Hauteclere Jun 17, 2019 10:17PM

We REALLY need more Rabi-Ribi on here. The game is chock full of shippability.

Sabruness Jun 18, 2019 2:37AM

I have no idea what this is from but i like the potential

PsychoNeko Jun 18, 2019 10:30AM

^ You're missing out on something.

Komi028 Jun 18, 2019 12:10PM

The bears are nice, but the first Rabi Ribi pic should have been the bunnies.

Senjougahara_sama Jun 18, 2019 11:26PM

Yeah this game is full of this stuff.

Swag Wagon Jun 19, 2019 12:07PM

Maybe it's just me, but I never could get into Rabi-Ribi and I've tried multiple times. Concept is solid, but it's just filled with these silly minor issues that bug me. Most of them are inconsequential, but they add up over time.

Like the fact that it's definitely a bullet hell, but it's not clear where exactly your hurtbox is. Or the fact that sometimes the background or foreground textures aren't properly mapped to the terrain making platforming in some areas more difficult than it needs to be.

That said, I can't deny it might just not be for me, and it's usually pretty cheap so if the concept of an ecchi anime bullet hell platformer appeals to you it may be worth a shot.

SushiKnight Jun 19, 2019 6:33PM

Frankly it's kind of amazing how little Rabi-Ribi stuff is out there. I'd certainly be glad if people caught on to it.