Forum › Posts by Impy

joined Apr 14, 2021

Fujiwara family is from China, I don't know why Japan suddenly related to her.

Isn't she supposed to be a descendant of the Japanese Fujiwara clan?
The actual Hourai Elixir is a reference to the Chinese legend of the Immortal Island of Penglai (which was known as Hourai in Japan), home to a variety of "eternal" things from rice bowls that never emptied to fruits that granted eternal youth. Legends say that the legendary Chinese alchemist and explorer Xu Fu, who was sent by the First Emperor of China to seek out the elixir of eternal life, ended up in Japan instead and accidentally proclaimed Mount Fuji to be Mount Penglai. But I don't think Fujiwara herself is Chinese. Correct me if I'm wrong.

joined Apr 14, 2021

He never did make the second one, huh...