>be me, Satori
> be a somewhat kind youkai, still end up hated and exiled in Old Hell anyways because fuck me I guess
>gain recognition and end up as the chief of Old Hell
>somehow someone fucks up and I need to solve it
>go back to Gensokyo for the first time in years, deal with everyone's bullshit
>end up getting stabbed by a fucking vampire while I'm trying to do my job because a shitty vengeful spirit decided to posses me
Smh, these bimbos just can't leave poor Satori alone.
To be fair the last part was kinda Satori's fault. She planned to bait Mizuchi using herself, then have Flandre stab her body after Mizuchi painted a giant target on her back. Stupid, suicidal plan but it still works I guess.
last edited at Nov 26, 2023 2:52PM