Forum › Posts by raindropz

joined Mar 7, 2021

Looking for a one shot where the protagonist dumps her girlfriend because women couldn't get married and didn't have a future together. it fast fowards several years and the protagonist is miserable, stuck with kids and a husband that doesn't care for her. She sees her ex by coincidence and sees that her ex has everything she wanted, she got married in a country that allows same sex marriage and has successful career. One shot ends with the mc regretting dumping her ex. I might be misremembering some key parts since it's been awhile but I'm hoping someone is able to recognize this story

It seems to me like this.

After waiting for a week the only answer I get is a troll answer. Wonderful.

AGHH omg!! does it also involve time travel?? I think I know what it is but I don’t rmb the name. so sorry, but maybe start looking there?

edit::: this??
Hi! I think you’re referring to this one, but I’m still not positive.