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joined Dec 12, 2023

i was kind of hoping the series would start turning into a direction i'd actually enjoy, but i guess we aren't off the "will they won't they" train just yet... i'll check back in a year and hope that there's some actual development by then

seems actual progress MIGHT be happening! however that last line on the last page makes me feel severe dread wwwwww

joined Dec 12, 2023

HELL YES BACKSTORY!! poor meguru :( she's clearly felt isolated for most of her life and doesn't know how to fill that void aside from having her sister back. i hope that she can grow into a more stable person over the course of the story

joined Dec 12, 2023

i was kind of hoping the series would start turning into a direction i'd actually enjoy, but i guess we aren't off the "will they won't they" train just yet... i'll check back in a year and hope that there's some actual development by then

Lost discussion 14 Feb 15:56
joined Dec 12, 2023

considering not even mio's best and closest friend was willing to try and understand her aromanticism, i can see why she would feel driven to a corner. we never saw the pressure from people like her family, her coworkers, and the rest of society, but i'm sure it was there in the background, and hinata insisting she knew what mio felt better than mio herself is what did her in. it's a tragic reality many people have suffered, because the world we live in often expects everyone to end up in a romantic relationship and is completely unwilling to consider that those are not something every single person seeks.

joined Dec 12, 2023

love how her moms first instinct when hearing about suuna having TWO friends was to assume she had TWO fwb's. she rlly thought her daughter suddenly got game

joined Dec 12, 2023

i was so excited to see monstergirl yuri only for the demon lord to change into a human form :( when will we ever win

joined Dec 12, 2023

Somehow I got irked by the first textbox alone. There is nothing illogical about humans living together. "Humans have everything they need to live alone"... except they can't reproduce asexually, and on top of that younglings can't fend for themselves for ~15 years, so from an evolutionary perspective, of course humans are biologically inclined to form associations with other humans. It would be illogical if they didn't. And this doesn't even begin to touch on the benefits cooperation has for survival. Our social nature is the very thing that allowed us to achieve world domination. You're telling me an alien capable of space travel couldn't reason this out themselves? I guess even alien schools suffer from budgetary deficits if this is the extent of their education.

This has been your regular unnecessary overanalysis of a throwaway line that doesn't actually matter in any way to a cute comic about bread. Until next time.

i was just about to comment something similar!! the comic was cute as hell, but good lord do i hate it when aliens in fiction claim humans are solitary beasts who don't need connections to survive!! especially with the line "Humans have everything they need to live alone", considering most human needs like food, water, and shelter can NOT be produced by a singular human just for themselves, by themselves, with no intention to use them to help someone else as well. it's such a sad mindset to see some people genuinely hold. humans are genuine herd animals that just also happen to be at the top of the food chain!

and this concludes my unnecessary rant about humanity that doesn't relate to a cute comic about bread either!

joined Dec 12, 2023

Not gonna lie. I don't think it stuck the landing. Also, every single time a yuri has a little flashback to show why one character likes another the reason ends up being really dumb. She liked Shizuku because she reached for something off a shelf and then insulted her? What? Also it relies on way too many coincidences.

I don't think Kaori liking Shizuku after that meeting was dumb or unrealistic. People have fallen in love for less lol

real! this is probably just me reading a bit much into it, but that moment could be seen as kaori seeing shizuku as a really honest person (the chair comment is definitely true, it would have been useful, so it's likely she was also being genuine when complimenting kaori's appearance without her glasses on). plus, shizuku was already a popular kid, and getting a compliment from one even if it's preceded by a kind of rude comment moments earlier can be a high someone will ride on for a while, especially in elementary school. just my take on this though!!

joined Dec 12, 2023

i'll admit, the ecchi tag DID worry me when i saw the age gap between fujiyama and mamu, but i'm glad that the manga seems to be taking a mostly wholesome direction for now

joined Dec 12, 2023

Cute, too short. Not sure why she called an 18 year old 'still a minor', though I know some rights kick in at 20 in Japan.

it's probably because in Japan the legal age of majority was 20 until april of 2022, where it was changed to 18. so depending on when this manga was written, that could have still applied!

joined Dec 12, 2023

Why bring your 'best friend' to your date? Really

i think nanase's motivation here might have been to get yuni and yuki to talk things out, since she did notice they had some sort of argument. considering she wants her relationship with yuni to keep going, she would probably want her best friend to be on better terms with her girlfriend than they seem to be

joined Dec 12, 2023

trying to do a reread of all of kase-san because i wanted a refresher on what happened before the race arc, but the second it actually started i have lost any ability to keep going. i've gone through that horror show once, i am not going through it again!

yamada deserves to make kase sleep on the couch for the first month