Forum › Posts by Hoshimi99

joined Apr 6, 2023

Hi, I'm not sure if this is the thread for that, but could I request to swap page 017 from this doujin:

For this one:

I realized I made a huge mistake with the translation, and I really wish to get it fixed.
Thank you very much in advance!

joined Apr 6, 2023

Probably no one is going to read this, but I love this interpretation of Junna soooo much.
Even when trying to flirt she's such a nerd omg the way she goes "Maybe after giving her a detailed explanation about the constellations and the stars I can ask her on a date, yes that sounds like a good plan" hahaha.
You do you queen, that's why Nana fell in love with you anyway

joined Apr 6, 2023

Awwww you guys actually granted my request of uploading this on October 1st :')
Thank you very much!

Happy birthday, Junna! <3

joined Apr 6, 2023

Feels like I've read this somewhere before

There's definitely a chance, since this is a 2019 doujin.
But I couldn't find a translation of it anywhere, so I decided to make my own ^^

joined Apr 6, 2023

Hello everyone! Translator here!

I hope you enjoyed reading this little adorable JunNana doujin!
I have the intention of translating more of these in the future, but I might take a little more time to release them from now on.

If any of you know of any other JunNana doujin that hasn't been translated to English yet, and you happen to find japanese scans of them, please send them to my Twitter account and I'll (probably) translate them!

Thank you all for reading, and let's keep the JunNana love going! <3

Edit: I just realized there's a typo in the postscript... And here I thought that I finally released a doujin without mistakes... sigh

last edited at May 13, 2023 1:38AM

joined Apr 6, 2023

This is pretty much the mixed reception I was expecting of the doujin!
I'm really enjoying reading your thoughts about this.

Still, I would like to share my opinion about Junna's decision.

I would like to start saying that I don't think is out of character.
Yes, Junna pulled a "Hikari" on Nana, but her decision, whether it was right or wrong, was born out of concern about her not being worthy enough for Nana, out of fear of weighting her down.

Page 09 tries to hint that Junna had something else to say about the matter, but she ended up not saying anything after seeing Nana giving her hand, acting like nothing happened.

It sounds like an insignificant detail, but I take that as Nana's way of saying "Let's forget that happened and let's keep things as usual, okay?", and Junna accepting to do so by holding her hand.

Junna doesn't seem to suspect that Nana was hurt after she rejected her (Nana herself confirms she was fine on the next page), and she isn't aware of how impactful keeping those words were until 5 years later.

Would have been better if she told her the real reason why she rejected her in the first place? Yeah, I won't deny that.

But at the same time, Nana took Junna's rejection as her not being into girls, and Nana was okay with that reason.
So bringing up a rejected confession when the both of you don't seem to really mind the result and try to act like it didn't happen, would have been kind of awkward.

So, I forgive Junna for that mistake. It happens to everyone, she did what she did thinking it was the right call.

You know what actually bothers me though?
How it appears that they haven't communicated to each other for a while.
The story tries to explain that "oh, life just catch up to them, they are very busy to really talk to each other" which yeah, I guess that's realistic, but I don't buy it anyway.
But I mean, this doujin is already 61 pages long, and the main purpose of it is to hit you in the feels, so I don't mind THAT much.

Anyway, I still like this doujin a lot despite its flaws.
Thanks a bunch for reading it!

last edited at Apr 29, 2023 9:03PM

joined Apr 6, 2023

Hello everyone!

I'm the translator of this and the previous bowwow doujin (the cooking one).
I read them a month ago, and I thought it would be a good idea to translate it so everyone else could see it! Hope you enjoyed them as much as I did!

If any of you know of any other JunNana doujin that hasn't been translated to English, and you happen to find japanese scans of them, please send them to my Twitter account and I'll (probably) translate them!

Edit: Ah, sorry. It looks like I had DM's locked, it should be enabled now ^^

last edited at Apr 27, 2023 10:32PM