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joined Jun 18, 2020

Ara, ara, Wakana has seen Yuina naked already? They didn't waste any time, apparently, fufu.

joined Jun 18, 2020

I definitely agree with the sentiment a reader made earlier regarding the reason behind Kurumi's jealousy. Kurumi isn't jealous of Rio for knowing Ruriko, she's jealous of how close they appear to be and how Rio appears to know details about her wife's life overseas that Kurumi does not. Ruriko seems to be the type that keeps a lot to herself, not necessarily because she doesn't want to be open with Kurumi, but because she doesn't want to trouble her wife with matters that she doesn't deem relevant to their relationship. I believe that another reader, who commented that the informal manner in which Ruriko addresses Rio comes more from a lack of respect rather than any kind of familiarity, hit the nail on the head. Ruriko tends to show her deep affection for Kurumi through subtle acts of consideration and kindness. Part of that consideration is using the honorific "-san" to indicate just how much Ruriko respects her wife.

That being said, Kurumi is only human and when people are jealous, they rarely think rationally. To Kurumi, all she sees is a pretty girl acting casually toward her wife, she isn't necessarily thinking about how Ruriko is responding or why. So, although Kurumi's reaction may seem forced from the reader's perspective, it's actually not that hard to believe when viewed through the lens of the character. Also, these feelings of jealousy are completely new to Kurumi, so she's not even sure what they are, let alone how to work through them.

I'd like to point out a very interesting detail in this chapter, and one that Kurumi happens to miss during her little internal turmoil: Rio's response to learning that the woman with Ruriko is Kurumi. Immediately, Rio comments about how Ruriko must have finally worn Kurumi down...if I am not mistaken, the two didn't get married until after college, but Rio met Ruriko when she was still a student. So, in other words, either Ruriko confided in Rio about Kurumi because she assumed they would never meet, or Rio simply picked up on Ruriko's obvious attraction to her best friend. Either way, Rio basically just let the cat out of the bag that Ruriko has always wanted to be with Kurumi, even before their current arrangement. Granted, we already knew this about Ruriko, but Kurumi doesn't seem to realize just how deeply Ruriko cares for her. Overall, I think this chapter did a good job of illustrating Kurumi's slow but steady progression toward viewing Ruriko as her actual lover and not just as her place-holder spouse (honestly, I think Kurumi is completely in love with Ruriko already, she just hasn't woken up to it yet), as well as adding a minor obstacle that may hopefully push Ruriko toward actually confessing (perhaps in an effort to clear up this whole misunderstanding Kurumi has concerning Rio). It's nice to see the story building some forward momentum.

joined Jun 18, 2020

Not to say that Saki is not gay (because I am fairly certain she is), but the author may preserve the subtext simply by implying that the marriage gesture is indicative of Saki's fear over losing a very close female bond. Keep in mind her piano teacher was obviously someone she cared for very much, but then she left after telling Saki she was getting married. Saki may fear that eventually Kanon will leave her for a relationship with a man somewhere down the line, and that fear is why she wishes they could be more closely bonded. In other words, the mangaka could simply write it off as Saki having abandonment issues, rather than her being attracted to Kanon romantically.

That being said, Saki is one thirsty girl. She gets worked up merely from being too close to Kanon. They should probably change the tag to at least "yuri crush" at this point, since it's not 100% clear if Kanon views Saki in the same way. Although, if the author does pursue a full-on yuri plot, I fear that it could end badly. With Kanon potentially rejecting Saki as a girlfriend, and by so doing, losing her most important friendship...not that Saki would abandon her, but the tension and awkwardness might just taint their friendship. And honestly, as much as I would love to see these two get together, I don't want to see the deterioration of such a lovely bond.

joined Jun 18, 2020

I am pleased to see from all the comments that I am not alone in wanting more Wakana and Yuina action. Not that I don't enjoy our main couple, because they're super cute, but there is just something seriously charming about Wakana looking so obviously flustered while Yuina is just the cat that ate the canary (or will be later), lol.

Citrus + discussion 20 Dec 13:08
joined Jun 18, 2020

The genes in Harumin's God. I never tire of seeing flashbacks of kaichou Mitsuko; Maruta caught herself a stone-cold fox.

joined Jun 18, 2020

I feel like it's odd that people are focusing more on Yuu's prescription issue than on the fact that Yuu with glasses is basically God.

