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joined Mar 10, 2022

nirvana > foo fighters imho

Weird Al Yankovic > nirvana > foo fighters imho

kurt cobain said weird al was america's pop rock genius for a reason

joined Mar 10, 2022

nirvana > foo fighters imho

joined Mar 10, 2022

Edit: It also occurs to me that we haven't specifically seen if Maron works for a lesbian-only brothel or one that has more sexual offerings at all, though it is implied by Makino calling it a "health delivery" course. That would usually be a heterosexual call girl kind of service.

in chapter 1 the ad Makino clicks on is "Delivery health for girls only" and then later Maron says she's from Lesbian Delivery.

also, i can't help but wonder if Makino's sister is in a similar situation because i recall Maron mentioning her older sister works for the health delivery place too. she should be honest with her sister.