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joined Feb 18, 2015

Well... if that isn't one of the finest chapters in manga, I don't know what is! Excellent writing, gorgeous art, and amazing emotional depth. AND, Touko played the cheesecake card!!!

joined Oct 16, 2013

And give Yuu credit, when the parents answered the door she didn't panic and blurt out that she was there to ravish their daughter.

joined Feb 10, 2013

Ok.... so, I just wanted to say that they seemed to me a great, cute and very beliable young couple (and that I absolutly loved that sex scene!), but i agree word by word with Gudetamago.

Looking forward for the final chapter. I will miss this series so much!

last edited at Sep 3, 2019 7:22PM

joined Feb 18, 2018

It's not that there are nothing left of Touko and Yuu to explore from a relationship development POV, realistically-speaking. I personally am curious to see how the time Touko is away in college and Yuu is still a high school student would play out

Realistically, it would play out like most high school romances do, even between 2 girls: the distance and increasingly diverging experiences between a high school student and a university student would make Touko get closer to some other girl, or start becoming wild about parties and whatnot. They would eventually split up, and later down the road both would meet their actual life partners during their 20s. If Sayaka sticks around as a good friend and they go to the same university, she could even end up with Touko accidentally by the time both forgot the whole high school crush thing.

last edited at Sep 3, 2019 7:44PM

It's not that there are nothing left of Touko and Yuu to explore from a relationship development POV, realistically-speaking. I personally am curious to see how the time Touko is away in college and Yuu is still a high school student would play out

Realistically, it would play out like most high school romances do, even between 2 girls: the distance and increasingly diverging experiences between a high school student and a university student would make Touko get closer to some other girl, or start becoming wild about parties and whatnot. They would eventually split up, and later down the road both would meet their actual life partners during their 20s. If Sayaka sticks around as a good friend and they go to the same university, she could even end up with Touko accidentally by the time both forgot the whole high school crush thing.


joined Jun 2, 2016


joined Jul 29, 2017

It's not that there are nothing left of Touko and Yuu to explore from a relationship development POV, realistically-speaking. I personally am curious to see how the time Touko is away in college and Yuu is still a high school student would play out

Realistically, it would play out like most high school romances do, even between 2 girls: the distance and increasingly diverging experiences between a high school student and a university student would make Touko get closer to some other girl, or start becoming wild about parties and whatnot. They would eventually split up, and later down the road both would meet their actual life partners during their 20s. If Sayaka sticks around as a good friend and they go to the same university, she could even end up with Touko accidentally by the time both forgot the whole high school crush thing.

And that, my friends, is the difference between people in real life and fictional characters. Real-life people do what the interactions of their psychologies with the vicissitudes of circumstance impel them to do, and fictional characters do whatever their creators decide to depict them as doing.

There’s one truly “realistic” ending: “Eventually, they died.” But one reason to read these stories is to temporarily convince ourselves that “they lived happily ever after,” knowing full well that’s really saying, “they lived happily ever after insofar as we know, or care to know.”

So choose:
Yuu and Touko loved each other and:

A) eventually they died.
B) they lived happily ever after.

joined Feb 18, 2018

I pick B for "they forevermore Boinked".
Am done with dark humor for the day :D

joined Jul 29, 2017

I pick B for "they forevermore Boinked".
Am done with dark humor for the day :D

I said “happily,” didn’t I? Lol

joined Jun 28, 2019

There’s one truly “realistic” ending: “Eventually, they died.” But one reason to read these stories is to temporarily convince ourselves that “they lived happily ever after,” knowing full well that’s really saying, “they lived happily ever after insofar as we know, or care to know.”

So choose:
Yuu and Touko loved each other and:

A) eventually they died.
B) they lived happily ever after.

Yuu and Touko loved each other and (B) for about 70 years and then (A).

I mean, unless a character is some eternally young immortal, (A) is a given for any setting and any story... right? The "ever after" in the idiom means "for as long as they lived, hopefully very long."

joined Jul 29, 2017

There’s one truly “realistic” ending: “Eventually, they died.” But one reason to read these stories is to temporarily convince ourselves that “they lived happily ever after,” knowing full well that’s really saying, “they lived happily ever after insofar as we know, or care to know.”

So choose:
Yuu and Touko loved each other and:

A) eventually they died.
B) they lived happily ever after.

Yuu and Touko loved each other and (B) for about 70 years and then (A).

I mean, unless a character is some eternally young immortal, (A) is a given for any setting and any story... right? The "ever after" in the idiom means "for as long as they lived, hopefully very long."


joined May 29, 2019

Sure Yuu and Touko will die one day, but eventually they will be reunited in Yuri Valhalla where they can be gay awkward dorks at each other forever.

joined Apr 13, 2018


joined Apr 6, 2017

I found the amateur translation better than the translation at Dynasty.

