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joined Jul 29, 2017

That would definitely be worse than going commando. At least she can justifiably say that not having underwear was a stupid mistake, but people will assume there was deliberate intent if she's caught wearing those.

Grammar question: would it be “caught wearing those, or “caught wearing that?

Inquiring minds . . .

In common use either of them could work. Grammatically, however, I believe "those" would be truly correct, because the bottom piece of underwear is referred to in the plural.

I was making a joke about the actual construction of the object—of course, underwear in the form of panties or boxers is “those” or “them,” but a chastity belt or garter would be “that.”

A legitimate question when the bag was opened would be, “WTF is that?” as opposed to “WTF are those?”

EDIT: I love the little apparent reinforcement in the “contact” area. Hino’s attention to detail is unparalleled.

last edited at Nov 24, 2020 8:52AM

joined Aug 12, 2017

I don't know what I expected

joined Jul 29, 2017

I don't know what I expected

I think that's the key to why it's so funny--I half-thought maybe cutesy panties with characters on them, or frilly lacey things, or, if I'd thought a little harder, crotchless.

I did not expect that/them.

EDIT: That's not even mentioning Hino's finely honed telepathic understanding of Omichi's predicament--she's tres formidable and hopelessly useless simultaneously.

The precisely matched layouts of pages 8 & 9 are a lovely touch.

last edited at Nov 24, 2020 9:58AM

joined Aug 29, 2019

That would definitely be worse than going commando. At least she can justifiably say that not having underwear was a stupid mistake, but people will assume there was deliberate intent if she's caught wearing those.

Grammar question: would it be “caught wearing those, or “caught wearing that?

Inquiring minds . . .

In common use either of them could work. Grammatically, however, I believe "those" would be truly correct, because the bottom piece of underwear is referred to in the plural.

I was making a joke about the actual construction of the object—of course, underwear in the form of panties or boxers is “those” or “them,” but a chastity belt or garter would be “that.”

"Those" may be the "normal", technically correct way to refer to the panties, so it's moderately neutral, but "that" implies "that thing", which has a lot more aversion to it.

Also, before she said "they" were brand new, I was sure she'd somehow gotten a hold of a pair of Koguma's worn panties... though that would be kind of out there, even for Hino.

Last page got me good.

Nice interpretation. I think I need to re-read it from the top one of these days.

last edited at Nov 24, 2020 1:05PM

joined Jul 30, 2020

joined Jan 7, 2018

Just when I was wondering why would she casually have spare panties... gosh Hino, you're such a troll.

joined Mar 4, 2018

Much respect. They play checkers while she plays chess.

joined May 20, 2015

Jajajaja que demonios jajajaja Hino, te pasasssss

joined Mar 28, 2015

I loled. Literally.

joined Aug 23, 2015

just straps.

joined May 22, 2014

And again, Hino being vague on her parents.Did they really live here and don't care that her daughter have a cold ? Are they dead ? Or did Hino has move from her hometown alone and her parents are in fact still at her hometown ?

They're definitely dead. Nagisa was in grade school, and the accident occurred on a cold and rainy day. She remembers the moment, when she was in class listening to her teacher's lesson, and the school principal suddenly entered unannounced, and called her name:

Afterwards she seems to have sunk into a state of stoic, emotional impregnabilit; showing no outward signs of grief. But her grandmother saw through this facade, and convinced her to move away from her hometown and attend her grandmother's alma mater in an attempt to put distance between herself and visceral reminders of her parents and restart her life. She had a bit of money from an insurance payout or lawsuit settlement, which affords her an apartment and financial independence

Damn, I did get this feeling that something tragic had happened with Hino but now that you lay it out like this it gives Hino's character a whole new dimension.

joined Feb 17, 2013

That would definitely be worse than going commando. At least she can justifiably say that not having underwear was a stupid mistake, but people will assume there was deliberate intent if she's caught wearing those.

Grammar question: would it be “caught wearing those, or “caught wearing that?

Inquiring minds . . .

