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joined Nov 5, 2020

Even if Ssamba was not able to finish Fluttering Feelings and she's still alive. I won't hate her. As long as she's alive and healthy I am willing to accept life without knowing Seol-a and Norae's ending. Yes, It is frustrating but I definitely can. My love and appreciation for Ssamba is too deep. Sadly... she's gone already. And It's the reason I feel so empty. You know that feeling where It is okay not to end up with the person that you love as long they were okay? That's what I am feeling.

Her manhwa feels so deep I can feel her emotions in it. FF feels so hopeful and sad at the same time it was addicting. They say Art is always a representation of its creator. If it was true then we can assume that Ssamba is a very patient and kind soul. I even find Kim No rae as her alter ego. Ssamba seems to be so uncomplicated but the more you read her creation the more you realize that she's so hard to read (like how complicated Norae is). Most of our conclusion of the next episode always ends up to be wrong.

Speaking of Seol-a and Norae... I know they will end up together but I can't imagine how the story will lead to that end! My imagination seems to be in a rush which only make me feel unsatisfied. I need Ssamba's slow phase of story cultivation because her way is faaaaar more satisfying.

Fan made continuation of FF all seems to be in a rush. I know Yu-ji's sister was supposed to appear in the the following episodes as well as Norae's sister (as a fill-in of the 100 episodes story). I know Ssamba has her reason for exposing their characters. I know closure between Norae and Sung-pyo was near (its obvious already who owns Norae's heart and attention) in the following episodes of the manhua. The climax in my conclusion is Seol-a's closure with Yu-ji with the help of her (Yu-ji) sister which will lead to more complication in her already complicated feelings. She might end up being withdrawn from all the chaos she was feeling that will push Norae to take action for the fear of lossing her.

It is only 68 episodes of the 100 and the climax was not yet reach. It is very hard to imagine how Ssamba's plan to stretch the story to 100 episodes would be possible but with her genius I believe that she definitely can.

I really miss you Ssamba. I don't know why I feel this way. Maybe it's just me... Maybe it's just me who still feels like crying everytime I remember Norae, Seol-a and most especially you (Ssamba). After all this years my heart still aches.

joined Nov 5, 2020

All the SuminxSeju flashback didn't help at all. I won't argue with SuminxSungji fans here. I am one of you guys in the beginning but the flashback guys.. it break my heart. Besides SuminxSungji was pretty obvious from the start. What I don't understand is the reason behind showing SuminxSeju's past to the point of making a side story about them. To torture us Team Pink? I just hope that someday Team Gaji decides to make a "what if" sequel...

A SuminxSeju in a different multiverse...

joined Nov 5, 2020

Anyways, TG knows what she's writing and she knows that SUMIN/SUNGJI and SEJU/DOWON are the perfect matches.

I can agree with everything else you've said, although they're still debatable but this one is a stretch to say the least. We don't know Do woon, and we haven't even seen them dating long term. You can't say they're the perfect match.
I also doubt TG have this master plan for them. It really seems like at this point they're just milking this series, like someone here said. The story could have ended in season 1.
Do woon is likable in comparison with Sumin and how she treated Seju? Or the fact that she seems nicer, even though we haven't seen much anyway. Well, that's not enough for me personally to get more invested in their story.

The whole marketing of wdtfs is not reading about a cute healthy relationship. It's to tangle into the more dark ones. Take that away from it and what is there left? Cute relationships? Well there are tons of other mangas that do better job at it, and on top of that the love interests are not even that interesting here. Like Sungji hasn't actually helped Sumin move on. She's just there being cute and hasn't even fought.

I don't disagree that Sumin is over Seju. But it feels more forced that she is over her because she is supposed to end up with Sungji.
It's like the author is saying Sumin and Sungji are meant to be, but their actions (the way they're writing the story) says the opposite.
And even if we ignore that, why still give them more chapters even after season 1 was over? Again, actions speak.louder than words for TG here.
When the extra chapters came out, I was ready to move on and read about Seju with a new girl. But we get their flashbacks again.

Yup! I don't understand the reason behind all the flashbacks. Whhhhhyyyyyy????!!!! I want to move on from Seju and Sumin's past(that admit I am captivated) and see Seju at peace with herself first before jumping into next relationship. Not those flashback that only makes me ship them more and an instant relationship with Do won for her to heal.

joined Nov 5, 2020

Well it depends on the "mistake". If it's cheating then it's not just a mistake.
And I can understand why Sumin broke up with Seju after that, but the fact that she kept coming back to her and not letting her move on, as well as her cheating on Sungji but been forgiven is crazy.

I totally agree. Seju deserved a second chance after all those years of sticking with Sumin. If a second chance was given and they still didn't work. Then, I might love SuminxSungji and SejuxWon in the end. But I didn't get that kind of peace. I've only felt empty after reading WDTFS