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joined Jun 12, 2023

the poly ending is a shitty idea.

There won't be any poly ending. I dunno where that idea comes from.

It's been showed time and again that Akane and Nadeshiko want each other and neither of them wants Jun. There's only one way to end such a story: Akane and Nadeshiko get one another, and Jun moves on.

I know ^^
These porn addicts have no fucking idea what the actual plot of the story is.
Boo hoo,Jun will find someone else.

joined Jun 12, 2023

I could see Nadeshiko picking up on that implication and intervening on Jun's behalf, wanting her to get to be happy as well with all three of them. Her saying she doesn't want to share earlier has basically been her most human moment so far, and evolving on that and demonstrating clearly that she values someone isn't her mother or owner would actually be a really good conclusion to her arc as a character.

So are you saying she should offer a poly relationship cuz that’s a horrible idea.

Neither of them are interested in Jun, so it’d freaking suck if they had her join outta pity.
Nadeshiko literally can’t do anything to make Jun happy cuz she doesn’t love her.
Jun’s happy ending will be one where she moves on from Akane or finds another girl.

Akane just needs to turn Jun down, no sugar coating, just be direct, so Jun can mourn over the rejection and move on, knowing that there’s no chance for her feelings to be reciprocated.

Nadeshiko said she didn’t wanna share, her going against that would be wild and would basically make her character development pointless. The whole point of her not wanting to share was because the “selfishness” was a human quality, no human, would agree to share their lover with another person to “show that they care for them”

Poly route isn’t gonna happen and if it does, then i doubt it’ll go well for them and if it does, it’ll feel unnatural since neither nadeshiko nor Akane have shown interest in jun, and Jun hasn’t shown interest in nadeshiko.

the poly ending is a shitty idea.

joined Jun 12, 2023

I’m against the poly ending.
Goes against Nadeshiko’s character arc and development.
“I wAnNA sEe THeM ALl hAPpY” bff Jun is the love rival,NOT the love interest.
The love interest typically wins over the love rival.
The main ship is clearly Akane/Nadeshiko. Jun is just there for plot purposes.

joined Jun 12, 2023

Alright,I’ve been holding off writing this,but I’ve finally decided to do it.
There are a few topics I’ll be discussing.
1. Hotaru’s character.
First of all,a LOT of you seem to misinterpret her.
She IS the love interest in this yuri,NOT Takeda.
Hotaru has been suffering since she was a little girl: her mom died at around 6-7 years old(chapter 25 we see a picture of her),her dad neglects her and her “stepmom” rejects her and Yuma abandons her,Fujiwara sexually assaults her(he’s probably not the only one).
I’m not saying she’s a good person,she isn’t.
But there is a reason behind every action she does.
She’s a traumatised girl,let her be.
Hotaru’s been in love with Yuma since she was a child. Especially since Japan isn’t quite accepting of LGBTQ ppl,she hid her feelings and identity.
2. Yuma herself.
If one more person calls her “dumb” or “dense” I will hurt someone.
As a lesbian myself (a lot of you that are saying that most likely aren’t^^) her character arc regarding sexuality is very common in lesbians.
A lot of lesbians cannot understand the difference between romantic and platonic attraction,stop fucking crucifying her for not understanding.
3. Fujiwara n Takeda.
I don’t give a fuck abt them. Oh,boo hoo! Poor boy got his heart broken

joined Jun 12, 2023

For me, Hotaru was tragic character until Yuma did not find her at the end. She felt like a burden to Yuma, with all her crybaby phases in childhood.
She felt like she is stopping Yuma from finding friends, and later she felt like distracting Yuma from her "real happiness" what she assumed is with Takeda.
She was secretly in love with Yuma from their childhood.

All those NTR situations from the beginning started as preparation of Yuma to be ready for sexual intercourse with Takeda.
Always protected by Yuma, she wanted to return the favor.
Hotaru wasn't cunning, bitch, or anything evil. She probably have had bad experience knowing how first time can be painful and wanted to help her friend,
and in same time she acted like careless bitch to hide the fact that her sexual (and emotional) interest in Yuma is genuine.
She was tempted, but always thinking that for Yuma it all must be "just practicing", meaning nothing, she acted the same to hide her love.

She slept with Fujiwara to stop him ruin Yuma's chances with Takeda (believing that Yuma is fully interested in Takeda)
She actually sacrificed herself for Yuma, staying in that abusive relationship to protect her.

She was typical lesbian who would sacrifice her own happiness for a sake of her "straight" BFF to be happy with some guy.
Luckily Yuma was gay, chased her and found her, and we have the happy end.