All hail Glasses Yuu.

joined Jun 18, 2020

Did anyone else notice that the monster looks like an angry vagina?

Image Comments 05 Sep 07:50
joined Jun 18, 2020

Ah, a post-molt Grea before she cut her hair...I'm all about that life. Dragon girls forever. Anne and Grea are very obviously into each-other. Anne may seem the thirstier of the two, but that is only because her general personality is more outgoing and open. Grea is shy and easily embarrassed (which only adds to her God-tier waifu status), which is why she finds it more difficult to express herself. However, probably the most telling scene in the whole anime is when Anne trips on the boat and lands on top of Grea. They are both locked in a romatically compromised position for a moment and neither seems to want to leave it until they both slowly withdraw, suddenly self-conscious. Last time I checked, people who are JUST friends don't behave that way. Just saying.

joined Jun 18, 2020

You know...I have to say Nononon and Yumimi are the dark horse couple of this series. Nononon is just such a sweetheart; she just strokes Yumimi in the most comforting and loving way without even giving it conscious thought. And then her little "rant" about her heart pounding...God-tier unintentional romanticism--Nononon is best girl without even realizing she's best girl. I truly thought she was going to kiss Yumimi for a second, and you could tell that's what Yumimi thought too, and then she just hugs her...and somehow, that was totally melt-worthy. Just too precious. Because it's SO Nononon. Such a hunny.

joined Jun 18, 2020

I've actually been anticipating the whole Wakana/Yuina pairing for some time now. Basically ever since they joined forces to push Ayaka and Sora together. I agree that they are a complimentary match, and I feel like that was intended by the mangaka as well. I don't know if anyone else noticed, but like Sora and Ayaka, Yuina and Wakana are opposite signs. Wakana is a Sagittarius (my sign as well, and she totally is), and Yuina is a Gemini; those two signs are known as opposite signs of the Zodiac. In other words, they tend to have certain qualities that the other lacks. Furthermore, I feel like Yuina supports Wakana's confession not only because she wants what is best for her friend, but also because she knows that Waka needs closure before she can move on to someone else cough Yuina cough. Given how bad Wakana is at reading signals, though, and how much of a tease Yuina is, it may be a while before we see these two genuinely get together.

Citrus + discussion 22 Jan 11:51
joined Jun 18, 2020

Ah, it's wonderful to see that young lesbians and bisexuals have gained a better grasp of their own sexuality through the power of yuri. Shoujo-ai and yuri actually benefited me in the same way back when I was slowly but surely coming out of the closet (so many moons ago, or at least it feels that way, lol). Yuri...the ultimate gateway drug:3

Citrus + discussion 20 Jan 23:46
joined Jun 18, 2020

P.S. Whomever didn't see the whole Matsuri and Harumi thing happening clearly hasn't been paying attention. Those two have been playing off each-other since they first met. Aside from both girls being far more wise and intuitive than their outward appearances may suggest, they are also both caring and considerate of their friends in their own way. Actually, when you think about it, Harumi and Matsuri disagree so much because they are the two characters who are the most alike. Also, a certain amount of romantic tension from a begrudging attraction (displayed by Matsuri's constant need to antagonize Harumi, and Harumi's seeming annoyance over even the smallest of Matsuri's actions) would go a long way toward explaining much of their relationship thus far.

Citrus + discussion 20 Jan 23:32
joined Jun 18, 2020

Ah, what a lovely, romantic chapter. You know, everyone talks about how attractive Mei is (not that I disagree) and how Yuzu is a useless lesbian for not jumping her at every available opportunity, but keep in mind they are very young and Yuzu is a virgin. The poor girl never dated anyone before Mei, and Mei isn't exactly an open emotional book (although she is getting better about sharing her feelings, as seen here), so I don't blame Yuzu for taking her time. Also, Yuzu is basically the perfect girlfriend. I mean, for real, though. I actually feel proud of a fictional character whenever she responds to anything because Yuzu never fails to act sweet and supportive, even in situations where frustration or hurt feelings would be completely justified. Also, Yuzu has that unique sincerity about her that results in her being the most romantic when she is just being herself. My point being that I think Mei is pretty lucky to have a partner like Yuzu. That being said, yea, those scary-ass press-on nails need to go, lol.

