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joined Mar 9, 2020

ahh, typical ending of Mono no aware, that’s beautiful

joined Mar 9, 2020

its funny the criticisms abt Uta didnt move on when she realized it would be a lifelong unrequited love and still stuck in it, which is culture conflict i guess.
In asian culture, “片想いなら見守っていればいい” (if it’s an unrequited love then better just watch over it) is very common for puppy love, its like, even i will be dating the others, but you are the only one on my mind. if you are in a pinch i will give up anything to save you, nothing can prove my love but wasting life for you.
it may seem so sick, but we are so into these horrible romances relating to a japanese aesthetic 侘び寂び (wabi sabi) means to embrace imperfection and impermanence.

joined Mar 9, 2020

as the newest raw, i gonna stop reading this manga, seems like they really enjoy the shurajou between exes which i can’t really bear