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joined Jul 9, 2022

This is what Yuri is all about. I have the correct issue myself but I never did read it. I tend to skip the one shot from Yurihime. This is actually much closer many types of polyandry than polyamory or polygamy. While polyandry is one woman and multiple husbands, the vast majority of them are basically one woman married to two or three siblings, mostly a Tibetan tradition. The key seems to be since all husbands are brothers, plus the brothers already have a hierarchy built inside their own family, jealousy rarely occurs. The need to have a child that is specifically is not an easy task, or at least before the days of DNA testing. A child will inevitably have a mother, a "father",and then a few "uncles". All men divide all tasks needed to be done for the family.

last edited at Jul 14, 2022 2:31AM

joined Jul 9, 2022

I have been asking myself for a little while... Is lesbian prostitution in Japan a thing? I mean, does it really exist or is it just something that can be seen in manga?
Also, if it really exists, how does the matter of contracting diseases work? I ask for a girl like Maron-chan, but she's been with several other women, in this case wouldn't I be at risk of contracting a sexual disease?
I've read some manga related to the subject and it seems to really be a Japan thing, and it brought me curiosity on how this workout...

You don't have to take it that seriously. For all we know, the parental units "discovered" (from "anonymous" tip) her being a lesbian, thus Rina outted her.

All Rinarina needs to do is to be cute when communicated with her daddy, who is her bank that she can withdraw an unlimited amount of money at anytime. I'm sure she did not draw or ask for even more money is because even she knows that there was no point in getting more cash. She should by now knows that the workers all were worked to their deaths...

joined Jul 9, 2022

Sweet ending!