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joined Feb 5, 2020

Extra chapter? Please?? An epilogue, a few pages I beg. That ending should be far far longer with a few more peeks into their new finally yuri life.

joined Oct 22, 2018

I mean, at least Chaosteam's credit pages always give me some comic relief, so it wasn't a complete waste of my time.

joined Aug 6, 2015

This was a meh ending. No real conclusions just every was skipped over until the end. Risako didn't even appear in this chapter making her feel more like a plot device. This just felt like it skipped over everything it setup just to get to the end. No talk about the divorce, no watching them move in together, no conclusion with Risako, nothing that made all these plot points feel resolved.

joined Jun 12, 2015

joined Jul 1, 2014

This is dumb. I feel dumb for reading all this. Dumb.

joined Oct 26, 2016

If I roll my eyes any harder, I'll break my neck

joined Jul 29, 2017

C'mon, people--let's have those lectures on how it all made perfect sense, and all those unanswered questions weren't really unanswered questions, and the structure made it more realistic, and the theme was consistently developed, and this was exactly the way it was all supposed to be from the start.

I mean, don't give up right at the finish line.

joined Sep 6, 2018

I nominate “Bad End” tag for this chapter!

joined Jan 20, 2020

I almost can't believe how bad this is

joined May 24, 2017

Why do i feel that they are still not going out? Or maybe they already are?
Did the author decide to make it vague?

What is with this ending?
Is it a bad conclusion? No.
But Is it satisfying? NOOO!

last edited at Oct 19, 2020 3:36PM

joined Feb 5, 2015

Seriously? Whether or not they get together, the story could have gone either way. My shipper heart isn't so unreasonable as to say the story sucks simply because the relationship didn't work out. But this isn't a climax. This entire chapter is nothing but an epilogue. And if the previous confrontation at the bus stop was supposed to be the climax, it's only half finished.

Is this supposed to be an open ending? Because if it is it's a huge letdown after the extremely detailed drama and angst buildup over the story. So much thought put into this to at the end go "so yeah, they finally confronted each other and here's a look at a few years later and maybe they did maybe they didn't. Oh well."

link brackets are currently not working?
You can't show something like this:
and then not show her conclusion.

What the fuck?

joined Sep 15, 2015

What the fuck????????? I can't believe i read this for 4 years to reach this ending. Yes, time skip one year it's acceptable, and then continue from there with Uta more matured. But this was just, pure and simply, bad: time skip, then time skip again, and magically oh, they're together! The end. Oh, goddamit. Someone throw this into the oblivion.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Seriously? Whether or not they get together, the story could have gone either way. My shipper heart isn't so unreasonable as to say the story sucks simply because the relationship didn't work out. But this isn't a climax. This entire chapter is nothing but an epilogue. And if the previous confrontation at the bus stop was supposed to be the climax, it's only half finished.

Is this supposed to be an open ending? Because if it is it's a huge letdown after the extremely detailed drama and angst buildup over the story. So much thought put into this to at the end go "so yeah, they finally confronted each other and here's a look at a few years later and maybe they did maybe they didn't. Oh well."

link brackets are currently not working?
You can't show something like this:
and then not show her conclusion.

What the fuck?

Hey, we got one panel with the both of them (sorta) in it--what more do you want?

joined Mar 27, 2019 unsatisfying ending. The author was so detailed about every feelings and thoughts. And ending by skipping literally everything.

joined Nov 24, 2017

The most Twilight-Zone-eque thing about this entire debacle is that SOMEHOW they ended up living right across the hall from Reiichi? What the actual fuck? That's some serious vindictive psychopath shit.

last edited at Oct 19, 2020 3:45PM

joined Aug 2, 2020

Disappointed. I really like stories like this one, but after chapter 30 it started derailing so much. It became a pain to keep reading it.

On one hand, I'm really glad it's over. On another hand, I think there is still room for plot development. All in all, I'd rate this manga 7 out of 10, because I really love bittersweet stories, but the plot lacks in many aspects, unfortunately.

last edited at Oct 19, 2020 3:46PM

joined Dec 18, 2013

The second time skip felt like it was tacked-on just to justify the series being serialized in Yuri-Hime.

Also, someone remind me, who was the tanned cutie?

last edited at Oct 19, 2020 3:48PM

joined Jun 4, 2018

Holy crap that ending was cleaved clean off.

