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Quantum Sufficit
joined Sep 18, 2023

Autistic Cryptobro Lesbian Gets Laid. More News At 11

last edited at May 11, 2024 10:20PM

Quantum Sufficit
joined Sep 18, 2023

It doesn't help that Fukami has essentially been strung along by someone who she thought was single.

Wrong, Fukami knew since the beginning that Kase was dating someone.

Okay, call me dumb but, if she knew that she was dating someone, and Kase told her that she didn't have a boyfriend... why did she even come out?!

Also gimme all of that fluff straight to my veins, I need it. The naked cake eating (the pastry kind) was unexpected, but not unwelcome too.

joined Sep 18, 2023

This is so cute! Now kiss. Or at least date each other. Actually, I don't mind if you just get married.

Quantum Sufficit
joined Sep 18, 2023

Look it's not like I'm trying to be the bad guy here, but she just told this girl, who is supposedly her best friend and who she has been living with for a year, that she had a girlfriend this whole time and she never said a word because she was scared she would treat her like a creep. That's just mean.

I repeat: when was it ever implied that Fukami was Kaze's best friend?

It wasn't really implied, Kase says so herself. And people have been commenting on it, because I don't think any one of the readers saw them as best friends? So it's a bit ironic to have Kase randomly say that, while not having shown them act as friends at all.

Yep, basically that. Literally no one would have called them best friends... except Kase apparently, for some reason. Maybe it's a translation thing? Doesn't change much, anyway.

Does Fukami even know who Yamada is?

Probably not lol. But poor Yamada is always treated like the story's punching bag. She does have very squishy-looking cheeks...

I mean, that's a pretty reasonable (and common) fear for someone in the LGBT community, that someone that thought they could trust would do a complete 180° on them and become actively hostile. Forget friends, it's even happened in family. I have cousins who are LGBT, and I have relatives who suddenly shifted to looking down on them when they stopped hiding themselves.

Kase has done a LOT of stupid things this arc - a LOT- but for Kase to be worried about losing someone she considers a friend over something that still continues to be divisive for the intolerant? Not just losing them, but risking them possibly becoming actively hostile? Nah, THAT is reasonable. And real.

It's 100% valid if you think that. For me it's odd that she wouldn't tell someone she calls her best friend, and who she's lived with for a year, such an important part of her life, especially with so much time to suss out how she feels about queer ppl; but then again I've been openly trans in a pretty socially progressive country for a year or so now, my perspective might be different.

At the same time, I think it was too real for a blink-and-you-miss-it comment. I understand that this series is light-hearted, but that was some mighty bomb that Kase dropped with a cheery smile on her face.

Quantum Sufficit
joined Sep 18, 2023

Look it's not like I'm trying to be the bad guy here, but she just told this girl, who is supposedly her best friend and who she has been living with for a year, that she had a girlfriend this whole time and she never said a word because she was scared she would treat her like a creep. That's just mean.

It doesn't help that Fukami has essentially been strung along by someone who she thought was single. If you see this from her perspective, she was just earnestly trying to get Kase's attention (in a socially awkward jock way, but still) and suddenly how she acts in this arc feels a lot less annoying.

It's unfortunate that this nice, important moment for both of their characters gets overshadowed by the poor writing. Frankly, if I were Fukami I would be piiiissed. Not at Kase, of course, she is perfect and amazing and can never do any wrong. Probably at Yamada though, she just has a very punchable face.

Quantum Sufficit
joined Sep 18, 2023

"like we'd ever fight" are you dumb? i hope yall break up within a year

At this point the author is just taking the piss at our expense. Like that felt a little bit too specific lol

Honestly that coming out was depressingly real. "I didn't know if you'd accuse me of molesting you so I waited until I moved out." Ok Kase. What a crazy amount of trust to have in your """best friend""". It's not like you had a year to figure out if she was homophobic... oh wait.

I will now proceed to lobotomize myself in order to forget this whole arc and enjoy the domestic goodness. If the manga doesn't end in two chapters, of course. Then I'll eat hot chip and cry.

Quantum Sufficit
joined Sep 18, 2023

I'm a bit scared of entering this forum and being doxed and having to fight off hitmen but...