By far the BEST interpretation of Hotaru’s character!!!

joined Jun 12, 2023

For me, Hotaru was tragic character until Yuma did not find her at the end. She felt like a burden to Yuma, with all her crybaby phases in childhood.
She felt like she is stopping Yuma from finding friends, and later she felt like distracting Yuma from her "real happiness" what she assumed is with Takeda.
She was secretly in love with Yuma from their childhood.

All those NTR situations from the beginning started as preparation of Yuma to be ready for sexual intercourse with Takeda.
Always protected by Yuma, she wanted to return the favor.
Hotaru wasn't cunning, bitch, or anything evil. She probably have had bad experience knowing how first time can be painful and wanted to help her friend,
and in same time she acted like careless bitch to hide the fact that her sexual (and emotional) interest in Yuma is genuine.
She was tempted, but always thinking that for Yuma it all must be "just practicing", meaning nothing, she acted the same to hide her love.

She slept with Fujiwara to stop him ruin Yuma's chances with Takeda (believing that Yuma is fully interested in Takeda)
She actually sacrificed herself for Yuma, staying in that abusive relationship to protect her.

She was typical lesbian who would sacrifice her own happiness for a sake of her "straight" BFF to be happy with some guy.
Luckily Yuma was gay, chased her and found her, and we have the happy end.

By far the BEST interpretation of Hotaru’s character!!!

joined Jun 12, 2023

and yet again the VILLIAN that was like “I’m gonna kill you” GOT NO PUNISHMENT!!! WTF???

So jarring. She had lost faith in humans... so her scheming, using hostages, multiple attempted murder, abuse of power and attacking the rest of the committee members she gets forgiven and forgotten in the span of two minutes ? What ?

I get that punishment isn't exactly the lightweight ending this story was going for, but it swung way too far towards the other extreme. Just a small tidbit with Luluel and especially Pael taking over the committee, firing the current members and finally changing things for the best would have been more satisfying in terms of giving reparation to Kirara and Ariel (and would give a conclusion for Pael as a bonus).

Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy with the ending on the MC's side, living together, having sex and getting married. But just a couple pages regarding the side characters and wrapping up the events that were part of the story would have made the ending more satisfying.

They look very pretty in their wedding dresses, though.
I would’ve liked that too!
And it’s interesting because Ariel is technically their boss!

joined Jun 12, 2023

I enjoyed that one but the ending feels a bit rushed. No real explanation as to why Ariel came posing as a transfer student (aside from being with Kirara). I mean, for a moment, I thought she gave up on being an angel so she could be with Kirara but considering she mentioned how hard it is to be one, I assume she still is ?

Would have appreciated at least one extra page to give a little more context for the ending.

It’s clear she still is an angel :)
In the earlier chapters she says only senior angels/angels with a high rank can turn into humans (which is what she did)

joined Jun 12, 2023

I enjoyed that one but the ending feels a bit rushed. No real explanation as to why Ariel came posing as a transfer student (aside from being with Kirara). I mean, for a moment, I thought she gave up on being an angel so she could be with Kirara but considering she mentioned how hard it is to be one, I assume she still is ?

Would have appreciated at least one extra page to give a little more context for the ending.

Hi! There actually IS a final extra!
It’s abt their “first night” and possibly gives more insight into their future together!
I’m hoping it gets translated:(

joined Jun 12, 2023

I see a lot of ppl suggesting polyamory but you all seem to be forgetting something.
Both Jun AND Nadeshiko are going after Akane and clearly don’t like eachother very much.
That dynamic wouldn’t work imo.
Nadeshiko HERSELF stated that she didn’t feel good when Jun kissed Akane AND said she doesn’t want to share Akane.

I feel bad for Jun but she’s clearly not gonna be the winner in the end.
I hope she gets her own manga.

joined Jun 12, 2023

The final chapter (chapter 24) has finally been published. I hope it gets translated soon because it's looking like a pretty satisfying ending.

There’s a chapter 23 too!
That one wasn’t announced on Noyama’s Twitter page!
My girls really deserved this ending.
One of the healthiest lesbian relationships in yuri media fr.

joined Jun 12, 2023
These are the chapters that didn’t get translated!
The wish finally got revealed.
All I’m going to say is my girls got their happy ending(the one they truly deserve).
I’m also glad the author made Kirara a bit of a deeper character and not just the dumb damsel in distress that Ariel has to save nonstop.
(The chapters are all in Japanese…)