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Stretch discussion 10 Dec 18:30
joined Mar 29, 2013

So close! yet so farrr T___T

joined Mar 29, 2013

I stumbled on this last night and ended up watched the whole movie. Thought it would be worthy to leave this here for those interested:

Full Movie Link w/ Eng Sub: (Dunno how long this'll be up for though)

English subs suck by the way, you'll have to use some basic Japanese you learn from watching tons of anime, basic classes, or reading manga to make some sense out of what they say sometimes. For example Yuzuki =Knot End of Month as a translation lol...

Definitely watch this and treat as if you were ALMOST watching pr0n. Overall, I thought it was pretty good with some steamy scenes and pretty good ending unlike other J-Movies I've seen. Warning for those who nosebleed easily, don't sue me. Enjoy!

last edited at Dec 7, 2014 11:17AM