Puberty, an All Boys School!? and Nakano-kun by Higashi 385 — Ongoing


Hajime Nakano is forced by his mother to enroll at a newly opened all boys high school, and he laments over having to spend the next three years surrounded by other guys. However, he doesn’t know that all of the other students are girls secretly pretending to be guys, and each of them think they are the only girl in the whole school.

Chapter 1: My Classmates At Our All Boys School Shouldn't Be Making My Heart Race released Feb 14 '21
Chapter 2: Why Does He Look So Cute!!? released Feb 16 '21
Chapter 3: Rattled Over Mixed Bathing released Feb 17 '21 Bath
Chapter 4: Come On, Let's Go Home released Feb 18 '21
Chapter 5: Understanding Each Other is Hard! released Mar 9 '21