From a purely grammatical standpoint, it’s “those.” A single article of underwear is referred to in the plural form in English for some reason (i.e. a pair of boxers or a pair of panties). “That” is used for singular nouns, while “those” is meant for plurals. “Them” could also technically work, but that word is generally used in reference to people, so it would come across as a bit odd unless you wished to personify the g-string.

'Them' CAN be used for people but its used constantly to refer to things too right? if you are refering to multiple.
Like 'I left my bags by the door can you go and get them for me?' Or 'Did eat the buns? ' yes I ate them earlier'
or 'did you wash my panties - yes I put them in the washer.'

You cant use 'those' for any of these cases right? unless you change the sentence around. I dont know the proper rules, but I think you use 'those' before stating the noun -' can you go and bring me those 2 bags I left by the door'
whereas when you say what the thing/s are first, it switches to 'them' right?

In the case we were talking about- I think its harder to say because when you have posts in a thread the sentences are often incomplete or spread over multiple peoples posts, or assuming you know the noun from the context of the manga without saying it etc and it can get a bit wierd. I was refering to the panties just after a big picture of them in the previous post - so maybe 'them' would be ok? but i guess it doesnt feel quite right without me knowing any specific rule- like you need a clearer statement of the noun first to use 'them'.

As for why panties are a 'pair of' - it's wierd isnt it? It seems to be anything we wear that has a hole for each seperate leg is considered a pair. Its more clear with a pair of tights or trousers or similar than with panties that its like 2 seperate items of clothing for each leg, like a sock or stocking, that are just joined by an extra bit at the top?
Maybe thats where it comes from- and panties origionally comes from pantaloons which did have legs too I think?

Not sure why this applies to leg clothing and not something like jumpers which has a thing for each arm.. maybe because with a coat or jumper the majority of the item is the bit between not the '2 parts' bit, and you can have a top without arms - and never had such a thing as arms alone without the rest- whereas with trousers or stockings, the paired up element is the main part of the item and they are sometimes seperated like in stockings. Its a bit tenuous lol.

last edited at Nov 26, 2020 5:48AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

^ elevown, we’re mostly not talking about grammar per se here, but rather idioms—those little usage conventions that aren’t strictly logical but simply the way native speakers habitually use words. It’s not at all clear why in English trouser-like things became a plural while upper-body garments are singular—they just are.

It’s like in British (and elsewhere) English the short form of “mathematics” is “maths” while it’s “math” in the US, or how Brits say that someone is “in hospital” while US people say “in the hospital”—there’s no compelling grammatical reason, that’s just how it’s done.

My joke, which has now become exceedingly tedious, was based on the fact that whatever the fuck Hino had in that bag seemed to have lost any residual suggestion of “twoness” remaining in panties (I do note, tediously, that a G-string is also a singular noun).

Not that I’m a linguist:

last edited at Nov 26, 2020 10:00AM

joined Jan 14, 2020

You cant use 'those' for any of these cases right?

You could, but it's less natural out of context. More natural in a context where other things were already established as relevant, so you're specifying the bags or panties in distinction to those other things.

But yeah, 'them' is flexible:

"Did you talk to your friends?"
"Yes mom, I talked to them?"
"Did you wash the dishes?"
"*Yes* mom, I already washed them."
"How's your [non-binary] friend Pat?"
"I'm seeing them Saturday."
"Remember I'll be out Saturday morning, and a repair person is coming."
"Yes, I'll be here for them, I'm seeing Pat later."

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Even after almost 2 years the twists at the end still get me

Firefly Fanatic
joined Feb 22, 2019

That doesn’t help

last edited at Dec 1, 2020 7:40PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Poor Omichi has trouble even recognizing those as panties... :D

joined Nov 24, 2017

joined Oct 25, 2013

Dang i want someone for omi as well, she's too damn adorable.

joined Oct 22, 2018


joined Feb 17, 2013

I KNEW that was why she brought those in lol.

joined Nov 6, 2018

I didn't think they were going to follow that up.

joined May 26, 2020

Tonight: The Case of the Embarrassing Panties!

joined May 20, 2013

joined Nov 6, 2018

Does anyone else ever wonder what color Omichi's eyes are?

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