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joined May 9, 2019

Tadokoro-san is that you

joined Nov 24, 2017

Who would have thought that "stalking is bad" is only something woke people think.

That's not what I was talking about. I'm saving any judgment on the story until we have more than a single introductory chapter to work with. Stalking is a sign of mental problems in real life, but this is fiction, and we know next to nothing about the situation so far. Personally, I want to see what happens next.

last edited at Dec 7, 2019 8:33PM

joined Jul 4, 2018

Mochi Au Lait huh? So whens the part where it turns out their all related?

maybe we will stray closer to god's light this time...
i wouldn't but your idea in the rear view mirror just yet.

joined Apr 13, 2018

Pretty interesting...
Also this really reminded me of Houseki no Kuni and now I wanna cry

joined Jan 27, 2016

Who would have thought that "stalking is bad" is only something woke people think.

That's not what I was talking about. Using buzzwords like "toxic behavior" to describe anything they don't agree with is par for the course with the SJW crowd. I'm saving my judgment on the story until we have more than a single introductory chapter to work with. Stalking is a sign of mental problems in real life, but this is fiction, and we know next to nothing about the situation so far. Personally, I want to see what happens next.

The irony of someone saying "SJW" in complete sincerity complaining about buzzwords is great.

joined Nov 19, 2017

So what else does Stalker chan's actions constitute? Sugar, spice and everything nice? Toxic behavior fits exactly what Tayama is doing to Hanae. You are being super aggressive towards someone making an observation. That is not fly at all. No one is pushing an agenda or trying to be a SJW, whatever the frick that even means nowadays with how media paints this crap. Cool your head and quit flipping out.

Since Mochi is involved, everyone is a surprise stalker?

joined Nov 24, 2017

The irony of someone saying "SJW" in complete sincerity complaining about buzzwords is great.

Point conceded. I'll amend my post to concentrate just on the point.

joined Mar 5, 2019

Since Mochi is involved, everyone is a surprise stalker?

Even Mochi. Even you.

joined Jan 9, 2017

Very interesting. Maybe Mochi will throw a curveball and the characters will not be all related to each other.

Mochi has done plenty of non incest stuff, quite frankly this running joke is tirering at this point

joined Apr 5, 2013

Oh, wow, this is unexpected. And interesting. I need more!! Damned cliffhangers!!

joined Apr 22, 2019

Mochi has done plenty of non incest stuff, quite frankly this running joke is tirering at this point

Gotta appreciate the classics.

last edited at Dec 9, 2019 10:11AM

joined Sep 16, 2019

I'd like to point out that Hanae is also not cool about this because she won't communicate her feelings to the source of her troubles, and instead is whining to her friends about it all instead of standing up for herself.

Now, to be fair to Hanae, Tayanma is fucking terrifying in every way. She’s selfish, domineering, has no sense of boundaries, and comes across as a bit of a headcase. If I were in Hanae’s situation, I could almost guarantee you I wouldn’t be standing up to Tayama either because I’d be afraid of her pulling a knife on me if I tried.

On a more general note, this a... different sort of story than I’m used to from Mochi. It’s far more unsettling than I expected it to be too, so props to her and mindoa. I’m not sure if I’ll continue it because... yeah... but it definitely does its job well.

joined Sep 13, 2018

i will laugh my *ss off if the stalker happens to be the good girl or she just doesnt even know she is bothering her friend , like the online friends finally meet just to show that it was the FeMC and the stalker.
Stalker will finally understand she was being weird and scary this whole time but would still tell the FeMC that her friends are bad people (and end up being right).

Im letting my imagination fly , i have seen a lot of mangas but i have never run to a stalker centered story. Just some funny 4 koma once of the dude who actually "cured" the stalker by accepting her demands and even asking for more weird sh*t from her ending with her having a baby with the dude and just saying "he?" without knowing how the hell did she end in that situation.

I have big hopes on this.

joined Mar 5, 2019

Now, to be fair to Hanae, Tayanma is fucking terrifying in every way. She’s selfish, domineering, has no sense of boundaries, and comes across as a bit of a headcase. If I were in Hanae’s situation, I could almost guarantee you I wouldn’t be standing up to Tayama either because I’d be afraid of her pulling a knife on me if I tried.

Have we seen a knife on her yet? Has she actually threatened Hanae in any way? She's absolutely selfish and domineering, and I'd wager when she thinks of the definition of boundaries, she doesn't even put herself in the equation. Yet, I still think Hanae should try, she hasn't even tried.

