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joined May 4, 2013

Every member of track team is lesbian apparently. Glad to see Matsuri and Miyu's "girls" are not straying off the path. Also, the mention of Miki and Seina's relationship, I cry. They are my fave, Youka and Aki are second. I recommed buying the game, but wait for a big steam sale.

joined May 4, 2013

I can't appreciate the fact that this IS tagged as a yuri manga.

But it is yuri. Just because you don't like doesn't mean it isn'.

I didn't say that this is not a yuri manga lol I said I can't appreciate that it is. There is a difference in appreciating and knowing that it is. I feel so sorry for Hotaru's character. She's basically the lesbian and yet she gets depicted as this scheming, lustful, "bi-curious" (probably beaten, too) childhood friend. Takeda gets branded up as a fuckboy(what's newwwwww for boys in yuri mangas? lmao). Unnecessary drama. I wouldn't be this disagreeable with the story if both of the women are not in a relationship with GUYS. I'm so sick and tired that this is how this author sees lesbian relationships as (lmao even a het relationship), a fling.

joined May 4, 2013

I can't appreciate the fact that this IS tagged as a yuri manga. This series is a virulent example of the girls cheating with another girl because she's more important and will get away because she knows the protag better trope. It's tiring. There's no need to actually toy with Yuma's feelings and get in between her and Takeda. Takeda is a cool swell guy, he doesn't deserve it. This series is a mess, and predictable. Really disappointed if Hotaru somehow wins over Yuma, seriously. Unless there will be a twist, but I'm not gonna hold on to it.

Their Story discussion 23 Nov 01:44
joined May 4, 2013

So happy this story got here! I couldn't stop screaming when I saw it on tumblr.

I wonder how Qiu Tong falls for this big dork Sun Jing? Can't wait to find out! Thanks for uploading!

joined May 4, 2013

Gosh I'm in love with the cuteness of this manga. It's entertaining, bright and playful! The characters' designs/characterizations are also straight to the point, considering it is a slice of life manga. I'm digging it! I also ship Chika and Tama hehehehe Take responsibility for your girl Chika! LOL

joined May 4, 2013

WHOA. Getting pregnant to catch someone's attention... Two-timing even... That's just dark and wicked.

joined May 4, 2013

Okay I'm just gonna put this up in here. This is my main thoughts about the ending the author gave us.

The ending of this manga was so sad for me really, in Fumi’s POV. I mean Akira confessed(?) her love Fumi mainly because she can’t take the latter giving attention to other people and how she was just filled with jealousy when it comes to Fumi. The reason why they’ve gone out in the first place was because Fumi said she loved her, and she can’t hurt her precious childhood friend’s feelings (can be quoted), so she returned it. Her idea of love for Fumi did not measure up to Fumi’s love for her. They only “tried” going out. I won't really blame Akira, since it was the first time a person confessed to her, only that she didn't think it would be her crybaby childhood friend. I get that Akira returned her feelings to try and see if she will be comfortable enough to have such a relationship with Fumi, not to mention she's having her first relationship with a fellow girl. I just think it's sad that she went out with Fumi out of pity. Akira was just half assedly protecting something that she just shattered while doing so. It just happens so that Fumi became strong and independent in the end. SHE HAD FAITH. She had faith that Akira will come back go her again. I just want to hug her, she is so sweet! Ehem... The only thing that I loved about the ending is that Fumi is happy. Fumi Manjoume is happy. That is all I care about.

I posted these thoughts on tumblr tbh but that one seemed harsh so I'll post the softer analyzation here.

joined May 4, 2013

That's some new way to be friends with someone o.O

Happy End discussion 28 Aug 09:19
joined May 4, 2013

Happy end my ass tho. I hope the author will prove most of us wrong with what the ending's going to be.

joined May 4, 2013

A yuri-harem comedy manga! Have I waited long for this!

Encore!!! discussion 06 Dec 22:35
joined May 4, 2013

This exactly how Shippers think about what their OTP(s) are doing in an all girls group.

joined May 4, 2013

Reboot mv? Anyone?

joined May 4, 2013

Once again, I have felt that sudden pull on one of my heartstrings. Angst is one of my preferred genre, and by far the one I will always love. I can now announce that this is one of my favorite one-shot. Star themed romance always amazes me. Longing wishes and vulnerability are always my kind of angst. For me, a person who loves staring at stars and the sky even, I'll give this one-shot an A+ gold star and my soul.

Sato-chan + glasses - bra = (:3 」∠ )

joined May 4, 2013

I really love how Rokuroichi-sensei mixes angst/romance/smut perfectly. Another one for his collection of Masterpiece works!