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joined Mar 26, 2021

The stalker has become the stalkee???

joined Mar 26, 2021

Honestly, the bully is the most interesting part of this for me. I don't really have patience for the MC puttering around and such.

Also it's implied the bully pushed MC's crush, right?

Yeah, I think you're right. It appears set up to look like a suicide, but since she goes up there often enough then the bully probably did it. Which could make for an interesting story if MC figures this out and realizes she has to get on good terms with the bully to save Suyeon.

Yeah... I'm guessing that in the original timeline the bully figured out that she was finally going to confess and followed her crush to the roof and put an end to it, whether it was intentional or accidental. I think that the end game will be the MC going to school early that day and trying to be on the roof before her girlfriend, because they probably will be by that time, and finding out that the bully comes up and she tries to stop it and ends up going over the edge herself, then wakes up at the age of 29 in bed with her girlfriend.

Well I don't want the bully to die. I just want her to grow as a person

joined Mar 26, 2021

I love all the characters though while I do find the bully to be annoying I can somewhat sympathize with her. I just hope Park finds all the love in the world! But, I am curious of who she was going to marry. it is possible it was the bully or maybe not but I feel like because she was very timid before she might have agreed to it because she was scared. Just a small ADHD thought that goes through my brain :p