Even though I ended up the way I did, when I was 15, my mom had a stalker through her work. I figured out immediately how he was as soon as I met him (cold, slimey smile, his eyes held serious malice, and his vocal inflections when he spoke to her, and told her as such, and she laughed me off until a month later he had escalated things. She was so meek around him, and would just nervously laugh and try to reason it away, and then would tell her friends and coworkers that she was uncomfortable around him, but didn't face the guy directly until his wife got involved and divorced him, and he moved away. Her second stalker was our neighbor. At one point he put several random pieces of his guns in a box on our driveway with a note saying that she should keep them so he could come back later when he didn't feel like killing himself. I took that box and threw them all over his porch when he was out buying beer (how do I know it was beer? I watched him come back to it all from my window) and he never bothered her again after that.

The guy had several guns, I still did it. You have to face down this kind of behavior and make it clear it isn't tolerable. I'm not trying to sound hard, I just know that if someone pulled a knife on me after stalking me, I'd fight them with everything I had because anything less invites misunderstanding. My mom was meek in both cases, and it didn't stop until things got extreme.

last edited at Dec 12, 2019 1:30AM

joined Aug 7, 2017

On behalf of Stan Miller, I regretfully bring bad news: Stan will not continue translating this comic, for what he has seen in the raws for the next few chapters goes too far out of his comfort zone.

joined Feb 16, 2016

On behalf of Stan Miller, I regretfully bring bad news: Stan will not continue translating this comic, for what he has seen in the raws for the next few chapters goes too far out of his comfort zone.

Ahh...It's a shame though, since this looks promising. I really like the art style, I haven't seen it before. And I'm interested in where the plot is gonna go.

joined Jul 18, 2018

On behalf of Stan Miller, I regretfully bring bad news: Stan will not continue translating this comic, for what he has seen in the raws for the next few chapters goes too far out of his comfort zone.

People like Tayama are the things nightmares are made of.
And it's almost like she has her own art-style within the art-style whenever she talks.

When you share the same work or school with a stalker this "effective", confronting her is exactly like a damned-if-you-do and damned-if-you-don't type of thing.

"If I do report her to an authority, she'll know it was me that did it. Who knows what she'll do next?"
"If I don't report her to an authority, she'll keep stalking me. Who knows what she'll do next?"

Then the uncertainty alone is enough to stop you from doing anything to protect yourself unless someone intervenes without you asking.

Will someone else be translating the rest of the chapters where Stan left off? I really want to know if Hanae will be okay...

joined May 25, 2019

Hey I saw the cover of it on Twitter from mochi au lait and Minado cool C:!!!!

last edited at Jun 5, 2020 10:29AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

What's happened out there Mochi? Never pictured Mochi joining the freak show band wagon. To each their own. I never understood the appeal since they are so far from reality and the characters have to be so stupid as to never heard of police, school authorities, etc. They do not scare me, it's just that the person getting harrassed is so lame you almost want them to be hassled because they have no brains in their heads, but I can't because the minute I start to enjoy someone getting tortured like this girl, is when I lose my humanity.

joined May 15, 2020

Does anyone know if there's plans to keep translating this? I really want to know what happens next, specifically what happens to Hanae and whether or not she's alright in the end.

joined May 15, 2020

Okay so I've just looked over the raws on Mochi's Pixiv, I may not have been able to read any of the text but I can see why Stan decided not to keep translating this one. I still hope someone else picks it up though, only having the images to go off of leaves out a lot of context and detail.

joined Nov 9, 2017

Okay so I've just looked over the raws on Mochi's Pixiv, I may not have been able to read any of the text but I can see why Stan decided not to keep translating this one. I still hope someone else picks it up though, only having the images to go off of leaves out a lot of context and detail.

Well, I guess I have a good excuse to try to do some translation practice. I'll have to go look for the raws...

Aw man. I just saw the raws. That's what was too much for the translator to handle? All I saw was basic yandere behavior.

joined Nov 9, 2017

What's happened out there Mochi? Never pictured Mochi joining the freak show band wagon. To each their own. I never understood the appeal since they are so far from reality and the characters have to be so stupid as to never heard of police, school authorities, etc. They do not scare me, it's just that the person getting harrassed is so lame you almost want them to be hassled because they have no brains in their heads, but I can't because the minute I start to enjoy someone getting tortured like this girl, is when I lose my humanity.

Gee, I never thought of calling the police about my father when I was being abused! You're right, I was such a lame little girl. ROFL

[honestly I tried to come up with serious responses but you're so obviously a bot, a child, or a tall child that it's just not worth it, sry]

joined Oct 14, 2020

This reminds me of Jackie Chan's bathroom.

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