Forum › Posts by Sto21

joined Sep 6, 2020

I only have to words

joined Sep 6, 2020

Can't be worse than The Ends of a Dream, r-right?

joined Sep 6, 2020

this being a oneshot is cruel, i would kill for full adaption of this idea.
This so much, their relationship can develop in so many ways and we've only scratched the surface.

joined Sep 6, 2020

This series never fails to make me moist

joined Sep 6, 2020

Always cook my eggs in a pan so I wouldn't know but, do eggs blow up in the microwave?

Indeed here's a video that explains it easily and quickly.

joined Sep 6, 2020

Less SFX than expected ... for now.

So who is going to interrupt?
a) Mom (probably then telling them to continue)
b) a maid
c) mom & maids listening to the door and the door falling in
d) a rival attacking
e) something else
F) Nobody

I swear if the answer's not gonna be F ...

April Fool discussion 15 Dec 11:54
joined Sep 6, 2020

When the credit page is more entertaining than the manga

joined Sep 6, 2020

Prediction: she is just gonna Carry her away, like a catfish or cat or something

That or she is chomping something else

Next chapter preview:

joined Sep 6, 2020

Suspenders? Suspenders. SUSPENDERS! God I love women in suspenders, the world needs more of it.

joined Sep 6, 2020

This is so frustrating dammit

joined Sep 6, 2020

Anyone else think the title was "A fruitless brothel" or was it just me

Me too

Not gonna lie, I was a bit disappointed it wasn't that

joined Sep 6, 2020

Fffffuuuuuuuuuuuuck, fuck,fuckity fuck fuck, this is not the kind of suffering I enjoy.

joined Sep 6, 2020

I don't get it.

joined Sep 6, 2020

The thirst is strong with this one but I'm getting red flags from everyone.

joined Sep 6, 2020

Part of me is just waiting on that incest arrow to show up lol

Ngl me too.

Me three

joined Sep 6, 2020

Okay i'm a bit lost, and may have missed a line or two, but who are the boys and girls in this manga?

So, if I got it right, they are all girls except for the piggy tail hair girl that is a crossdressing boy. But yeah it was a lot to take in for a first chapter I hope it doesn't get too slow later on.

joined Sep 6, 2020

Frist things first, her "friends" are pieces of shit for not supporting her and subhumans for mocking her, she should start by losing them before the flabby tummy.

I agree with most of the things said here but I'll add my two cents anyway.
-Refined sugar is the devil and should be avoided like the plague, that includes soft drinks and juices. Designate a day a week where you can eat a sweet (ice cream, chocolate, cookies). Once you go trough the withdrawal symptoms you are good to go.
-No alcohol, alcohol and sugar go hand in hand and have the same effects on the liver.
-Intermittent fasting, look up Dr. Fung.
-Diet breaks. Long story short, diet at deficit for 2/3 weeks and go back at maintenance for 2/1 weeks, repeat for 5/3
months and go back at maintenance for a month. This helps prevent plateaus and the slowing down of the metabolism.
-Keep an active life style even if you don't enjoy exercising. Go out for a walk, find a friend to play some sports with, find an hobby that isn't just binge watching tv or YouTube for hours on end
-Be severe but not harsh with yourself, learn to love and listen to your body, take your time because you're in for the long run. Remember that everyone is different, you need to experiment and find out what works well for you.
-DON'T GIVE MILK TO CATS this one has nothing to do with dieting but people should know.

joined Sep 6, 2020

You can't end a chapter like this, that's just cruel.

joined Sep 6, 2020

Hello darkness my old friend.

joined Sep 6, 2020

They be talking about time travel, but what if it's more than that? What if it's actually an alternate universe?

What if MC went into a coma after hitting her head in ch1 and this is all in her head?

last edited at Aug 23, 2021 2:09PM

joined Sep 6, 2020

I have no idea what's going on, the art is amazing but too confusing and same goes for the dialogue

joined Sep 6, 2020
Liberty discussion 15 Aug 08:56
joined Sep 6, 2020

What a shitshow

joined Sep 6, 2020

It's happening, I can feel it we are drawing closer and closer to it.

joined Sep 6, 2020

Dig the magical realism

Is it magical realism or just money laundering? She might be yakuza for all we know

Well if there ever will be a sequel and won't be about this I'll be severely disappointed.