Forum › Posts by Vesikrassi

joined May 13, 2021

Pretty good manga. I read it in 2 days and was fun to read from beginning to the end. It had many funny moments. Characters were interesting and world building too.
Main villain Elizabeta interesting but bit stupid though.
Also loved the creepy bunny girl.
Line work was great too and it had good amount of ecchi and yuri moments. Not too much, not too little.

That arm absorbing ability seems to be super powerful as seen in this and Mermaid. (To be fair Mirei&Mamori still needed other top tier valkyries to bring down the third generation soldier class valkyrie.)

Its a shame they havent made second manga for Siren to finish the story, but i undestand why they did leave this in stalemate as the story was supposed to continue on the abandoned game. But i think they should make second to wrap the story because the game is abandoned so we dont know how it ends.

So yeah, i highly recommend it.

last edited at May 13, 2021 12:58PM