GrimEater Apr 5, 2021 10:48PM


Kuma The Bear Apr 5, 2021 10:52PM

Ooooh that's so good

Rivfader Apr 5, 2021 11:51PM

that.... actually looks like it would be extremely unpleasant. I imagine gills would be very easy to bruise

bitfarb Apr 6, 2021 12:56AM

Ooh, neat. I'd love to see a full body drawing of this take on Gura's design.

Takasaki Reika Apr 6, 2021 1:25AM


SF Apr 6, 2021 1:43AM

that.... actually looks like it would be extremely unpleasant. I imagine gills would be very easy to bruise

Idk, doesn't look like she's touching them in any unpleasant way.

RealmOMFG Apr 6, 2021 2:01AM

that.... actually looks like it would be extremely unpleasant. I imagine gills would be very easy to bruise

There are quite a few fanfics and drawings out there actually which have decided her gills are kind of an erogenous zone lmao

FluffyCow Apr 6, 2021 2:35AM

This looks like it's going to go from a wholesome hug to some kink sex really quickly.

random Apr 6, 2021 7:27AM

that.... actually looks like it would be extremely unpleasant. I imagine gills would be very easy to bruise

The actual soft gas-exchange tissue might be. Which is why it's protected by gill arches and operculum (gill covers, the flaps on the outside) - reminder that they're openings on the sides of the throat where food passes through too, and for many fish "food" equates whole other fish.
Evolution handled such details long ago.

Just to nerd excessively over the anatomy, though, it doesn't really make much sense for the gills to be located there. When you get down to it land-vertebrate lungs are ultimately derived from the swim bladders of the ancient bony fish that started experimenting with this "dry-land" business all those millions of years ago, and several extant fish species today use theirs primarily as a lung analog too (for example to survive getting trapped in isolated oxygen-poor pools after rainy seasons).

Cartilaginous fish - sharks, rays etc.- don't have swim bladders in the first place making this interpretation doubly dodgy.

Pikatan Apr 6, 2021 1:22PM

ahhhh gura gills is on her ribs? I would expect her gills to be behind her ears

Amersion_ Apr 6, 2021 1:42PM

I wonder if Gura actually has gills or not, I always assumed she didn't

random Apr 6, 2021 1:57PM

^^that's some Waterworld nonsense yo. Fo' reals, the only even remotely logical and plausible place for the things is the sides of the neck for the same reasons real vertebrates have them there too. (Putting aside the fact that there's no way to meet the oxygen requirements of anything like human physique and metabolism with the surface area available there...)

RealmOMFG Apr 6, 2021 2:27PM

I wonder if Gura actually has gills or not, I always assumed she didn't

She's said a couple times on stream that she does

bitfarb Apr 6, 2021 2:45PM

Ooh ooh ooh, from this artist's Twitter:

And I figure a humanoid's gills would be pretty sensitive like other orifices on the human body, so some light stroking might be pleasurable.

random Apr 6, 2021 2:55PM

^I suppose the nose would make a good point of comparison - the protective outer covering is no more sensitive than any skin, while the inside is all mucous membranes and whatnot and quite sensitive indeed. ('Course the very function of gills involves constant passage of water plus whatever particulate matters now may happen be floating in it through them so high tactile sensitivity there would be pretty counterproductive and distracting...) Sticking your finger in there is not generally considered a terribly erotic experience tho, and in the configuration depicted here they'd be opening directly into her lungs which sounds all kinds of y a b a i to me...

FluffyCow Apr 6, 2021 5:14PM

People talking about the gills being painful during sex or not. I'm surprised nobody is bringing up the show "The Boys". I'll provide a spoiler warning for the first season, and a Trigger warning for sexual assault. There's a character in said series, he has really disgusting side gills (nothing like these), and there's a scene where a woman rapes him while painfully digging her fingers into said gills/inside of them. It's an extremely painful experience for him. It's one of the most disturbing and disgusting scenes I've seen in media. Though that entire series is disgusting and disturbed.

However maybe there's a situation between Ame and Gura where it could be tender, if done right. Guess it ultimately depends on the writer.

last edited at Apr 6, 2021 5:55PM

Yuri Yuriyuri Apr 6, 2021 5:57PM

I just like how Ame is petting the base of Gura's tail.

random Apr 6, 2021 6:13PM

^that raises the question, does she have the characteristic dermal denticles (and duly sandpaper skin texture), and if so how widely? (Curio detail - historically the roughness and toughness made shark- and rayskin popular covering materials for sword hilts and other weapon grips.)

almond Apr 6, 2021 6:17PM

the teeth pattern on her hoodie matching up with the gills makes it look like her ribs are poking out through her back

maxsfag Apr 14, 2021 5:27PM

g-gills >.< got me messed up

Yurimage May 11, 2021 8:45AM


Dat's why you've gotta take it nice and sloowww, UwU...