lord-of-roses Jul 1, 2023 10:04AM

Removing her armor just like that... that knight sure is a fearsome foe.

Omega Deuse Jul 1, 2023 2:14PM

I haven't seen or played Yu-Gi-Oh in a while, so maybe I'm just out of the loop, but why is there suddenly a bunch of yuri about these two monsters specifically?

RedX Jul 1, 2023 2:55PM

This archetype specifically is about a Female Knight trying to complete the Labrynth Labyrinth, the boss is the white haired lady which due to having a plushie of the knight in one of the card's artwork people take it as her being interested in the knight.

BreadBunny Jul 1, 2023 4:05PM

in artbooks Lovely Labrynth (which is the the white haired lady) is also shown to be generally kind of a slob, to the point she only dresses up if the knight is attacking the labyrinth and she needs to be in her final boss mode. which is very shippable.

TopKoak Jul 2, 2023 1:11PM

yeah the artbook sketches confirm that she only cares if the knight is showing up, so every card with her on it being extra is just showing off to the knight like a dweeb.

bubuu Jul 2, 2023 4:44PM

Can someone link said artbooks?

hidekins Jul 3, 2023 6:47PM

Esc Jul 4, 2023 12:11AM

These 2 live rent free in my head 24/7
The fact that Labrynth Lady does her best to prepare her traps for the knight and goes super extra on her outfit and mannerisms is just.... I can't x'D
I smile like an idiot every time I think about them

bubuu Jul 5, 2023 8:45AM

thanks hidekins