Forum › Posts by VariousThrenodies

joined Jun 26, 2022

Very cute! Always nice to have new ReiMari stuff here.

I like this rather unique dynamic that the fandom sometimes puts between those two.

Even though realistically Marisa probably would be pardoned if she were to turn full youkai. She neither lives in the village nor would there be much of a difference in how she views youkai. She's already very deep in youkai affairs on top of that, so it's not like a villager who needs to fear youkai suddenly stopping to do so and becoming one.

My personal take (if we assume a ReiMari frame where they are in love) is that Reimu wouldn't go through with it, but Marisa wouldn't put her in that position in the first place, particularly since living on loses a lot of appeal when it means she and Reimu will leave each other behind. Of course, the beauty of Touhou is that there's tons of room for different interpretations!

last edited at Jun 7, 2024 3:39PM

joined Jun 26, 2022

I think there's a pretty good chance Kaori will manage to drag herself through to finish the book, but man...

last edited at Nov 2, 2023 7:18PM

joined Jun 26, 2022

Ahhh man, there really is nothing else quite like ReiMari for Touhou. Great story.

joined Jun 26, 2022

You guys think this guy is going to be a new supporting character? Might help give them a bit more to do at school.

joined Jun 26, 2022

Dread it, run from it, NTR arrives all the same.