Hard to tell what's going on here, so I'm gonna say Satsuki's thicc-ened up after months of shopping and living it up with sis. So she's decided to hit the gym, and Ryuko is protesting because she likes her this way. She's now experiencing a sublime zen being nestled beneath the weight of both boob and cheek.
Jan 10, 2023 6:04PM
I think what's happening is, "World hard and cold, Titty/Thigh/Butt/Stomach warm and soft".
AToastyCoyote Jan 9, 2023 9:02PM
Just blind Senketsu in that thigh
GrimEater Jan 9, 2023 9:15PM
Sacred tush
nio_neka Jan 9, 2023 9:34PM
awww nothing butt sisterly love
eromancer Jan 10, 2023 1:59AM
Hard to tell what's going on here, so I'm gonna say Satsuki's thicc-ened up after months of shopping and living it up with sis. So she's decided to hit the gym, and Ryuko is protesting because she likes her this way. She's now experiencing a sublime zen being nestled beneath the weight of both boob and cheek.
FluffyCow Jan 10, 2023 6:04PM
I think what's happening is, "World hard and cold, Titty/Thigh/Butt/Stomach warm and soft".