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joined Mar 27, 2021

hope this is getting a more consistent translation cos it seems like a pretty special series

joined Mar 27, 2021

are scanlators really protective of where their translations end up or something?

It's not that. From what I've seen dynasty sticks to only one scanlator for a manga.

I don't think it's really true, plenty of cases where active translator group switched and it was reflected on dynasty - it's more that on dynasty there is some sort of nebulous submission and vetting process (I never bothered to learn how that works :P) while on mangadex literally anyone could upload a translation to anything.

Personally I think that last chapter should be here, quality seems perfectly fine to me.

I didn't know dynasty had a whole system for submission, I think it's unfortunate when you have to go to mangadex to continue reading a story that dynasty doesn't fully have considering dynasty is (with exceptions) a yuri site

joined Mar 27, 2021

Final chapter (22) is out. A different scanslator did it so I guess it won't be here.

are scanlators really protective of where their translations end up or something?

joined Mar 27, 2021

^is it really respect if you feel the need to qualify their identity like that?

joined Mar 27, 2021

I'm sad that something might be wrong with chibi, don't do it morinaga-sensei

joined Mar 27, 2021

Y'all are seeing ghosts fr

it's not a reach to say "creepy man in a dress harasses women" is a pretty transmisogynistic concept to utilize and it wasn't necessary to depict her meeting a fan overstepping physical boundaries in that way unless you're meaning to lean on prejudices

joined Mar 27, 2021

really glad to see this has been picked up again

joined Mar 27, 2021

Damn, this is a series i've wanted to read for a while, hope its able to be posted in full on here someday

Sal Jiang discussion 05 Feb 05:13
joined Mar 27, 2021 need someone to get this going on dynasty-scans fr

joined Mar 27, 2021

how some lesbians only connect to womanhood through their relationship to women

wait you're onto something here.. i am THINKING now

I know plenty of nonbinary lesbians and a lot of people talk about this, how the only tether to womanhood that some people have is attraction to women. It’s kinda confusing, and more than a bit messy, but it’s really interesting to think about how sexuality and gender are intertwined, and are currently in a state of flux in society

i've on and off identified with non-binary as a term but this relation to womanhood though being a lesbian dynamic is something i feel very strongly, in a way i feel that if i wasn't attracted to women i wouldn't really be one

joined Mar 27, 2021

been waiting for another chapter of this to pop up translated, very cool

joined Mar 27, 2021

can't believe that takemiya jins work still hasn't been picked up by a western publisher, huge gap in the market of officially translated yuri imo

joined Mar 27, 2021

hello forum people, first time listener and first time caller here