Forum › A Spell To Make You Warm! discussion

joined Aug 6, 2013

It's great seeing Alice being the aggressive one hehe ~

joined Oct 15, 2013

Awesome read, perfect timing... all that nose bleed :D

joined Jul 20, 2011

Alice succesfully embarrassing Marisa instead of the opposite. That's quite a first!

Overall, how sweet. I love it.

joined Feb 10, 2014

That won't really make Youmu warmer. It will actually make her lose body heat more quickly, since more hot blood is moving closer to the cold air.

joined Mar 3, 2017

That won't really make Youmu warmer. It will actually make her lose body heat more quickly, since more hot blood is moving closer to the cold air.

That is true, but ya gotta sit back and enjoy the yuri. Ignore the thermodynamics and just ride the moe wave for a bit... ^-^

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