Forum › Posts by ofgast

joined Dec 9, 2020

Hello and welcome! glad you found the light! hahaha

Thank you Serenata! And me too, hahaha. I'll check out both links!

Hey OrangePekoe, I'll read Notes From The Garden Of Lilies soon since it's a short series, my goal is to start with short stuff. Simoun have been in my backlog forever, I'll try to watch it this year yet, try to fit it with my yearly-christmas watch of Candy Boy.

I don't really know that I have a "favourite" tho. That's such a strong word...

Yeah, I used "favorite" in lack of better term. I'm always using the wrong words to be honest. Like I said, I'm a dumbfuck.

Welcome! I didn't even introduce myself I just threw myself in here lol, you're already on step ahead of me.

Thank you CaptionBirb! And nah, not really hahahaha.

I prefer manga just so I can have a visual for my non-creative brain, novels are my second choice because they tend to explain things more. I don't really like anime or shows that much dunno why. The only yuri show I've liked is Killing Eve.

I also prefer manga over anime, I feel like I can go "through it" faster. Watching something, I have to sit down and I can't speed it up unless I want to make it comical for me. That said, I like a good show/anime from time to time. But I got to be in mood for that. I have to check Killing Eve-ntually (how cringe, I'm sorry). ...Anyway, do you have a goodreads account to keep track of the novels you read? Are you currently reading something? I'm reading Wolfsbane Winter, it's okay. Nothing more than that. In terms of yuri content, novels are probably the stuff I consume the most nowadays (since I started last year, I mean). Do you prefer reading on e-reader or physical media? I love my kindle. Yeah, I'll check out your list too, though as 25 years old granny, I'm too tired and jaded to be into drama.

First animanga yuri was probably Maria-sama.

Full disclosure, I haven't watched Maria-sama yet. The fuck I'm doing right?

Same. Looking back on it now, it's rather hilarious as to how much of my taste in media and aesthetics stems from a whimsical desire to check out a random comic about cute lesbians.

I own so much to 2D/fictional lesbians. Now, I have to ask you Kirin (and everyone else too), don't you get frustrated with visual novels? Personally, I always get a bad/unsatisfying ending and I get bitter about it because I don't like replaying it right away. Maybe it's because I'm super casual at video games or something. All that said, I hear nothing but good things about Flowers. I'll look up Her Shim-Cheong (I'm quite fond of the aesthetic of chinese comics). Let me know when you do your list so I can check it out too!

Also, welcome to the forum. 'Tis is a silly place, but quite gay when it counts.

Well, that's what matters hahahaha. Thanks!

My favorite yuri media are construction paper x magic marker. They're so lewd together.

Heh. Now aren't you cute.

Thanks for being so kind and welcoming everyone! I appreciate it. I feel like I got a lot of yuri to consume but also I got some directions too. Apologies for such long reply (don't feel forced to answer).

joined Dec 9, 2020

Possibly my favorite oneshot.

joined Dec 9, 2020

Hello, I hope this still a place to people introduce themselves. If not, I apologize in advance. I love yuri. Yuri made me a bit more cultured person, it got me into movies, books, shows, etc (I'm still a dumbfuck though). Despite yuri being one of my favorite things in the world, I spend months without consuming anything with it. I joined this site and community in hopes of changing that. I have a passion for drawing and painting and sometimes I play too much Skyrim. I would like to know what your favorite yuri media is and why. ...I don't know what else to say, this post is a shitshow. Thank you for you time anyways.

P.S: Nobody gotta reply this, I mean, what could you say to this gibberish? Apologies if there's any grammar mistakes, english isn't my first language. Thanks again.

last edited at Dec 10, 2020 1:38AM