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joined Aug 15, 2021

This is so trash, I hate it when things try to be edgy while having no depth.

joined Aug 15, 2021

Well, for me it's obvious that the author wanted to paint him as someone who's trying to do good but with the wrong moral or sense of superiority, that ends making things worst for her, had she accepted his help, is like accepting that she's in the wrong, or abnormal.

If you try to imagine the situation with her not being lesbian but something else with prejudices attached by the most ignorant people, you could see how bad that really was, I won't make a direct comparison because that breaks the rules of the site.

Is true, there was no right way out of there once her secret was exposed with ill intentions, the author wanted to show the hypocrisy of the classroom (or society...........yes we live in one), that even if she were presented in a different light (without the sexual harassment allegations), it wouldn't end well on the long run.

I don't think she made a mistake, she was too innocent to know.

To be fair, assault is a crime.

joined Aug 15, 2021

Everybody’s ignoring the fairly obvious plot function of that scene where Dickhead-kun gets punched: to establish Chekhov’s Martial Arts Ability, which will no doubt come in handy as the MCs eventually develop their relationship outside of the house.

And the guy did explain himself by calling her “pitiful”—that’s why he got punched.

I pity her too, she just got backstabbed in front of her peers by her close friends, do I deserve to get punched? Assuming "pitiful" is referring to her being a lesbian is super rash, and is comparable to a high schooler whose brain isn't fully formed yet, who also going through a pretty stressful situation, so with that in mind I feel like I was too harsh on her, but still, he objectively did nothing wrong.

If your pride is that fragile that being called pitiful is a justified reason for socking someone then that's pretty weird, I feel like I'm taking your comment the wrong way though, my bad if I am, not a native English speaker.

last edited at Dec 20, 2021 1:22AM

joined Aug 15, 2021

Imagine defending someone because you aren't homophobic and don't feel like whats going on is right and just getting sucker-punched [...]

If that was what happened, things would be different, but the way I see it (see conversation above on this page), he was very much mocking her as well.

I feel like your point of view is unrealistic unless you reach into another galaxy and even then you would have to assume the worst of a guy who only had 1 page to explain himself.

At that point, you're just saying no matter what he did he would have been in the wrong, it's a lot more likely that the MC was just being an idiot.

I mean, no matter what her punching him was a total asshole move, at least let the guy explain himself.

joined Aug 15, 2021

To be fair, the MC is a bit of wacko for just knocking out someone for saying they were pitiful, when they were in an objectively pitiful situation, that they knew was pitiful.

Hard to feel bad for them.

And I don't see the potential here, just feels like generic fetish art with a rushed story.

If being a lesbian is "objectively pitiful" in your opinion, why are you even on this site?

No one said that her being a lesbian was "objectively pitiful", I was talking about her friends publically backstabbing her in front of her peers and outing her as a lesbian in an environment they know that most people would react negatively to, which I would hope you would find pitiful otherwise............. yeah.

When you put it this way, the MCS actions are even more ridiculous, like how in the world are people systemizing with this girl? Imagine defending someone because you aren't homophobic and don't feel like whats going on is right and just getting sucker-punched, and the story doesn't even try to make the MC look better after this either-or grow as a person, it just goes straight into the fetish bait, stuff like this annoys the hell out of me.

Fetish art is way more popular than serious stories and it's actually part of the reason why I took a 2-month break from reading manga.

last edited at Dec 17, 2021 8:08AM

joined Aug 15, 2021

Same story as a lot of people here, my reply to a post is being marked as spam for some reason, so what do I do in this situation? Just wait?

joined Aug 15, 2021

To be fair, the MC is a bit of wacko for just knocking out someone for saying they were pitiful, when they were in an objectively pitiful situation, that they knew was pitiful.

Hard to feel bad for them.

And I don't see the potential here, just feels like generic fetish art with a rushed story.

joined Aug 15, 2021

I can't be the only one who's tired of these extremely shallow yuri stories? I just don't get the appeal other than decent art, what do you guys who enjoy this enjoy about it? Just wondering.

