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joined Jan 31, 2013

I've read a lot of mangas with bad endings so i know this isn't bad bad, but it's doesn't exactly work either. Just jumping suddenly to them living together with no connection to what we had previously saw was the status of their relationship (still thinking fondly of each other and yet not having spoken in a long time) is just confusing.

Frankly this ending says absolutely nothing, it would've been better to have left them going their separate ways rather than to just spring them living together with no explanation as to how they reconnected, how they came to live together or what their current relationship actually is.

It's fine to be ambiguous as long as there is something for the reader to be able to draw conclusions from, here tho... well, like i said it's just too confusing.

last edited at Oct 19, 2020 4:04PM

joined Jul 26, 2019

There are still signs that show at the end that they are together more or less lovingly, the fact that uta says when she is at university that she did not see kaoru then a year and that at the end on the way home from work she returns and therefore lives at kaoru who says welcome to you is rather optimistic at this level. But I can't believe it ends like this, its feeling the end open with a jump in time I hope (I beg?) that they make us a citrus+ suite , or at least one or more chapters when they live together once uta adult!

joined Jan 28, 2019

It seems like most japanese mangaka are allergic to writing conclusive and satisfying endings lmao.

joined Oct 26, 2018

jesus christ every single ending is so rushed... it's gotten so annoying for every series ive followed

joined Jan 31, 2015

"Time skips are too cliché. What can I do that's different? I know! I can have two time skips in a chapter!"

last edited at Oct 19, 2020 4:16PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Look, this ending is pretty much of a piece with the whole rest of the story--poorly paced, too much time on peripheral things, unanswered throwaway questions (like, how did Uta learn "what it feels like to have someone like you"? Was it a boy? A girl? A lizard?), and things that might be meaningful but might just be sloppy mistakes (for example, if Reiichi lives in the same building, why does his door not have a lock like Uta's does? If he doesn't, why was he picking up mail as if he were coming home from work?)

The ending is a problem, but I'd say it's just another symptom of THE problem.

joined Aug 16, 2019

what the fuck is this ending?!

joined Jun 30, 2016

Dont care how it ended, after all that suffering they both deserve a happy ending, also fuck Risako.

joined May 18, 2019

I knew it, I knew it will be a rushed mess the moment it was announced this was the final chapter.
The cliffhanger from last chapter left a door open to go longer on this, but the author just ignored it and end the most vague way possible unless you over read the dialogues.
Still it was an entertaining ride at it's peak.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Well, I don't regret reading the series, but it is a case where some fanfic would provide a better ending, or even second half.

Last chapter: "We want to live together"

This chapter: time skip to "I haven't seen her in a year because university", time skip again to "I'm an office lady, probably living with her somehow"

Okay, that might be a happy ending?

At least we got to see Kuroe and Miyabi again.

One for the "flawed gem" pile, as in "nice premise and setup, fizzled execution". Like Citrus.

joined Dec 3, 2018

How did it feel powering through over a dozen chapters of het drama only to get almost zero yuri at the end? I guess the Yuri-hime subscribers got tired of hetshit in their yuri magazine, hence it getting this terrible ending. Glad I didnt waste time on this trash.

last edited at Oct 19, 2020 4:54PM

joined Dec 26, 2014

mangaka was going around in circles with the story since many chapters why is everyone surprised the end somehow sucked? I bet they really wanted to end their story since it was going nowhere and probably was forced to continue for 4 freaking years when it could easily be like 2 volumes long without the boring characters chapters etc.
hopefully this mangaka will continue working for yuri hime with a better and sexier story cause we all read her dounjins and they are divine
this manga was simply......MEH

joined Aug 14, 2017

I've faithfully read this series from the very beginning and I have to say, this was bad and I am disappointed. I wish I never read a single chapter.

WHY IS REIICHI LIVING NEXT DOOR? Is he a do-M? A stalker? Does he like to listen? Did he consult his landlord for the closest open apartment? WHAT'S HAPPENING????

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

I sure hope it was axed and not ended by author, because it'd mean they are terrible at writing stories if they think story should end at the half way point, especially after finally getting to the interesting part. Not only it skips entire second half of the story, we didn't even see emotional climax of the entire plot or resolution to it. Not to mention all the plot threads that were never addressed/resolved. The fact author had to make not one, but two time-skips to somehow end this mess says a lot. Considering that beginning actually was good, I can't help but wonder if author was forced to stretch it to fit into serialized form, but it affected the quality of the story and once the popularity dropped (assuming it did) it was axed and they couldn't salvage it at this point. Or they simply are bad at storytelling and couldn't handle continuing the narrative over longer period.

sadhomu82 posted:

mangaka was going around in circles with the story since many chapters why is everyone surprised the end somehow sucked?

There were many people arguing the story is actually very good and really well written, so.

last edited at Oct 19, 2020 5:16PM
joined Jun 6, 2020

I'm assuming the Mangaka learned from Citrus+ and is like here is an entire 4 year timeskip with lots of questions I can now milk for later

joined Feb 6, 2014

Wtf is this end? Bad... bad end. Why. Really why...

joined Dec 26, 2014

I'm assuming the Mangaka learned from Citrus+ and is like here is an entire 4 year timeskip with lots of questions I can now milk for later

at least citrus has memorable and likable characters
this one? I doubt anyone will remember their names after a while or even their blunt drawn faces

joined Aug 27, 2013

This is shitty in a lot more ways than one.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Or they simply are bad at storytelling and couldn't handle continuing the narrative over longer period.

I'm pretty much on record for this position. I agree that the beginning had a lot of potential, but even early on in the story the signs of dropped threads, poorly structured beats, and more questions than answers were pretty evident.

That "confession cliffhanger" business was a red flag if ever there were one.

I'm going to force myself to limit my "I told you so" posts to a few hundred a day.

joined Jul 19, 2015


joined May 15, 2020

Well... at least her friend's relationship got some solid resolution?

joined Apr 16, 2013

It really ended....... I'll finally be able to sleep at night again

joined Jun 22, 2013

The ending could've been so much better.

joined Aug 10, 2015

I... huh.


Well then.

Not-so-stealth-edit: I'm just left so... unsatisfied. Like even if they didn't even if they didn't end up together, the double time skip and "ambiguous end" feels beyond rushed. With as long as this has gone on and built things up, for the ending to just be that just feels... tacky.

A 4-year story shouldn't feel like it's nowhere near finished by the end. And yet, the ending just feels so abrupt.

Iono'. I don't want to be too harsh. Or maybe I'm missing a lot. Or something. I don't know.

last edited at Oct 19, 2020 5:45PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

It really ended....... I'll finally be able to sleep at night again

Implies this manga even can be a reason for one's thoughts to slow down oneself falling asleep

EDIT: How do I prevent the > from immediatelly making it as if it's a quote? The latter part shouldn't be quoted

last edited at Oct 19, 2020 5:46PM

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