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Kisugae discussion 27 Dec 07:36
joined Sep 15, 2020

she has a vtuber gaming and drawing channel on youtube :

joined Sep 15, 2020

What I don't understand is the reason behind showing SuminxSeju's past to the point of making a side story about them. To torture us Team Pink? I just hope that someday Team Gaji decides to make a "what if" sequel...

A SuminxSeju in a different multiverse...

if there was a story where the author was indecisive about the end couple and made an alternate timeline(s), wdtfs should be it. i would actually like to see SejuxSungji as a joke or a threesome even(where sungji and seju decide to share sumin,lol that's even better), but SuminxSeju is the ultimate pairing of the series. no amount of thinking could change my mind. it's literally their story.