Forum › Dynasty Reader rate

joined May 2, 2013

I want to know what rate you will give to this page

My rate (i know it sound arrogant) is 9/10, AWESOME page because not only you find yuri here (mostly) but also i find some other work that i enjoy very much having a cup of coffe while i read it. But i want to know what do you think of this page (sorry my english ERRORS i actually speak spanish)

joined Sep 1, 2013

Hi all! Just signed up.

11/10. The doujinshi offerings here are fantastic and so are the people here who get the best of the best, scan and translate it as well. I like the idea of filtering by rating and downloading whatever stands out to me. I like well drawn and plotted yuri and futa stories as well. Now I no longer have to plow through a pile of what I don't want to get to what I want.

So everyone here at Dynasty Reader,just stay fantastic and above all, please don't go anywhere.

last edited at Sep 1, 2013 10:18AM

joined Oct 11, 2010

It's the only reader I frequent anymore, so I give it a "least annoying on the net" due to function, lack of noisy adds, and is fast.

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