Another reader also posted that this particular chapter really illustrates how Mei and Yuzu's relationship has matured, and I totally agree. Could you imagine if this same situation had happened in the original manga? It would have been like 3 to 5 chapters before it EVER got addressed. Props to these two ladies for handling this situation better than a lot of adults I know. The one thing I found especially telling about this chapter is how much Mei is worried about Yuzu's potential reaction to her losing the ring. I feel like it's a given that Yuzu would take this news in stride, because that is clearly who she is, and I think Mei knows that somewhere deep down. The fact that she probably does know it and still feels an intense, irrational fear of losing Yuzu shows how much Mei truly loves her. In spite of her normally kundere nature, Mei genuinely seems to value her relationship with her girlfriend and, I think, considers herself fortunate to be with someone as emotionally generous as Yuzu. Long story short, they're both best girls in their own way.

Going back for a moment to the question of virginity. We know Yuzu's never been to the big show, but what about Mei? In Citrus, Mei comes onto Yuzu at one point and says something to the effect of she knows it's Yuzu's first time so she'll be gentle...are we to assume, then, that Mei is not a virgin? Considering she had a very forceful male fiance before meeting Yuzu, it's very possible that Mei has already had sex, believing it to be some kind of obligation (knowing her personality). This may also explain why when Mei initiates intimacy, it is often very aggressive (that may be her only real experience with romantic affection). Mei also mentions to Matsuri that although she does want Yuzu in a sexual way, she feels that it's important to take their relationship seriously and not rush into anything physical. I don't see anything wrong with this approach, and I think Mei might actually feel intimidated by the idea of sex with Yuzu because she cares about her so much. Due to Mei's previous experiences (which I am guessing were not especially romantic or even pleasant), she may experience a disconnect between sex and love, and therefore, the idea of being intimate with Yuzu could actually be kind of scary for her. This would explain why when she was merely teasing Yuzu in beginning, Mei was very calm, but now that real feelings are involved she becomes flustered when Yuzu so much as kisses her.

last edited at Jan 20, 2021 11:35PM

joined Jun 18, 2020

Admittedly, I was not sure I was going to like this manga. I enjoy Canno's work very much, but I am a monogamous person who struggles greatly with a deep-seated fear of abandonment that often manifests itself as possessiveness and jealousy when I have a partner. That being said, I actually love this series thus far. Rin is best girl in my mind, which is unexpected, since she seems to be the most openly and conscientiously poly of the three main characters. But Rin's character has actually gone a long way to helping me better understand the poly mindset and how people who genuinely love more than one person might have difficulties in their own right, especially since society as a whole does not necessarily encourage multiple partners. Most people often view it as cheating or wanting to "have your cake and eat it too", but in Rin's situation that did not seem to be the case; she comments that one friend was always pulling her along, while the other looked up to her. Rin got something unique from either relationship, which is why she couldn't pick between them, and that makes sense to me because we don't necessarily love the people we love for all the same reasons. After all, relationships are give and take, and what we take from one we may not receive in another. Personally, I am the sort who would prefer one person to fulfill my emotional needs, but I get why that may not be possible for others.

That being said, all the characters are doing each-other a bit of a disservice at this point. As much as I love Rin (especially when she's all hot and bothered, anyone else love a sexually aggressive Rin? Because I'm all for it), she has lied several times now. First, Rin fibbed about being "experienced" just so she would still have an excuse to "educate" Mayuki. Then Rin lied to Akira about the true nature of her relationship with Mayuki until she was finally caught. And finally, Rin lies to herself. She says she is completely fine just allowing Mayuki her happiness, even if that happiness no longer involves a physical relationship with Rin. But clearly, that is not entirely true, and Rin's denial of that is only going to cause issues down the line. Akira won't confess to Rin, and instead uses her "concern" for Rin's well-being as an excuse to try and manipulate her away from Mayuki. I completely get Akira's uglier side, because I have had similar thoughts myself; I just hope that her realization about the role Mayuki has played in Rin's life will help her be both a better friend and a better potential partner to Rin. But Mayuki is probably causing me the most grief. Why? Because Mayuki is one of those characters that cannot see beyond her own emotions, and because of her obsession with Akira, she is oblivious to the fact that Rin is crazy about her. Yes, she sees Rin's lingering pain and even remarks that it was wrong of her--given Rin's past anguish--to ask for "special lessons". However, she completely misses the mark when it comes to just how much she is hurting Rin or just how much Rin might actually mean to Mayuki (I honestly think Mayuki is developing genuine feelings for Rin, but she is just too dense to realize the extent of them yet).

