I can't believe it, there's actually a lot of yuri in here. It's never the point of the plot, but they definitely go beyond "playing around". Also, a bit of reciprocated romance. And as far as I can see, there's quite the happy end here for 5-3.
Honestly, I hate reading this manhua because it's too good and too real. It makes me nostalgic for my elementary years in the Chinese school system. This manhua is really accurate in depicting the hierarchy within the student body system that could be found even at a young age. We were young, the school system was heavily focused on performance, and the Chinese parenting system tends to be authoritative. It was no surprise that some kids, when given a little more power over their peers, would overstep them. But the hierarchical and social nature of the student body system meant that although disputes ultimately reached the teacher, much of the problem played out in the social sphere between students. These social relations were incredibly interesting, much more interesting and rewarding than the playground cliques we formed in the US primary school system.
If parts of this manhua seems a bit too deep and a bit too cruel for elementary students, well, it's probably because primary school in China is serious business. I suppose westerners won't ever describe this kind of atmosphere as "fun", but it was incredibly fun for us. Because it was meaningful interaction, not just arguing about who's Pokemon was the strongest at lunch time (although we certainly did that too).
u17 is a paid website. I only got to 171 on another website, but I'm interested in the ending now. Does anyone have the last 20 chapters up to 191? I can translate as payment.