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joined Mar 7, 2017

Well that could probably use a couple more tags

joined Jun 13, 2015

lol Danganronpa

joined Jul 13, 2015

Wow, that was dramatic.
Good that Komaru is kind, other will just take advantage of the situation.

joined May 27, 2017

Nope nope nope no thank you

Little Red Rum
joined Mar 6, 2015

This should have the Drama tag and Spoilers tag for Kotoko's past.

Someone Else
joined Jun 18, 2017

Well, this is not what I thought the first DR doujin posted to this site would be. Who even ships this anyway?

joined Feb 23, 2014

Well this was better than expected considering the characters involved

joined Sep 8, 2016

Started off strong, the flashbacks kind of took me out of it though, probably needs some more tags.

joined Apr 27, 2015

It started off good but I dunno danganronpa at all so the actual stuff was weird

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Well, this is not what I thought the first DR doujin posted to this site would be. Who even ships this anyway?

It's semi-official, assuming canon isn't quite the right word for it.
In Ultra Despair Girls, Kotoko captures Komaru and straps her to a fondling machine. If you fail a subsequent minigame, Komaru gets mind-broken and lilies flood the Game Over screen.

joined Sep 7, 2016

oh wow :)

Someone Else
joined Jun 18, 2017

Well, this is not what I thought the first DR doujin posted to this site would be. Who even ships this anyway?

It's semi-official, assuming canon isn't quite the right word for it.
In Ultra Despair Girls, Kotoko captures Komaru and straps her to a fondling machine. If you fail a subsequent minigame, Komaru gets mind-broken and lilies flood the Game Over screen.

The BDSM machine happened, and I'd rather forget about it, but the actual ship/scenario for this doujin is nowhere near 'official'.

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

the actual ship/scenario for this doujin is nowhere near 'official'.

You'll be hard fetched to find a smut doujin that bases itself on an official scenario where said smut would canonically occur.

joined May 1, 2017


joined Jan 8, 2014

This is the first I've heard of "ultra despair girls" so I googled it ...
I dunno regardless, I thought this was really dark, but the story was executed so well! ^_^ I had to add it, the flashbacks gave only a glimpse, but powerful stuff...
Thanks for scantalating

joined Jul 4, 2016

Could've at least took the actual ship (komaru x touko)

Best Mangaka Rohan
joined Dec 13, 2016

But the plot......where? D:

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

But the plot......where? D:

In the game, I guess. The doujin does assume some knowledge of it. Assuming you've never played (or at least watched a walkthrough of) Ultra Despair Girls and have no interest of doing so, here's the quick rundown.
World gone to shit, as detailed in the end of Danganronpa 1.
Kotoko is part of the Warriors of Hope, a group of elementary kids who want to kill adults and make a paradise for children.
Kotoko has the pretty-damn-disturbing-for-PEGI-16 backstory of being forced into prostitution by her mother, hence she freaks up whenever she hears the word "gentle". It's also made her somewhat lewd (a bonus backstory also has her attempting to do lewd robot stuff with another girl)
During the game, she kidnaps Komaru and tries doing naughty things with her, but is stopped by Toko (who, in another plotpoint from DR1 that is immediately spoiled on just glancing at this spin-off, has a serial killer split personality, Genocider Sho/Genocide Jack, which in this game she can force out using a tazer.
Kotoko eventually finds out the group's leader, Monaca, has just been using everyone for obsessive onee-sama admiration reasons, and she inevitably asks Komaru to stop her.
This doujin assumedly takes place after the game's events, as Komaru and Toko stay in town to help clean things up. And that apparently includes Kotoko's emotional baggage.

last edited at Jul 6, 2017 8:59PM

joined Jul 16, 2013

ow, hits close to home for me.

last edited at Nov 25, 2017 7:25AM

joined Oct 15, 2014

One thing that seemed weird to me are the "kyute" here and there from Kotoko's speech - I'm used to the English's translation of the game, in which they said "adorbs". But hey not like it really matters.

Honestly it's been a while since I played the game, so I don't remember some of the localisations. I mainly used "kyute" since she says "kyawaii" in Japanese.

Super High School Level Artist
joined Dec 28, 2016

I just wanted to read a good Kotoko x Komaru hentai, not have feels.

I actually like how they focus on the cannon story. I can see this happening a bit after the events of Danganronpa 3. I need more of this ship, its underrated.

joined Apr 8, 2016

Could've at least took the actual ship (komaru x touko)

There seems to be a complete lack of this ship in doujinshi. Heck, the whole reason I played Ultra Despair Girls was cause I thought the ship was legit lol

still enjoyed the game a lot

joined Mar 24, 2013

It just couldn't be Touko, could it?
Was that really too much to ask?

joined Jul 7, 2017

Welp, at least there's a danganronpa. This manga is the beginning.

joined Apr 18, 2013

God, this artwork is just wonderful.

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