Over all, I am very interested to see how the story progresses. I would like to see a realistic portrayal of the struggles that can arise when people who are not initially poly, like Akira, are dealt an unexpected hand. But ultimately, as corny as it may sound, I just want all my ladies to end up happy together.

last edited at Sep 19, 2020 5:47PM

joined Jun 18, 2020

Aw...just adorable. Fuel for the fire that Miyoshi is, on some level, aware of her feelings for Ayano. The fact that she wants to keep Ayano's reply to herself (not to mention the goofy, happy grin) speaks volumes.

joined Jun 18, 2020

I can't tell if Mari is wearing one of those shirts that doubles as a dress, or if she's simply not wearing any pants/shorts/skirt. Not that anybody's complaining!

Right?! I was absently wondering about this detail as well. I thought, "Wait, was she wearing shorts before, or is that like a sweater/skirt?"...or more importantly "Was she just not wearing anything down there to begin with?" and then "hmm...drafty", finally I settled on "Do women often not wear bottoms on buses in Japan? And if so...why don't I live in Japan, again?". Ah, the inner ramblings of a yuri fan-girl.

joined Jun 18, 2020

Oh, I noticed several other people on here mentioned Haruka and Kanae as a favorite couple. Can I just take a moment to write a small love letter to these two? They are both socially awkward for various reasons, but somehow they still managed to find one-another. One of my favorite moments between these two is actually a relatively small one: the chapter where Haruka is playing that word game with the other girls in the tennis club and she says something a little unusual (which, personally, I found charming). None of the other girls get it, and they make her feel out of place, but then she thinks of Kanae and how easily the other girl accepts her. It's very touching. Also, Haruka is a stone-cold fox, so way to go Kanae-chan! Lol.

joined Jun 18, 2020

But honestly, it's probably going to continue to be a very slow burn between those two because even if they both decide to stop being useless lesbians, there's still the issue of their friendship. When you've been so close for that long, it can be a hard and scary transition to become lovers. As you can tell, I am clearly a yuri fan-girl and far too invested in this storyline as well, lol.

I agree, it is hard and sometimes the stuff keeps going and going a micro increments until it has turned into a relationship without the two friends knowing that they are in a relationship especially one with Ayano being a more reserved person who it is harder to tell people deepest secrets and a thick head like Miyoshi who might miss the fact they are basically in a relationship.

It's so funny that this point was brought up because, funny story, I actually know someone this happened to in real life. She was talking to a woman for a long time, they clearly had feelings for each-other, and eventually they just sort of lapsed into a relationship without my friend realizing it. The only reason she noticed was because the other woman made a comment to her at one point about their "relationship" and she was like "Wait, our what?", lol. Oh...we can all be useless lesbians sometimes.

However, back to this chapter. I rather enjoy Mari and Yuu. Mari's devotion to Yuu is just adorable, and Yuu is such a classic tsundere that I cannot help but find them endearing. Also, on a less wholesome note, did anyone else think "Wow, this is about as close to full-blown sex (foreplay not included) that anyone has come in this series thus far"? I'm all about it, lol.

joined Jun 18, 2020

Is it just me or does it feel as though Miyoshi knows how Ayano feels, or at the very least feels the same way, and wants to nudge Ayano into confessing by saying and doing these incredibly suggestive things to her all the time?

In the chapter where the two of them are discussing childhood friends becoming lovers on the bus, Miyoshi is the one who initially remarks that if one of them were a guy, they would have totally fallen in love and started dating by now. Miyoshi is also the one who kabedons Ayano first and is also the one who recommends they join the other couples during the whole lap-pillow chapter. Granted, Miyoshi comes off as dense sometimes and she can be super goofy, but when it comes to her best friend she can also be highly intuitive. Remember the chapter where Ayano gets molested on the train? Ayano brushes it off at first, but Miyoshi sees through her strong front and recognizes that she was really very upset. I think that if/when a confession does come, it may just be Miyoshi who brings it about.

I completely agree. I think they both want something to happen, but they're just too insecure to make a move. In fact, I think that's why Miyoshi often "ruins the mood" by making jokes because she starts to feel too awkward and insecure every time they get close.