(this got really long and an assassination might be completely justified)

I recently reread Kase-san and remembered why it was one of my favorite manga. It's a shame, but the sequel truly feels like a completely different story with another cast of characters. Aside from the contrived plot that goes nowhere, Kase and Yamada have negative character progression at the cost of developing all of the secondary characters.

For some reason, baby gay high-schooler Yamada was much, much more assertive than college student, supposedly-adult Yamada. That's actually one of the things I liked most of the story: while very fluffy and adorable, it really felt like they were two horny teenagers in love. It wasn't just the confident, popular masc pursuing the innocent, ignorant femme who didn't realize her own feelings. There was attraction from Yamada. They both fantasized about each other, they both felt jealous despite being aware of how dumb and childish it was; they had chemistry. Heck, at one point Yamada did a very relatable 'how do girls have sex' internet search. I'm not saying that I enjoy seeing teenagers being sexualized, but it was a breath of fresh air from all the wishy-washy, cutesy yuri manga where the height of lust was literally holding hands together.

This last arc is the best worst example of what changed: their relationship feels incredibly immature. In Kase-san they had been dating for a couple of months and were so serious about each other that they were already angsty about how they'd be separated once they graduated high school—which was a year away. Then Yamada said "fuck it I'm going to the city with my girlfriend" and Kase said "cool let's move in together after my obligatory year at the dorm" and they got married and had children. Now? Now they're both such doormats for the plot that Kase lets her roommate, who barely gave her the time of day until now, decide for herself whether she moves in with her girlfriend or not, and Yamada watches it happen with the most ridiculous, far-fetched logic in the history of manga: "Wow~! College dorm rooms sure are intense! Sporty people are just built different, after all~"

Besides being the kind of nonsense that you'd find written in the diary of a particularly simple-minded thirteen-year-old, it completely undermines who the characters were so far. Kase was not so stupid and insensitive. Yamada was not so timid and pathetic. That was actually part of their initial charm. Despite appearances, Kase wasn't just a dumb jock and Yamada wasn't just a meek wallflower, and in fact that's what they liked about each other. Here it was just... forgotten. Now it really does feel like any other romance story with shallow characters and badly-written drama.

I honestly didn't want to get on this forum just to complain. But after this arc and its lackluster resolution I think these criticisms and discussions might very well be more fruitful and interesting than the manga itself. And okay, maybe I wanted to complain a little bit.

Of course, thank you to the translators and editors for the scans, I'm not saying this to discourage you at all. The series is still entertaining in a train wreck-y kind of way, and I have a morbid curiosity to see how much more the author desecrates the original story, so thanks for all the hard work!

Quantum Sufficit
joined Sep 18, 2023

I agree, it makes sense because they're kids but wow. They're both so annoying lol

Needy Girlfriend x Narcissist? Or something like that. At least Ami straight up admitted to be a sadist, so now Rei doesn't have to wonder about the hot-and-cold treatment. It's kinda maybe consensual if you squint!

But seriously, instead of whining and crying in public about how Ami's not all over her at school after two days of dating she could've just... invited her on an actual date like a normal person. Then again, Ami apparently liked this better, so.

Yeah, they're freaks. This should be a fun ride.

joined Sep 18, 2023

Yeah don't think this is going for the poly route, though who knows, it's still early chapters. Still, they just spent the whole day locked in Mizuki's bedroom doing nothing but flirting and talking. Wouldn't it be funny if they never got around to actually doing anything and the sister was completely oblivious until they got together?

Though honestly, I'm here hoping they kill someone and bond over covering up the murder, it's just so romantic <3

joined Sep 18, 2023

This is adorable and I love that they're both awkward dorks in their own way. Usually teenagers in fiction are just written as tiny adults and the fact that one of them is obsessed with being trendy and the other one is trying sooo hard to seem cool and edgy is cute and relatable.

Quantum Sufficit
joined Sep 18, 2023

God I love this manga so much. They're both just so likeable! There's barely any misunderstandings, the only fight they had was a bit silly and they were mostly goofing around, they actually TALK their problems out (insofar as it's entertaining in a manga) and they're genuinely nice people! Like aside from Igarashi, who deserves nothing but contempt, they're so wholesome that they respect those that fall in love with their partner because they're just THAT confident in their relationship, even though they do feel jealous. These two might be my favorite couple in fiction.