Forum › Posts by LeiNas

joined Jun 8, 2023

@undeadclown I'm assuming you haven't reached Luofu yet since you're asking why this ship exist, there's a scene where Kafka visits the Astral Express and Himeko becomes hostile towards her, which is enough fuel for shippers to generate ideas for the ship, a popular headcanon surrounding them (atleast what I've mostly seen) is that they were exes lmao. People do love their enemies-to-lovers trope.

Another thing, I don't get the Trailblazer x Kafka pairing at all tbh, the way Kafka has been gentle with Trailblazer in the game seems very motherly to me, so I can't really see them in a relationship together. Mind giving me some reasons why the trailblazer is a more obvious choice for Kafka?

last edited at Jun 12, 2023 12:24PM