Miyoshi’s insecurities have been teased so it surely isn't far-fetched to say that she’s hesitant towards pushing for a change in their relationship, and leaving it up to Ayano to do the confessing. She is incredibly intuitive when it comes to Ayano, as y’all brought up, and that’s a good point to keep in mind. I had found her expressions during chapter 176 particularly interesting, especially with the whole ‘lonely’ remark. I feel that those specific pauses on her face during the conversation were teasing a bit of this almost timid and hesitant side to her.

I want to keep rambling because I’m invested in this slow burn but I just wanted to state my agreeance because I have an inkling this is something that’s gonna maybe be touched upon again later on in the series.

I dunno, regardless, MiyoshixAyano chapters are still wonderful despite the usual formula ending in useless yuris every time.

And off topic but I thought Miyoshi had gotten a haircut or something with the first panel (her billowing locks gave the impression of a trim, I guess) and I kicked my wall. Gosh dang my heart...

Actually, it is funny that you bring up the moment Miyoshi suddenly feels very far away from Ayano, because that is a very key moment in my mind. I am assuming you are referring to the chapter where Ayano is told how cute she is by the store clerk (way to state the obvious, by the way, clerk-san, lol). I think the fact that someone else noticed Ayano and that--for once--Ayano seems even slightly intrigued by someone else (even if she was only mildly flattered), really gets to Miyoshi; she suddenly realizes that her childhood friend (cough love of her life cough), could be stolen away by another. That might possibly be the moment when Miyoshi finally begins to see her own feelings more clearly, hence why her flirting with Ayano really picks up from that point onward. By the way, I appreciate the fact that Ayano states she has no interest in the clerk because he isn't her type, lol. What's even better is that we, as the readers, sense that Miyoshi probably already knows what that implies on some level.

But honestly, it's probably going to continue to be a very slow burn between those two because even if they both decide to stop being useless lesbians, there's still the issue of their friendship. When you've been so close for that long, it can be a hard and scary transition to become lovers. As you can tell, I am clearly a yuri fan-girl and far too invested in this storyline as well, lol.

joined Jun 18, 2020

Is it just me or does it feel as though Miyoshi knows how Ayano feels, or at the very least feels the same way, and wants to nudge Ayano into confessing by saying and doing these incredibly suggestive things to her all the time?

Think about it.

In the chapter where the two of them are discussing childhood friends becoming lovers on the bus, Miyoshi is the one who initially remarks that if one of them were a guy, they would have totally fallen in love and started dating by now. Miyoshi is also the one who kabedons Ayano first and is also the one who recommends they join the other couples during the whole lap-pillow chapter. Granted, Miyoshi comes off as dense sometimes and she can be super goofy, but when it comes to her best friend she can also be highly intuitive. Remember the chapter where Ayano gets molested on the train? Ayano brushes it off at first, but Miyoshi sees through her strong front and recognizes that she was really very upset. I think that if/when a confession does come, it may just be Miyoshi who brings it about.

Love this pairing, by the way, my favorite in the series.

to be honest,. indeed looks like that, just like that chapter with whole Kiss situation in the school library, but i think both of them feel insecure about how the other one is gonna respond a confession even when they act like newlyweds dorks(you know just another day in a shoujo ai/yuri plot)
Pd: Not my fav couple (Elisha x Honoka forevah) but one of the best from this series

I completely agree. I think they both want something to happen, but they're just too insecure to make a move. In fact, I think that's why Miyoshi often "ruins the mood" by making jokes because she starts to feel too awkward and insecure every time they get close.

joined Jun 18, 2020

Is it just me or does it feel as though Miyoshi knows how Ayano feels, or at the very least feels the same way, and wants to nudge Ayano into confessing by saying and doing these incredibly suggestive things to her all the time?

Think about it.

In the chapter where the two of them are discussing childhood friends becoming lovers on the bus, Miyoshi is the one who initially remarks that if one of them were a guy, they would have totally fallen in love and started dating by now. Miyoshi is also the one who kabedons Ayano first and is also the one who recommends they join the other couples during the whole lap-pillow chapter. Granted, Miyoshi comes off as dense sometimes and she can be super goofy, but when it comes to her best friend she can also be highly intuitive. Remember the chapter where Ayano gets molested on the train? Ayano brushes it off at first, but Miyoshi sees through her strong front and recognizes that she was really very upset. I think that if/when a confession does come, it may just be Miyoshi who brings it about.

Love this pairing, by the way, my favorite in the series.

last edited at Jun 18, 2020 8:54AM