I like more grounded stories where there's a character with major real issues and it's not just..... kiddy pool level writing.

joined Aug 15, 2021

This is less tsundere and more of how a normal person would react if they were put into one of these manga situations.

joined Aug 15, 2021

I really don’t get the appeal of this

Just a mindless story with extremely forced dialogue, art is decent though.

joined Aug 15, 2021

Well, one thing good about this series is that the main character actually does have a shitty personality, but not to the point of being annoying seeing good things happen to them despite not really deserving it, but more comedic.

joined Aug 15, 2021

Pls dont be yuri all of sudden pls dont be yuri all of sudden i wanna enjoy more wholesome friendship....

"All of a sudden"

If you can't notice the obvious subtext for yuri since the start of the series then I have NO IDEA what story you were reading.........

joined Aug 15, 2021

Manga where the protagonist suffers from social anxiety or has trouble talking to people? (Could also just have no friends without having any real social skill issues)

Other details don't really matter.

joined Aug 15, 2021

rich girl absolutely has a thing for liane and is very mad to be denied something for the first time in her life

Take the goggles off, dude....

I mean, it seems super obvious to me, notice how she only takes off her dress code cape around lilane then immediately puts it back on when away from her? She only acts that way in front of lilane, And that's just a small clue, this entire series she has been messing with her and going out of her to see her, she clearly wants her attention.

She hasn't been rude to anyone else in the series, you might view her telling the butler to wait rude, but to me what she said was just "I'm tired, can you tell me this later?" No ill-intent was implied at all.

Might just be her being a prick, but there's a good chance of her being into lilane.

joined Aug 15, 2021

So yeah, I'm late to this and only got to chapter 7 but I can't be the only one who thinks the characters and their development is poorly done?

The main girl goes from so shy she can barely talk to people to highly confident every other chapter, it's like she just has an on and off switch for when she acts a certain way, which isn't natural, there should have been an actual build-up to her personality change not just "oh now I'm hyper-confident in what I say", it's like the author realized they didn't like her personality after chapter 2, and just tried to revamp her character, then when they realized that didn't make sense he just decided he would just pick when she acts a certain way.

Also, blondie starts liking the MC way too quickly, there was again, no build-up at all, they just go "oh well I guess I like them now" after like..... 2 days of hanging out.

Also, the whole vampire thing was a really cheap excuse to make this pseudo hentai, just saying.

last edited at Aug 16, 2021 1:31AM

Baba-yaga discussion 15 Aug 01:55
joined Aug 15, 2021

This is a series I'll be depressed about getting dropped, I find inumaru unique in a weird way, child bully turns sympathetic because of a traumatic experience, I find Akko kind of an asshole though, it's somewhat fine for her to act like that towards inu as a child but as an adult still holding a grudge against a clearly mentally unstable person is pretty weird, wouldn't you feel bad that whatever she saw back then still affects her to this day? After chapter 3 I can understand not liking them, but chapter 1 paints her character as sort of an immature brat and a bully, it seems like inumarus life has been downhill ever since elementary school, I wouldn't be surprised if the trauma she got that day lead to her getting ostracized by people in general due to her behavior, and like we saw in chapter 1, being bullied.

The whole yandere thing is pretty creepy, but inumaru seems to be homeless or not in a good living situation, so the whole scavenging through the trash thing is somewhat understandable, but the stalking thing? Yeah, I can't rationalize that.

Inumaru doesn't seem like a dangerous person like the people in the story think she is, just extremely mentally unstable, which does make her sort of dangerous as shown in chapter 4, but I don't feel like she would actaully HURT someone, she doesn't seem like a complete psycho.

Now glasses and red hair guy? Honestly, I don't get their motives still, but they seem insane, red hair guy especially, who treads on the "so insane that it just comes off as bad writing" trope.

The main girl and Akko don't have enough depth from these 4 chapters, but they seem interesting.

I'd pay someone to scan a bit of volume 2, this is too interesting to just die like this.......... well "like this" isn't a good way to put it, since its already dead.

last edited at Aug 15, 2021 1:59AM