On a different note, how much do you hate your brother to live right next to him with his ex wife as your lover?

To be blunt, they shouldn't have gotten together as things stood, and handwaving all the issues (the massive chasm of them, like, you know, Kouru pretty heavily implying the familial connection to her instead of romantic all the way until the end) as "well they worked it out offscreen" is just disappointing. There is literally nothing satisfying about this ending.

It's really hard for me to assume this is an "open" ending. Yes, they don't outright state they're together. Maybe they're really just being roommates, while Umi holds onto a love that will never happen? I don't buy it. The publication for this manga pretty much dictates they're together.

last edited at Oct 19, 2020 3:51PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

The most Twilight-Zone-eque thing about this entire debacle is that SOMEHOW they ended up living right across the hall from Reiichi? What the actual fuck? That's some serious vindictive psychopath shit.

This is actually classic MUL--do we even know if that's his apartment door, or an exterior door?

In other words, maybe he's leaving the building after a booty call at Kaoru's (you remember, that het girl who has never showed the slightest bit of girl-girl desire), and now Uta's coming in for the emotional-support shift.

Also, someone remind me, who was the tanned cutie?

Konatsu, the sex-fiend member of the Cafe Society Three Stooges.

last edited at Oct 19, 2020 3:53PM

joined Feb 5, 2015

Hey, we got one panel with the both of them (sorta) in it--what more do you want?

I know, right? Even open endings tie up some loose ends, if not the main question (hence, leaving it open.) From Uta's perspective an open ending might make sense, and we do see some of that with Kuroe and her going to university, but what about Kaoru? If we never had Kaoru's perspective, only Uta's, it wouldn't matter. But the author gave multiple perspectives in this story, including what I linked about.

Kaoru realizes Uta really did love her, but then never thinks about that again? What about Reiichi? What are his thoughts on this? Did he even find out about what his sister confessed to his ex-wife? After Ritsuko becomes the antagonist and lays it out for Kaoru, she's never seen again? She's a one-trick character?

On another note, is everyone thinking that the fact they're living together means they got together? Because my impression was more of a status-quo, still unrequited love. Which, again, open ending, sure. But it feels more like the author just stopped halfway through the story rather than even trying to write out an ending that was open to interpretation.

As far as it not being a separate apartment though, Uta was trying to use a key to get in.

last edited at Oct 19, 2020 3:55PM

joined Aug 19, 2019

Ehhh- it felt a bit bland, but i'm glad they at least got together at the end somehow...

Also LOL why tf are they living next to Reiichi lmao?

last edited at Oct 19, 2020 3:54PM

joined May 24, 2017

Honestly, if the author really think like "about their relationship at the end, I will let the readers decide by themself, there are no wrong answer", im gonna get real angry and disappointed.
Come on! I want to know what YOU, author-san, want. Or what you want it to be and what you think it should be isn't the same? I still reading this all because I want to know what Uta and Kaoru relationship be like at the end and i honestly can accept any outcome you choose. So please, twitter extra or omake or anything, please give me the real conclusion.

In previous chapter, we get a hope that depending on Kaoru, we might see their relationship become romantic but we also got warning that it might not change and they will not going out. I already prepare myself for any of this two outcome but now i feel like i got toyed with. (I know the author do not intent to toy with us. I think maybe he/she just can't choose?)

last edited at Oct 19, 2020 6:15PM

joined Sep 15, 2020

Yea no, author-san hand over the better ending please >_> This left me feeling a bit unsatisfied and it feels so unfinished. An okay read ig the beginning was great but I can barely say the middle and ending was as good.

joined Jun 19, 2014

when writing a proper conclusion is too hard so you use timeskip and ambigous endings.
if it was gonna end like that, i would have rather she just be forever alone with her 'dumb and ridiculous unrequited love' than magically get together with her brother's ex wife who's been pretty much rejecting her this whole time.

joined Jun 4, 2018

Yea no, author-san hand over the better ending please >_> This left me feeling a bit unsatisfied and it feels so unfinished. An okay read ig the beginning was great but I can barely say the middle and ending was as good.

Maybe that's the authors ABSOLUTE GENIUS at play here. Maybe we're SUPPOSED to feel as unsatisfied as Umi, knowing she lives next to the person she loves romantically but that person will always look at her like a little sister.

No? No.

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