but surely I can gush a little bit at this point? I love how the story has come full circle, it feels like the author painstakingly planned every little detail from the beginning. Each aquarium club show throughout the series was a landmark to highlight the development of the main characters, first when Konatsu was just starting out and going through the ropes, then stepping up to do it on her own in Koyuki's absence, then together with Koyuki who got embarassed of showing how much she enjoyed herself, and finally now with Konatsu as club president and Koyuki joining in and displaying her fun to everyone.

Even bit characters like Koyuki's classmates went from being intimidated by her and putting her on a pedestal, to dragging her along with good intentions but without understanding her needs and worries, to finally seeing and accepting her for who she is. But the one who grew the most out of the side characters is probably Fuyuki, who was childishly annoyed at being considered a mama's boy by his friends last time they went together at the school festival, and who now willingly remained with her as they bond over something they both like.

I'd have too much to say about Koyuki and Konatsu themselves, but it's not really necessary as all the callbacks were pretty clear in the story itself. I just want to express how satisfying it is to see how it all came together with Koyuki's line. Konatsu hiding her face behind the menu while expectantly waiting to see if she'd figure it out was really cute. And for all her previous worries about not wanting to be selfish and not being able to tell Koyuki everything she wanted, it's just so fitting that in the end she conveyed all her feelings without having to say a single word, and for Koyuki to finally be observant about both her own feelings and Konatsu's. They've come so far.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Um . . . squee?


last edited at Jan 30, 2021 9:02AM
joined Jan 7, 2018

Just two besties who want to stay together forever, nothing gay here. This chapter seemed like an end chapter. After all problems has been settled, I hope the last two chapters would be dedicated to some romance.

joined Mar 10, 2018

Every time I convince myself I'm fine if this manga has a friendship ending, I get a chapter like this and it completely destroys my resolve.

joined Nov 3, 2018

Then again, Koyuki outright said Konatsu is not just a friend to her in this chapter so it's understandable.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Then again, Koyuki outright said Konatsu is not just a friend to her in this chapter so it's understandable.

Friends be like "Understandable, have a great life together"

joined Jul 1, 2018

I audibly squealed when I saw Konatsu hide behind the menu! This chapter was just amazing! I love how everyone’s character development was shown even more so here (I also really like how observant Karaoke guy is, and how Honami’s classmates were happy about Honami sticking up for her values).

Someone up here already said it, but them communicating in this language that no one understands but them just shows how deep their relationship is. Honami doesn’t even know what to call it, “Instead of her being a friend or protege, I cherish her more than that”

Anyways, it’s great how supportive and positive everyone is of one another, my heart melted xD.

joined Jan 25, 2017

They're gonna have a great future together..........

joined Jul 29, 2017

"This is not the same story as the lonely salamander"--and aren't we all deeply grateful for that?

joined Jul 1, 2018

"This is not the same story as the lonely salamander"--and aren't we all deeply grateful for that?

Yes, no “stay here with only me until you starve to death and die” type of story here lol

I guess it’s mostly saying that in this version, they go from “needing” the other, to just wanting to be with the other. On the surface the relationship hasn’t changed, but the context it’s in has (hence Koyuki saying her story takes place under a blue sky, not a cave)

joined Mar 20, 2012

The author is either trying to misdirect or is deluding themselves, because there's no platonic explanation to what happened here.

joined Nov 3, 2018

I audibly squealed when I saw Konatsu hide behind the menu!

I seem to be physically incapable to look at the page where Koyuki says that being a salamander wouldn't be so bad without making a big smile no matter how many times I see it.

joined Mar 17, 2020

i know it’s gonna of for the friendship end...but i can’t help but hope. well at least it’s not like it would be ruined whichever way it goes. i honestly feel like either way would be a satisfying ending, everything was so well built up, and so far it’s all being concluded very nicely. this has been a really fun and interesting story, i pray nothing bad happens in he final chapters.

joined Aug 10, 2015

the last volumes of this manga have been a rollercoaster of emotions (mostly sad ones), but this chapter made everything worth

last edited at Jan 30, 2021 7:32PM

joined Jan 14, 2020

Frog and salamander

"The moon is beautiful"

"I cherish her more than a friend"

We've got Xena levels of subtext here.

joined Feb 15, 2019

i know it’s gonna of for the friendship end...but i can’t help but hope. well at least it’s not like it would be ruined whichever way it goes. i honestly feel like either way would be a satisfying ending, everything was so well built up, and so far it’s all being concluded very nicely. this has been a really fun and interesting story, i pray nothing bad happens in he final chapters.


joined Nov 3, 2018

I have my own set of hopes for the ending, but the one thing I really want is for the last or last two chapters to have both names in the title.

joined Jan 25, 2017

I have my own set of hopes for the ending, but the one thing I really want is for the last or last two chapters to have both names in the title.

Open a title with "Koyuki Amano" or "Konatsu Honami" or we riot

joined Apr 20, 2013

If Koyuki is the salamander and Konatsu is the frog, then who is the cave? Bigthink.jpg

joined Nov 3, 2018

Konatsu does describe the aquarium club room as cave-like in the first chapter.

Fine, my main hope for the ending is that they go on an aquarium date in Tokyo.

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