If you mean Kusoshop's translation which is on Mangadex I agree.

Either way, speaking of KS, I also liked their translation of chapter 42 and 43 better than 4s'. They are more literal which manages to capture some nuances 4s fails to include, and they have improved over time compared to their translation of chapters 38 & 39 (which they fixed to make it more "English" later on anyways).

I feel like I read something about a change in staff at 4s and since then the translations haven't felt as good. I even found the ks ones having a better feel especially this one. I'd almost think 4s is trying to hard to differentiate their version from the other group.

If I remember right the dip in the 4s version seemed to coincide with a change in the listed chapter poster on dex and Dex getting prioritized getting chapters sometimes much sooner.

joined Apr 6, 2017

Perfect. And that flashforward panel of them being an older couple was nice.

I think the take away is Touko expects Yuu to never grow past her current height. Or hopes she doesn't.

joined Aug 26, 2018

From what I understand, the word お泊まり doesn't have to be a sleepover specifically at Touko's place. The idea is that Yuu wants to spend a night with Touko outside of her own home (we actually considered "I want to spend a night with you" as a TL option but thought that it was too direct). It just so happens that Touko's place became the perfect spot for it. Not to say that Yuu only requested the お泊まり just to have sex, but it's silly to think that she didn't hope for an opportunity to push things further when she asked for it. I can ask a Japanese acquaintance to confirm this or if anyone wants to correct me, that's fine too.

All I can rely on is what the translations give me. None of them said what you said. I don't know the Japanese context either. Perhaps that word is commonly used for sleepovers, I don't know.

Perfect. And that flashforward panel of them being an older couple was nice.

I think the take away is Touko expects Yuu to never grow past her current height. Or hopes she doesn't.

Well they both can still grow, I guess Touko just expects Yuu won't outgrow her lol

joined Oct 22, 2018

I pick B for "they forevermore Boinked".

I was on the verge of getting slightly pissed at you for the comment about what you think would realistically happen in college, but then you dropped this joke on us, and taught us all that, if one risks having me mad at them, just make a joke. I cannot possibly be mad at you for at least the next 6 hours due to how much I liked the humorous way you phrased the quoted sentence.

last edited at Sep 4, 2019 2:44AM

joined Oct 30, 2018

the contradiction of wanting to see the end but not wanting it to end is ripping me apart, thank you very much Nakatani-sensei

joined Mar 28, 2015

Yuu and Touko won't die. Ever. They'll be eternally frozen in time once the series is over.

Unless Nakatani Nio writes a sequel where they do.

last edited at Sep 4, 2019 7:18AM

joined Aug 2, 2018

Wow, I like the change in Yuu. Never making any decisions and just following her friends, to understanding she's the one in control of her destiny. I like how the author used an intimate scene to show her transformation. It made it mean so much more than just gratuitous sex.

This has been such a good read. I wonder if the author will leave us with a cliffhanger... hehehe.

joined Aug 5, 2014

I'm so glad they finally did it. Just so happy. I was giggling and laughing all the way. Thank you Nakatani Nio for this wonderful masterpiece ! And of course all the scanlators who worked hard to bring us this manga. Kudos to all of you!

joined Jun 27, 2018

I think there's not much more to explore for Touko/Yuu.

Yeah, because a relationship really doesn't have any development worth mentioning beyond having sex for the first time... /s

I meant from a literary point of view. The first few volumes built up a number of conflicts that shaped the plot. Things like Touko hiding her true self behind a mask and acting like her sister, or Yuu thinking she's incapable of falling in love then falling for someone she can't confess her feelings to, not to mention the love triangle with Sayaka's feelings.

All of that is already resolved in the story. There aren't many remaining issues to address for the main couple (though some side characters still have unresolved plot points).

So, as far as storytelling goes, the main plot is over. Anything that happens now is relatively minor compared to the overarching concept of YagaKimi (and I think that includes everything after the confession scene in the student council room). And I don't think an author of the caliber of Nakatani-sensei would drag a story on just for the fluff.

(Also, everyone please do stop with the passive agressive replies. It doesn't make you look smart or superior, just conceited.)

last edited at Sep 4, 2019 9:47AM

joined Mar 16, 2018

Yeah, as much as I don't want this series to end I know that all good things must, or be doomed to become shells of their former selves.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Plot aside (new conflict can always be introduced), has anyone actually thought about Nakatani-sensei's side of things here? Writers generally need muse and a point to their stories to be interested in the work. Nakatani told the story she wanted to tell and explored all relevant paths (Sayaka being a bonus), so there is no reason to force herself to write more. It is entirely possible to do, but goes against the author's goals, therefore it's wrong.

If she handed the universe to someone else to do a spin-off in, it would work, but the writing quality cannot be upheld.

last edited at Sep 4, 2019 10:12AM

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