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joined May 3, 2020

Thank you both so much for your insight !!! happy holidays !!

joined May 3, 2020

hi all,

I found this website because a jp artist I follow posted their doujin on there. It's kind of hard to navigate and I really wanted to buy some yuri doujin while I was at it since shipping is always a killer. Any recommendations on how to narrow down the search? I've tried typing in my fave artists from here but it pulls up no results because, well, it's in english lol.

TLDR if anyone has yuri doujin or illustration book recommendations to buy on alice-books please let me know!! thank you!!

edit: they have a "gay" category but all I've seen there is BL .. alas

last edited at Dec 21, 2023 7:36PM

joined May 3, 2020

"I feel lonely" I'm sure anyone would feel lonely if they fumbled a girl as top tier as Fuuko lol

joined May 3, 2020

hi, I was wondering how we delete our account or change our username? bc the current one I have is like. dead old lmao

Hi. There's no option to do it yourself, but I can handle that for you if you let me know what your preference is (i.e. delete your account, or change the username to something you'd prefer)

ahh thank you! I'd like to change my username to sharkluvr then please :D

joined May 3, 2020

hi, I was wondering how we delete our account or change our username? bc the current one I have is like. dead old lmao

joined May 3, 2020

the way I actually cried bc it hit close to home TT__TT bravo. fantastic one shot

joined May 3, 2020

I've never publicly commented on a manga before, but after binging the entirety of this series in one night. man. (I am def skipping class this morning lol..)

Yuri subtext or not, this is one of the few pieces of fiction I've seen portray grief the way I've experienced / am experiencing it. I don't cry when reading or watching things but I cried like three different times reading this because it brought up good and bad memories.

Like, don't get me wrong, I'm gay + love seeing gay shit, but I'm sticking with this series until the end.. definitely grabbing some tissues preemptively for whenever new chapters come out though LOL